Undead Farm

Chapter 383: There is a boat in the desert of Shenzho

I saw a tall desert in the back of the giant standing on the back with a group of hunchback geeks with spears and strange masks!

They have a strong but not bloated scorpion muscle. At first glance, they are agile but not lacking in strength. The skin is a normal bronze in the desert, which is healthy and powerful.


The dog head Awang frowned with a knife.

"Hu Wei, Larry Larika kills the tower!" A hunchback man in the center stretched his spear and pointed at the night and they shouted.

"Who are they, what are they going to do?" asked the third child who didn't understand.

"I don't know, but I want to open this mountain with me. Let's put things down and give us a way to live..." Awang replied.

"Are they not also orcs? Can we..."

"Useless!" Awang shook his head.

"The camel people simply did not belong to the beastly empire, and this deserted boat is not strictly a territory of the beastly empire. We are actually cross-border guys, they want to do anything to us!"

"Scratch! Then you take us here!" Eddy fire.

As a water master, this desert environment made him very uncomfortable. It was almost a waste of his mana when he condensed the water in a place where the water was scarce.

Now if Ivan Wood is not carrying it, he can't even catch up with the team.

He has never been so embarrassed!

Awang shrugged: "This is not a hurry, but I did not expect that there will be so many camels. It is reasonable to meet two sandals. It is strange that we are too bad luck, or What are we here to attract them?"

Say, Awang sneaked a glimpse of the best-protected cars in the team, and the goods that the caravan needed to ship to the Empire State.

"Huka! Let's break it!!"

The camel once again shouted, this time obviously can feel the impatience in the tone, the other camel people also raised their spears, began to pat the hard shell of the sand.

The slamming of the bangs brought great pressure to everyone.

The other 50 sand crickets plus 500 camel warriors are very difficult to annihilate in the case of full advantage. If they accidentally escaped, who knows whether they will bring more enemies.

"We are just passing by, absolutely no malice! I can give you half of the water and food! Please let us pass!" blood yelled.

But what responded to him was a spear that was tied into the sand with a handle!

"No, I want all!"

"Include you!"

The lead camel suddenly opened the mask, and they licked their thick lips against the night.

"Making eggs! Hands-on!"

In the night of the third day, the face changed, and the bone sword would be washed away. As a result, his feet suddenly disappeared, and he looked at the ground in amazement.


Tearing the Lala, a huge drifting sand suddenly appeared under their feet, and they all rolled in all of them.

And the camel leader took the mask again, smirking:

"Welcome to the desert world, foreigners!"


After a while, and I don’t know how many buttocks and hammers face, Eddie finally woke up in the dizziness.

"I... I am not dead? Hahaha! My genius really won't die so easily! I want to be... Hey?!"

The familiar big hand once again sealed Eddie's mouth, and Eddie noticed that he was sitting around his companion, and of course the dirty and rough orcs.

"Small sound, affecting the night!"

Ivan Woode made a sly gesture and pointed to the wall.

Eddie discovered that they were trapped in a secret room filled with sand. The truck was gone, and there was a wall around it, and the top of the head was dark.

The night three and Doug Wang are kneeling by the wall, and their ears are tightly attached to the wall. I don't know what to listen to.

"They are coming!"

On the night of the night, I suddenly took out the bone sword and squinted at a wall, which made everyone nervous.

Sure enough, the wall actually moved slowly in a roar, revealing a deep passage, but no one in the passage!

"Interesting, is this for us to go in?"

Eddie wants to let the half-beasts open the way, but the words have not yet opened, and the two guys in Betty and Betty took the lead, and Betty even faster than the night!

"Hey! Are you rushing to reincarnate?!"

As Haodell keeps up, the others naturally go out together, and the passage looks long, but in fact it is only about a kilometer, and soon a hole appears in front.

"this is……"

Everyone walked out of the hole and suddenly was shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw a hole in the hole, and there was a huge ship that was more than 500 meters long and hundreds of meters high under the dark ground!

A row of densely populated muzzles emerged from the side of the giant ship, with thousands of camel soldiers on the deck and a tall building at the stern.

The shining lights are coming from the building, revealing the whole picture of this huge cave and huge ship in front of them in the night! lightnovelpub.net~咕噜!

"Deceptive? Is there such a big ship under the desert?!"

"Shen Zhou desert, does this mean this?"

Ignore Awang, who muttered to himself, and saw that there was a wooden bridge directly connected to the deck at night, but someone had already stepped on it.


The night brows more frowning, this Betty has been anomalous since entering here, but he never explained.

"He may have found something that appeals to him." Zhou Hong behind him suddenly spoke.

At night, I remembered that there was still a big one around me.

"Why don't you shoot before you fall?"

Zhou Hong shrugged: "You are not in danger of life, rest assured, if you really do, then at least you can go."

At night, it was a brow that looked at Zhou Hong: "Are you okay?"

"I...nothing, there is a breath here that makes me very uncomfortable, let's go! If you don't leave those people, you won't give you a chance!"

Zhou Hong pointed to the front, and sure enough, the group of camels looked at them one by one. There was a big man who came to play, or I used to play with you.

Suddenly looked at Zhou Hong, and shook his head at night, and set foot on the simple wooden bridge like scaffolding.

"It can make Zhou Hong uncomfortable. It seems that this mission is not so easy..."

In the snoring, everyone slid on the deck.

When my feet touched the golden hull, I couldn’t help but deeply sigh at night:

This is what the world can make!

I can't see it clearly in the distance, but I haven't found him in the near future.

This huge ship is actually made of all metal!