Undead Farm

Chapter 472: Undead Father

"A guest is coming!"

I heard Sha Wencheng's words, and everyone was immediately alert.

贝 Bad and Tang Xiaowan, who had little fighting power, leaned to Ye Sangen, an epic life-saving guy, Ize and Daru to guard them, and the rest of the undead servants surrounded them, forming a tight circular array.

I just have a small hole in the back of the circular array, which is convenient for taking people off when the night is worse.

小心 "Be careful, those undead knights!"

Dalu turned into a muscular duck. With his height advantage, Daru could see the person clearly and warned.


Sha Shaocheng narrowed his eyes and stood in front of him.

Kuo Guo saw behind a group of scattered dragons, and followed closely a group of black armored knights with spears.

家伙 These guys wore a horrible ghost iron mask, and there was not an inch of skin exposed on the whole body, and they were all covered in that thick armor.

But the thick black death gas on them, and the little light from the gap between the helmet's eyes, are enough to expose their identity to people:

The real undead knight!

Sui Bede sniffed his nose suddenly, pointing to their waist with surprise: "So thick blood, they seem to be hunting ground dragons, collecting dragon blood!"

"Collect dragon blood?" Ye Sangen frowned.

Bian Beide's nose is generally as reliable as Tang Xiaowan's live map, so if she said so, it must be so.

Look again at the strange bamboo tube jars behind the knights' waists. The sealed dragon blood collected from the earth dragons should be stored inside.

Although the earth dragon and dragon are not the same species, there is still a trace of dragon gas in the blood. But what do these undead knights collect these dragon blood for?

Alas, wait, they didn't see any reason for the undead along the way, is it because the one million undead are busy hunting earth dragons here?

But without waiting for him to think about it, Sha Chengcheng was panting heavily, and patted the crocodile towards the group of undead knights.

The other party also noticed that these three people were at night. After stopping, they saw Sha Wencheng who rushed by alone, and chatted a few words with each other.

"Human beings ca n’t be trusted! Let ’s betray the covenant and die!"

The speed of the four horses at the foot of the horse was astonishing, and it was a few points faster than Sha Wencheng's steel teeth. When the four people met Sha Wencheng, they shot out in four shots.

Squatting a little waist, a neck, a arm, a little steel teeth eyes, four shots are extremely vicious, any one of them is enough to make Sha Wencheng fate on the spot.

"Shajia gun, sure enough!"

Sha Wencheng gave a cold hum. Raising the sword was a fan-shaped sweep, and then four sounds of Dangdang Dang, turned out all four shots!

At this time, the steel tooth was flicking its tail, tripped over a ride, opened its mouth, and the other half-bone horse had been torn by its steel teeth.

As for the other two horses who had escaped this catastrophe, they suddenly turned their horses and looked at Sha Wencheng.

"Well pure Instant Man, who are you ?! Why do you know how to crack our joint attack?"

In that move, Sha Wencheng did not use much power, but used his skill to break their joint blow.

But the four shots were fired at almost the same time, and the speed change was hidden. Even the highest eyesight could not see the order of the four shots, let alone use one move to break them.

But the pale man who was so handsome in front of him did it.

And use a trick that they are most familiar with!

A technique that can quickly change the direction of the force, combining the characteristics of burst and flexibility, is a rare shooting technique in the world.

"who am I?"

Wu Shawencheng looked at the undead knight's chest, and the familiar family crest made him tremble slightly.

"Thunder Leader, Cold Flame Knight, Sha Wencheng! Have you heard this name?"

Suddenly Ji Yanqi trembled, his voice was a little hoarse: "Young Master? You are not ..."

Lu Ding looked again, and they found out that Sha Wencheng was wearing a set of undead armor peculiar to General Skeleton.

He heard only one undead knight covering his family crest and whispered something. The undead knights who watched the battle behind him suddenly gathered together and hurried off.

"It's him! Although he is much handsomer than when he was a kid, he can still see the outline, very much like a lady!"

"It's our young master! Hurry! Call the lord soon!" An undead knight suddenly shouted.

When Sha Wencheng heard this voice, he also hesitated. He lowered his steel teeth and stepped forward:

"Lin Housekeeper?"

"Hahaha! It's me, I didn't expect you to recognize my slave, my voice!"

The voice of the undead knight was full of excitement. He seemed to want to take off the mask to recognize Sha Wencheng, but he caught it on the spot when he touched the mask.

"What's the matter? Forest steward?"

Wu Shaocheng frowned, and Leng Buding directly lifted Lin's housekeeper's mask, only to find that under the mask was a highly rotten face.

There is nothing in the eye sockets, and when the mouth shrinks, it seems that the teeth have been knocked.

I saw the trace of the sharp edge on the edge of the orbit. Sha Wencheng blinked his eyes and squeezed Lin's housekeeper's chin. Sure enough, he saw that the mouth was empty, not even his tongue!

No wonder he always thinks that these people's voices are so empty, it turned out to be the sound made by the soul-mind resonance armor!

"What happened, who did it?" Sha Wencheng angered.

还有 "And what happened to you, how did you all become undead?"

Thinking of this, Sha Wencheng was a little confused.

I mean, his father ...

At this moment, the pile of 3,000 undead knights separated from it, and a burly big man rushed over:

"Where is my child ?!"


Sha Wencheng's eyes became red ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, and the big man's figure was stunned, then he slaps his palm against the shoulder of the horse. The body has already fallen to the ground. A joyous exaltation.

"Father ?!"

Sha Wencheng blushed, but struggled a few times but remained motionless, while his father looked at Sha Wencheng who was raised carefully and nodded:

"Grow up, unfortunately just pick up your mother, didn't pick me up, why are they so thin like a girl, are they abusing you ?!"

After finishing talking, a pair of eyes stared fiercely at Ye Sangeng, who was in the center of the circle.

Suddenly, there was a chill in the spine of the back of the night.

I rub! Another guy who is so strong that it makes people numb! But nothing glaring at me?

Don't you know that your son eats as good as the Elf Instructor in my territory?

I thought of my food that was wasteful by Sha Wencheng, and Ye Sanguo stunned in her heart, staring back directly,

When Sha Wencheng's father saw the weak chicken daring to stare at him, his muscles slammed and he only heard a click, and when he was raised high, Sha Wencheng suddenly squeezed his two shoulders into a soft powdery sausage.

