Undead Farm

Chapter 435: This undead is so strange

After releasing the enchantment, Heiwu flew out, no longer paying attention to the weak Zhou Hong and Ye Sangeng. Seeing that he was leaving with that sloppy expression, it is estimated that he would like to enjoy the mistakes and pleadings of the other party when he wants to be done Pleasure.

"Sorry, it looks like I'm dragging you down." Zhou Hong suddenly said to Ye San.

Ye San was more embarrassed, and scratched his head and sat on the ground with one buttock, touching his neck, and shaking his head and smiling:

"Why do you say that, do you remember the wolf king? If you didn't help me to block his claw at that time, it is estimated that my head is no longer on this neck, and there is nothing to be said between us. "

After I finished speaking, Ye Sangen beckoned to the pig-head man holding a plate on one side: "Anyway, it will be okay at about one and a half, let's eat first before we talk."

Zhou Hong watched Ye Sangen calmly holding an elbow and frowning frantically:

"After the empty island landed, when the fire broke through the tower of the sun, the entire empty island is likely to become an active volcano. I am afraid that you will not be able to survive except me.

Rather, you quickly enter the cracks of different dimensions, and I will use my last sip of the sun to destroy the cracks. Although it may cause a bit of damage to the kingdom of kings, as long as you are careful, you should be able to continue to live in Secluded and stable life. "

Xi Yize came together at this time, with a bitter expression on his face: "Boss, this enchantment can actually prevent space spells. It seems that only Zhou Zhu ... the way the lady said, or should I strengthen it now?"

"Is it isolated from the world?" Ye Sangen glanced back at the cracks in the different dimensions. "It seems good too."

I hid in the kingdom of engulfing, and the enemy of the night three remains only the large alien worlds around him. As long as he is careful, he can gradually expand and build his own undead empire.

But ...

In a world like that, there are no friends, but it's monotonous!

"Keno, Lao Sha, Bed, do you stay or go?" Ye Sangeng said to the three people who came over when they heard the news.

Except for Ize, who listens more to Bed, these three guys are the three most loyal to Ye Sangen.

"Do you still need to ask? My new brother Brin's name hasn't been able to resonate well on this road, how can I go? I stay!" Keno shone with electric light and laughed.

"My father's news hasn't been found, and I won't go." Sha Wencheng shouldered his sword and patted the top of Steel Tooth's head lightly, faintly.

As for Bed, her response was a grimace.

She was bound by the eternal contract, and in this life she didn't want to leave Yesanchang.

"That's not going to end, just a group of bird people. Everyone will eat anything first, and I'll invite you to eat grilled wings later!"

Yansan even spit the bones toward the ground, and the steel teeth tongue spitted, then took the chewing chews, showing the satisfied big teeth.

"You don't understand what's going on at all!" Zhou Hong's tone became quickened and seemed very angry.

别 "Don't look at the 500,000 orcs you won, but that's because they scared their courage! And our warriors of the Yu race will not be afraid of you skeletons and zombies!"

"They don't have to be close to you at all, they can complete the attack in the sky. At that time you can't run away, you can't hit or hit, aren't you waiting for death?"

"Go! You all leave me!"

After speaking, Zhou Hong burst into flames, but as soon as she fluttered, the flames soon extinguished again, and then she collapsed when she crooked.

At this moment, Ye San changed his hand to support Zhou Hong with a leap forward and shrugged: "Don't get angry when the fire is gone, rest assured, do you look at me like a person who is looking for death? When you ca n’t It's not too late to hurry me! "

"Let go ..." Zhou Hong frowned.

Yan Yesan shook his head: "You said that you can't catch us."

Zhou Hong did not answer, but looked at his shoulder. Ye Sangen turned his head and looked at it, only to find that the palm of his hand holding Zhou Hong was half-ripe, and he was about to smoke.

"I rub! Tang Tang is lying hot!"

收回 Quickly retracted his hands, and the third night was immediately two oversized spirals of dead light hit his own burning pig's trotters, blowing a few sips while seeing that the function was normal, then he was relieved.

Zhou Hong naturally was not intentional, but she was gradually unable to control her body temperature, and this is one of the manifestations of the life of the Phoenix family.

Hit her, she's dying!

"Do you really have a way?"

Zhou Hong looked at Ye Sangen and asked, while Ye Sangen raised his head and tickled his mouth:

"Do everything, at least I won't sit still!"

Do you sit and wait?

Zhou Hong was stunned.

Sure enough, she just lost her resistance.

The body began to collapse gradually, and there was no strength at all. The four people who went to investigate the embroidery Yan now did not know whether it was death or alive. Heiwu also revealed his fierce beak and even betrayed the people he wanted to protect.

I was really tired when I hit her.

But why can't the man in front think that she can't do it?

Is he just an undead?

Hehe, don't forget how the last undead leader died, and Ye Sanjiao is just a silver, and there are a lot of people who can kill him in this world.

又 Where's his confidence?

No, it doesn't seem to be confident!

Zhou Hong looked at Ye Sangeng, who looked back and explained things to Kainuo and Bed, and suddenly hesitated.

He ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ It seems that from beginning to end, I just don't want to give in!

I don't want to die!

Don't want to be bullied!

Don't want to live a life of escape!

I do not want to be expelled from the Holy Stone Continent just like this!

He just hasn't lost his resistance!

"Did I give up first myself?"

Zhou Hong looked down at the back of his hand, where the black bloodline had begun to slowly spread towards the fingertips like a snail crawling,

Then she thought of something like that, trembling and touched her face, but at this moment, a figure blocked her in front again, holding her arm with one hand, regardless of the fierceness of herself high temperature.

"I'll explain everything, you don't have to worry about it here, or you go back to the Sun Tower to rest first, won't it make you feel better there?"

Yan Yesan said as he tore a piece of cloth from his waist, gently encircling Zhou Hong's face, revealing only her pair of stars-like eyes.

And his body just blocked the eyes of others.

Zhou Hong was embarrassed, don't need to know that his face must also be covered with black silk. At this moment, it must be a terrible anomaly, but Ye Sangeng is still taking care of her self-esteem and helping her cover it up.

This undead is so strange ...

"OK, but ..."

"Go with me, I have something to say and want to tell you."