Undead Farm

Chapter 434: Yu Luo Feng Tian

Zhou Hong flushed.

She usually only cares about improving her strength so that the Tower of the Sun can last longer. She really didn't notice the needs of the people, so she didn't even know Heiwu deceived the people.

But such a naked doubt of IQ is still quite unbearable. The guy who was beaten up to the face seems to have not turned around. It seems that the rumor that Heiwu flew and hit the mountain when he was young was really true. ...

Zhou Hong took a deep breath and tried his best to hold back his emotions and not be laughed at by Ye Sangeng:

"Heiwu, look back. This is a meaningless war. Only on this empty island can we get peace!"

"I do not want!"

Sui Heiwu's eyes suddenly turned red, and the cloak fluttered, and the overwhelming black feathers blasted the surrounding trees and buildings into a fly ash.

"Nothing here!"

"There is no light below, and there is no flavorful food, let alone ..."

The dark black hustled and glanced at Zhou Hong: "There is only a dull layer of scenery here, and there are people who can't eat enough. I don't want such a life!"

Ye Yesan even helped his forehead: "That's it? You're doing so much just because you can't eat enough? Say it early! What do you want? Tell your brother!"

The dark black eyebrows jumped, he-tui took a sip:

"Just you? Tone is stronger than the mountain wind! Why do you think you can support us so much ..."

The lingering words didn't finish, and the dimensional crack in the distance suddenly jumped out of a group of weirdly dressed Goblin. Everyone carried a large pot of hot dishes in their hands, a breeze blew, and the black guts swallowed.

"Elbow ... meat?"

"Oh! Good nose, Dongpo elbow and honey roast pork hand, just come out of the pot, do you want to try?" Ye San smiled more.

This is how good the cook of the undead spirit is. As soon as the meal arrives, the dishes can be prepared. Today it looks good. It should be to celebrate the integration of Kalu Duck Star in the king-eating world, which just made Heiwu catch up.

"Can you?" Heiwu swallowed, but then slap himself.

呸 "I 呸! Who are these bitches?" We have hundreds of thousands of people! "

But Ye Sanjiao nodded to Yi Ze, who was following the bowl and chopsticks: "Who, then, open a mirror to the farm and let this brother open his eyes!"

"Ah? Oh!"

Ize, who had returned to God, dissatisfiedly drew a dragon in his left hand and a rainbow in his right hand. A round mirror suddenly appeared, and a farm area within the kingdom of Kings emerged. Suddenly Heiwu opened his eyes:

I saw rows of neat rows of farmland, and the hard-working little brothers Brin were holding small buckets, constantly watering lush green crops.

There are red and yellow peppers and tomatoes, green cucumbers and beans, as well as mellow watermelon and purple grapes, and his favorite Huang Chengcheng wheat, piled up directly on a flat land!

A pig-headed man pushed a small three-wheeled pile of potatoes into a farmhouse, and the other side of the baking room smoking smoke caught Heiwu's attention.

Rows of diagonal wooden racks were placed outside the drying room. A wooden board was placed on the shelf. After a leopard man sprinkled white flower flour with his own meat pad, a pig-head man wearing a white hat was dressed. A tray full of bread came out.

之上 And on that inclined rack, all are baked Huang Chengcheng, oily bread!


Seeing that Black Wu swallowed saliva, Ye San smiled more:

"How about? Would you like to look at the animal husbandry area, not only do we have vegetables and rice, melons and fruits, but also fish and milk, and the meat is much larger, others dare not say, compared with the output of the two Tuntian districts It's more than enough. "

"Aren't you short of food? I can contract!"

The dark black eyebrows jumped and took a deep look at Ye Sanjiao: "Huh! Don't think that I don't know how the wheat came when I don't farm, just your yield is not enough!"

而且 "Also, isn't it mine that I robbed ?! Whether it's the empty island or your dimensional crack, I want it all! Hahaha, do it!"

As soon as the chanting voice came down, the entire empty island suddenly shook violently, and the momentum of rapid flight also gradually slowed down with the crunching and soothing sound.

Zhou Hong's face changed, and he looked to the left and right and found that the entire empty island was surrounded by a black figure.

Suddenly, the chains on those pterosaurs have been unlocked, and each fled away. Suddenly Zhou Hong hummed with the gravity of the entire empty island.

"What do you want to do? Stop!"

Hei Heiwu grinned, "Of course, you fell the island down, patriarch. It seems that your injury is really serious, and you haven't even noticed so many people approaching you!"

不过 "But rest assured, I won't kill you for the time being. When this empty island falls, it will just squash the dead dwarves of Tian Jianfeng, and the ground fire can be combined with our sun tower,"

"At that time, I will use the ground fire to replenish the fuel of the Sun Tower, and you will become a sacrifice for refining the new tower!" Heiwu looked at Zhou Hong and chuckled.

的 The sun tower poured with phoenix blood is powerful enough to raise the entire Tianjian Peak. At that time, his mission will really start ...

这么 "So, are you deliberately trying to seduce me to bring the empty island, those previous words are just to distract me and give you time to prepare?"

Zhou Hong looked up, looked at Heiwu coldly, and his eyes never faced the temperature of the tribe ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Of course, otherwise, who has the mood to talk nonsense with a silver **** for a long time, but this is what makes me With unexpected gains, not bad, hahaha! "

Wu Heiwu put up two fingers, pushed the mask on his face, glanced proudly at the third night.

I said I'm stupid?

Ha ha,

谁 Who the **** is it now? !!

I glanced at the kid who seemed to be hit hard and stunned. Heiwu stood up and flew high, looking down at the ground.

While watching the empty island slowly pulled towards Tianjianfeng under the pull of a group of Yu fighters, he stretched out his hands:

"Before that, stay here obediently and wait for a good show!"

"Falling down ... Fengtian!"

Five black bright feathers were thrown out by Heiwu and flew in five directions respectively. The transparent traces drawn directly expanded and surrounded the entire empty island tightly.

Zhou Hong's face changed.

羽 This feather is a very advanced enchantment, its role is to seal everything in the enchantment, can withstand great impact.

It seems that Heiwu is really determined to drop the empty island to the headquarters of the Dwarf Federation, but how can he use this ability alone to obtain this trick?

This trick, even if she can only use it in the heyday, and it is enough to make her slow for a long time, but looking at Heiwu's free look, can it be said ...

Is the strength of Wu Heiwu above her?