Undead Farm

Chapter 417: Paradox projection


It took only one second for Ize's face to change from doubt, ignorance to excitement.

He suddenly jumped up: "How did I not think of it! The master is really a master! Genius!"

"Wait, you are saying 啥? Can you explain it in person?" The third night scratched his head.


In the blink of an eye, two white eyes swept over, but after seeing the murderous eyes of the night, Ize finally realized that this is his own boss in front of him, and then he started to understand.

He picked up a charcoal pen and pointed to both ends:

"The boss, if you compare this to the dimension crack and the channel of the junta, then every dimension crack should be a nib, but the dimension crack can increase with the expansion of the junction. I don’t mean that we can set a second dimension crack?"

Nodded at night and signaled him to continue.

"The nature of the dimension cracks in the same dimension world expansion is actually the same. In other words, each dimension crack can be seamlessly connected, because in a sense, they are the same object, then the problem arises. It is."

Ize took a pen and split it into two halves. The ends of the pens were put together, and the two nibs were separated to form a V-shape.

"You see, the nib is still the nib, but it is divided into two halves. If it is normal, the transmission must pass through the pen, which is the dimension space."

"But we know that some large substances can't be engraved with the film, and they can't be protected with identification tokens. They are often cut into particles by the turbulent flow in the moment of entering the crack of the dimension. This is also the former boss your building can't put. The reason for the inside of the king, but..."

Ize tears a tear, tears off a piece of cloth, twists it back together, and then inserts a pen tip into the **** joint.

"If the second dimension crack is placed in the sect of the king? Is there an exit as the entrance, the entrance is the exit, and the turbulent flow between the two dimensional cracks will cease to exist, and those buildings will pass. This method is directly placed in the king of the king?!"

At night, the eyebrows were more picky. Although Ize said that he knew all the words, he didn't understand it at all, but he understood it in the last sentence.

“Can my building move into the world?”

"Not only that!" Ize continued to be excited.

"Because there is a paradox channel between the two dimensional cracks, they will affect each other. This effect is usually called:"

"Outside projection!"

"It is said that in ancient times, there was an accident of the outer boundary projection on the sacred stone continent. However, the projection was a different power, and it almost destroyed the sacred stone continent. I heard that what kind of spider is the mother? ”

At night, I was even more worried: "Original Spider?"

Ize scratched his head: "Is this name? Probably, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that this alien projection gives me a theory that reality and projection can actually affect each other,"

"Do you think that you can control the things in the world? The dimensional cracks are no exception, so as long as you close or shrink the dimensional cracks in the junta, the same changes will occur in the outside world. ”

"In other words, the crack in the city of Tianshi City, you can turn it into a ring. If you want to open it, you can put it where you want it. How about it? Not so bad?!"


The head of the night three seems to have been slammed by a hammer.

This seems to be a little invincible!

One of the reasons why he did not dare to evacuate before was that he was afraid that the crack in the Teshi City would be destroyed, but now that there is a way to take it away...

More importantly, think about whether you can take your family to the world and escape. Isn't it no longer necessary to worry about your own nest? !

and many more!

If his own undead transmissions are all over the world, isn’t he going to be there, and where can his base and army be followed?

Imagine a ghost, but the last second is still in the beastly empire, but the second is in the undead army of the Tianwei Empire.

Hey, scared to scare them!

It’s no more scruples to escape!

"Get it! Let's get it up now!" The third night was even more gasping.

But Ize reached out to him, and his index finger licked:

"Then, the construction of the second dimension crack needs to consume a lot of space spar, otherwise it will not be able to stabilize the shape, and the minute will be decomposed in the original place, so..."

"Space spar?" The night brows more frowned, and found that things are not so simple.

The small piece of that thing is very expensive, or the raw material of the space ring. He is now poor and white because of the war. Even the seventh floor building can't be built. Where can I get the space spar?

And I don’t have to think about it. I know that I’m going to have a lot of weight. If he has money, he can’t buy it.

"What are you guilty?" Bede glanced down at the night of the night.

"Isn't that thing far from the horizon, close at hand?"

After that, Bede used his little feet to draw a few lines on the ground to outline a familiar building.

"Human portals!!" The night is even more awkward.

"Right! Although the Orcs have captured the city of the Principality of the South~lightnovelpub.net~ But the Portal failed due to the lack of space Master's manipulation, so they did not move at all. It must have been to study this technology after the war. Then..."

"The transmission spar in the portal is definitely still there, we just have to take the things out there!"

I thought I had to do it. On the night of the night, I quickly left the king of the world and issued a crazy order:

"In three days, sneak into all the cities with portals through the undestroyed undead!"

The original undead transmission line left behind when the gravel road was originally built was put to use. In the short three days, Sha Wencheng and No. 3 kept pouring blood in the cities.

Then, taking advantage of the loneliness of the orcs in the battle line, they sneaked back the space spar in one human portal.

Although there were several accidental exposures to the whereabouts, it was still a little difficult for those who wanted to stop the night, except for Sha Wencheng who was unlucky.

In an action, he unexpectedly encountered a single dog that was only promoted to legend. He was chased and killed. He almost died under the opponent's bite. Finally, he relied on the two female dogs caught on the road. As a dog, he managed to escape.

But after that, the orc's defenses have intensified, but those wicked guys who have no ghosts have never appeared.

Because the space spar in the hands of the night is finally enough!

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