Undead Farm

Chapter 443: Save money first

"Master Baishan, it seems that they are the culprits of destroying our holy land! Please hurry up and order us to avenge the dead tribe!" A bearded dwarf with a fluttering face roared angrily.

The holy place was attacked somehow, and even the bunkers they inhabited were destroyed by the Sanyang cannon bombing. All except the dwarves were spared by hiding in the explosion-proof layer cast by the strongest craft of dwarves. Buried in this ruin.

As soon as he came out, he saw that the dead and the patriarch of the Yu tribe were wandering on the stricken ground, and he could no longer hold back his anger!

等等 "Wait! We're also victims, the mastermind is dead!" Xiu Yan hurried out of his voice.

But the furious dwarves can ignore this. Now they only have five people, but each is the strongest existence of the dwarves. Otherwise, they are also the same family in the explosion-proof layer. Why can only they survive?

"Less nonsense! Take your life!" A dwarf was about to rush up with two big axes, but his nosebleeded and suddenly fainted to the ground.

"Front teeth ?!"

Wu Baishan frowned, stepped forward, looked up, and looked at a little girl who came slowly.

"Relax, just let him sleep and have a good dream." Bed smiled.

"Some of you are bleeding from your ears, nose and nose. If you get angry, you will easily get bloody, and you will die suddenly!" Bede waved his hands, and a few plumes of yellow smoke drifted towards the white people.

To deal with the feathers that can fly wings and fly, her stimulants have no effect at all, so she has only come forward now.

But Baishan only snorted, and the smoke was shattered.

The old man of this dwarf knew from the first sight that these guys were not the ones who attacked them, and the baby girl didn't lie, and they were now injured because of the severe shock. If they were too excited, they would easily die.

Sleeping and falling asleep is naturally the best treatment.

"Can you give me an explanation?" Baishan stretched out his cane and stopped the companion who wanted to rush forward.

当然 "Of course ..." Ye Sangen rolled his eyes,

"Someone wants to **** you and be slaughtered by us. We are your benefactors. It's that simple. Then ..."

Yan Yesan rubbed his hands and glanced at his feet:

"It's enough to settle the remuneration in gold. It shouldn't be a problem for you if you have a hundred tons."

"Dash! You dare to ask us for money!"

A dwarf said angrily, but Baishan knocked on his cane:

"Are you asking me to trade with an undead?"

Now the war between humans and orcs is in full swing, there are dead people everywhere, and it is inevitable to have the resurrection of the undead.

In order to protect Tianwei City, the Holy Silver Church could no longer hang the undead as before. Besides, Ye San even scared the birds and disguised the appearance of the servants.

Xi Baishan can easily know the true identity of this handsome human man in front of the power of the contract on those undead:

A real undead!

But Ye Sangen grinned: "Why, can't the undead do business?"

还是 "Or do you want your tragic people to become undead underground, and then be immortally trapped in the dark underground, never rest in peace forever?"

Baishan's gaze fixed: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, I'm an undead, and I'm a corpse collector. I can dig out the corpses of your clan as much as possible, so that they have at least a decent funeral, I wonder if you're interested?" Ye San laughed more .

Lu Baishan was silent for a moment and looked at the huge crack.

血 You can see a lot of blood from the edge of the rock, and although hundreds of thousands of dwarves have died tragically, dwarves also have a tradition of being born in hills and buried in mountains.

But if it becomes an undead, it will never return to the arms of the **** of the hill, which is simply unacceptable to their faith.

"And," Ye San more see Baishan due, and then said.

"At the bottom, there seem to be many surviving guys struggling, and I don't know how long they can survive."

什么 "What? There are survivors ?!" Black Hammer Asma trembled, her lips slightly sloppy.

怎么 "How is it possible ?! He must have lied to us, such a big explosion, they have already ..."

"No! It's possible!" Baishan suddenly knocked on the ground.

"Shanyang artillery is blasted in the upper part. Although the underground will receive the most severe impact, if it is strong, it can survive the explosion-proof layer, and ..."

"The foundation of our mud layer is the strongest. If anyone can survive, then it will be there!"

"But the ground has been filled with the ruins of our Lengyuegang Fortress. The digger can't go down at all. How can I save it?" A dwarf sighed angrily.

"You can't do it, I can do it!" Ye San suddenly smiled and pointed at himself.


"I believe you are in the coffin, but it is the cold moon steel of our dwarves, even we are difficult to forge, how do you dig such a ruin? Use teeth?"

"I believe them!" A loud voice suddenly sounded, and three blushing dwarves pierced through the cracks of the different dimensions behind Ye Sangeng.

"You guys? How did you mix with them?"

Black Hammer Asma recognized these three guys who were still talented at one glance, but could not be reused for some reason ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I also wanted to help them after giving them some rough , But lost their news as a result, did not expect to appear here today.

"Not only mixed, but also very good, eh! Envy?" Sadio pridefully got his beard soaked in beer.

"With us, let alone Lengyue Steel, even if it is a meteor crystal that is said to be unmeltable, we can fuse you into a doll! Believe it or not?"

"Cough!" Ye San coughed even more dissatisfied.

Whether they are there, obviously he is there!

"I help you to save people, dig the corpse, and the reward is everything in this underground, how?"

"Everything underground? Do you know the vaults of our top ten dwarves are buried beneath them ..."

"I agree!" But Baishan interrupted the angry dwarf and walked slowly to Ye Sangeng.

"But if you can't do it, I'll break your neck by hand, can you?"

刚 As soon as the last word was dropped, Ye San suddenly felt a heavy feeling on his shoulder, as if carrying a big mountain.

Baishan · Baishan, a rare master of gravity, can break the mountain with one punch!

If it wasn't his age that caused his health, he would have ruled the top ten dwarves and established a real dwarf empire!

Yan Yesan listened to the sound of creaking bones, but grinned:
