Undead Farm

Chapter 403: Sawtooth with blood

"Report! The crazy army five thousand cavalry out of the city to meet the enemy, destroying the other 30,000 horsemen and returning to the city safely, the battle damages four hundred! Great victory!"

"Report! The Orcs launched a mad counterattack, and the rabbits made a strategy of digging the city, but they were broken by the wind, and the water masters poured out groundwater, drowning more than 10,000 people in the rabbit family!"

"Report! Orc troops rushed to the championship city, under the cover of the skunk's poisonous smoke, the city gate only lasted for ten minutes and was broken. The champion city mad army died and the battle was not retired. After the massacre of the enemy army was about 40,000... ..."

The commander bites his teeth:

"Only the squadron of Lei Anmin has two hundred cavalrymen who have successfully broken through, and the rest of them, including Feng Sheng, all of them are killed!"

The joy of the great day has not faded, and a bad news came immediately. The people in the base camp were shocked by the ground.

"Lianfeng Shengdu... It was only three days that it was broken. The Orc is so powerful?!"

Ding Li wrinkled his eyebrows: "Through Lei Anmin!"

Lei Anmin was **** and returned from the account. The tiger eyes slammed on the ground with one knee:

"The subordinates are incompetent, failing to let Feng Shengen retreat, please adults to punish!"

"This is the task of ten dead and no life, you are also the warriors who voluntarily go, what sin!" Ding Li waved.

"But after the Wind Temple, let you break through, want you to say more than this sentence?"

Lei Anmin took a deep breath: "Yes! Feng Sheng let me send the news back, the Orc invasion is serious!"


Everyone looked at each other and was shocked.

"The message is right?!"

“The Wind St. says it is natural!”


The accountants will have a cold breath.

If this is the case, then the Orcs will not just play as they think, the new emperor is so simple to set up a power, but really wants to decide to die with the Tianwei Empire!

"Is this crazy? What good is this for them!" A saint angered.

"Yeah, isn't he afraid of the threat of other Principalities?! It's just that you have to find us to die and drag us into the water!"

However, Ding Li waved his hand: "From the first day of the invasion of the Orcs, don't you have this consciousness?! Lei Anmin, tell me how the Orc attacked your city!"

Everyone was shocked, and things have come to this point. It is true that they can only act on the basis of the existing information. Otherwise, the 50,000 people will have no value at all!

"Yeah, isn't it true that the orc attacking ability is very bad? How did it persist after three days of being broken? The city gate did not insist on it for ten minutes. Did the other party use a trick we didn't know?"

Lei Anmin shook his head with a smile: "No, no trick!"

"This time, the Orc used the force to break the wall!"

According to the past rules, the orc attacking the city is to suppress the city wall by the horse striker, and then send the bottom group and the hard work as the artillery of the arrow and the mage of the cannon, and then send the elite troops to attack the city.

This process goes down, usually at least ten days and a half, but this time the number of orcs is too much.

The arrows that were fired by the followers of the horses could turn the whole city into an arrow hell, and even the chopsticks could not be inserted!

In the follow-up, they did not send cannon fodder, but directly let the elephant troops directly impact the city wall. Without the suppression of the men and women shooters, the human forces could not stop the elephants from attacking the city.

In those ten minutes, it was still the time when Feng Sheng used a lot of mana to blow off his bow and arrow, but unfortunately the Orc sent a team of strong men to directly drag him, and the champion city was shattered.


Everyone looked at each other and they had considered it in this situation, but I didn’t expect it to be so devastating.

Lei Anmin suddenly saw another glimpse of a long strip of blood wrapped in his arms:

"Adult, this is the Orc arrow that I brought back from the battlefield. Please be sure to take a look."

"This is... how is it possible?!"

Ding Li opened the cloth and found that there was a **** arrow. The arrow was very well preserved. It can be seen that the jagged sharp arrow and the tail feather of the straight arrow tail.

The whole bow and arrow is actually cast in one piece with metal!

"Is the Orc having such a strong casting process? So fine, even the dwarf craftsman is just that? No wonder the city forces will be suppressed..."

When everyone thinks that Feng Sheng is going to blow such a heavy arrow, the mana cost does not know to what extent, and this kind of metal arrow is even if the heavy infantry is not checked and blocked by the shield, it is also going to happen!

But the most important thing is that the intelligence brought back by Lei Anmin is a lot of such arrows! Too much can not be achieved by civil arms trading!

“Don't the dwarves sell weapons to the Orcs in large quantities? Let's not say the money from the Orcs. Isn't the dwarf afraid of our anger?!”

It is normal to sell weapons. After all, it is good to send war money, but civil behavior and official behavior are two different things. This level of arms trading is already a level of destruction of diplomacy!

If the dwarf is not blinded by gold coins, it is that they think humans will lose!

"No! It shouldn't be done by the dwarf!" Delk, on the side, shook his head after carefully looking at the arrow.

"Our Northland is facing the frozen snows~lightnovelpub.net~ The dwarves there are not rubbing against us for two days. We know about their temper."

"While they can get a lot of weapons from the Orcs, they may do it, but the weapons of this grade are not their style, look!"

Delk pointed to the arrow: "This kind of sawtooth arrow is the arrow that the dwarf most despise. It has no advantage except for the difficulty of removing it after inserting the wound. It is the process that the dwarf has already eliminated."

"As we all know, the dwarf guns are very developed, so they will only create an arrow now, that is the spiral arrow!"

"The kind of arrow is faster and the armor effect is terrible. The key is that the production is very simple and very easy to make in large quantities. If the orc wants the dwarf to provide the arrow, it should be a spiral arrow, not a rough one. A jagged arrow that costs a lot of work!"

"Not a dwarf... Then you mean that the orc has matured and can be compared to the casting process of the dwarf?!" Someone was surprised.

The iron ore content of the Beast Empire is amazing, but because of the scarcity of fuel and the lack of abundance in their heads, forgings that require brain and patience have always been weak.

But if their forging techniques keep up, then this is terrible!

If humans have no advantage in equipment, then what can they fight against these physically strong orcs?

"Don't worry, don't forget, we still have the Masters!"

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