Undead Farm

Chapter 390: Dangerous eating melon

"Hahaha, aren't you the blood of the ancients richer than me? But now, oh! I am awake but the extinct Titan blood! I heard it clearly, it is Titan!"

"I can punch you into a meat sauce now! If you are interested, you will remove the position of the Emperor and destroy the spirit of the sword!"

"You have too many words."

Brutefully raised his eyes and swept to the wild, there was no fluctuation in his eyes, it seemed to be looking at a boring clown.

"This is another look! Who do you think you are!"

Lu Tai suddenly screamed, and in one step it was teleported to the savage, and the fist was already on the face!

At this time, the place where he stood still blew a loud bang, and then a huge wind and dust blew the chiefs down, and all of them rushed to the side.

"Fast!" The night is more gazing.

This kind of physical strength like a teleport, how to resist it?

However, the bang banged out loudly, and the smoke that had been stirred up by the Thai slammed his eyes and blinked.


I saw that Lu Tai looked incredulously at his fist, and the savage was standing two meters away from him, watching him quietly.

"Impossible! You can't hide my fist!"

It’s really a teleport, this time it’s really a teleport, and even if you look at the night of the longan, you can’t see clearly that he’s already attacked.

But this time, quite fiercely still holding hands and standing in place.

"Hey! What happened? Is there a problem with pretty Thai eyes? How do you go out to the air?" Some viewers were puzzled.

Obviously, I stood in the same place. Why did the Thais always attack the two meters around him?

"Is it... is it?!" Betty looked dignified and looked pretty.

"What is the situation?"

"Potential! This is definitely a potential. I didn't expect it to be used to defend against the momentum of the other side.!" Betty dignified.

"The power of Tianwei Emperor can make the strength of the other party not play out, but it is also based on the premise of suppressing the momentum of the other party, and the unspeakable [potential] of the savage, but the other party has produced the place where his body is located. Misjudgment, he..."

Betty swallowed.

"He used his own power to condense a fake body around him! Let the savage mistakenly think that the attacking object is there!"

Sure enough, quite Thai seems to have found out where the problem lies.

Because his attack speed is very fast, and his eyesight is obviously fundamental, so he relies on locking the savage breath, but the result is put together by the other party, let him make a big bang!

"Ah!! Coward! Dare to pick up..."


The audience was silent.


Everyone stunned and looked at the stunned blue stunned, and used the body to plow a large ditch of 300 meters long and more than 10 meters deep!

And the scene that caused this scene was just a savage and gentle gesture.

Yes, it’s so light that everyone can see how he punches, and how the Thai is being shot!

"The Emperor! The Emperor! The Emperor!"

The audience slammed up, the strongest of the Orcs, the man!

"Cough! Oh wow!"

However, only two seconds, the singer woke up, and he looked at it blankly. The sluggish eyes were never resolved, the suspicion, and then the anger and unwillingness, the roar rushed to the savage again.

But a tall figure blocked him.

"Lion, do you want to block me?!" Pretty Thai is like an injured beast, angered.

A golden lion swayed his head: "Calm down, victory will be yours, just need you a little... slower."

"Slow down? What do you mean?"

Pretty Thai scratched his head in an inexplicable way. He couldn't touch the other side with his fastest speed and the greatest strength. Wouldn't it be a target to slow down? !

But the lion just smiled and looked at the savage, faintly said: "Very strong, I admit that you are strong, but strong does not mean that you can bring us the Orcs chaos!"

"It is an indisputable fact that the Orcs are leading to weakness and degeneration under your leadership. Before we thought about you, how terrified our orc family was! But since you and the Tianweidi, you have changed!"

"You have to learn human beings, you are close to humans and even close to our orcs, and people doubt who is yours!"

"You, even if you are strong, don't deserve to be our emperor!"

"Is that enough?" Brutly holding his chest, glanced at the Thai, and glanced at the chiefs and the audience in the stands.

"You want tradition, I will give you tradition. But if you still can't beat me, then listen to me, because,"

"I, yes, pretty, emperor!"


The audience shouted again, this kind of imposing manner, really, too convincing!

"Asshole, the Emperor is mine! My!"

Han Tai seems to be stabbed to the pain, and the red eye flies again and rushes toward the savage.

This time, he no longer uses the momentum to perceive, but with his own eyes, he is locked in savage.

"I see where you are hiding from here~lightnovelpub.net~dead!"

Call, call, call!

Three consecutive punches, this time the brute force has escaped by flashing, but this also makes the wilderness more and more crazy.

"Effective! As long as I hurry up, I will definitely hit!"

"Ah la la la la la la la la!"


Suddenly, the thunderous sound of the thunder continued to sound, and the grandstand opposite the tower also made a roar and scream.

The air waves brought by his fists were directly bombarded into the stands. In an instant, hundreds of spectators were directly beaten into meat sauces!

But the audience did not panic at all, but they all stood up high, waving their hands constantly, excitedly screaming!

Orc, even if you eat melon, it is blood!

And at night, I looked at the steps under my ass, and I realized where the dark red blood was coming from.

"Crazy! A group of madmen! Fortunately, we are standing opposite the violent, or we will be affected!" Eddie just nodded, but was pressed by Ivan Wood.

"Stupid, it’s not that you are late, we haven’t been able to go there, we’re still far from that far!”

Eddie turned his eyes: "If you don't mean it, you can see that the guy is terrible. You don't need us to answer it!"

Looking at the field, it was quite a slap in the face, and it was easy to hold the fist of Han Tai, and stopped his attack, while the chest of the Thai continually undulating, his face was shocked.


"Why have I been so big for so many years! Why?"

I punched it again and slammed it.

Suddenly, he was beaten to the chest by the punch, and then slammed back to the back for 30 meters before stopping!


Hit it?