Undead Farm

Chapter 491: Do you think this hat is green?

"Weng Ling ?!"

Yan Yesan stepped back and looked at Weng Ling, who was following the sledgehammer, and frowned.

If you say who in the world he is most afraid to see, then it must be this girl who has been miserable from the beginning.

They kidnapped others' cities and took their land. As a result, they were still priests who did not deal with the dead.

Alas, he was ashamed!

"Weng Ling."

Yan Yesan looked at a black dress and black dress, cut his short hair Weng Ling, and stepped forward two steps.


Wu Wengling lifted the hammer and carried it on his shoulders, turning his back without even looking at him:

别 "Don't explain, lie to my account and calculate later, now, think about how you survive!"

"You ..." Ye San was even more confused 愣.

This is over? Do n’t you say two more good words?

I looked at the people who looked at the Holy Silver Church here, and Weng Ling didn't know how long the psychological struggle had taken to make the decision to join the night three.

After all, her worldview is different from the blood madness. She has always been the same as that of the Holy Silver Church. The anti-water now makes the Pope twitch.

"Weng Ling! Do you know what you are doing ?! He is an undead!"

He turned his back to Weng Ling, who was the third person in the night, and nodded: "I know, but he is also the father of my child!"

My father?

等等 "Wait, what did you just say?"

Yan Yesan even widened his eyes, and Bed and Tang Xiaowan, who were hidden in the crowd, stared coldly.

"None of us, how could it be ..."

"I don't believe it, but ..." Weng Ling's neck became more and more rosy, and then he touched his lower abdomen.

"Remember the time when the eight-clawed old devil pierced us together?"

Ye Sansan was a little stunned in his heart.

怎么 How could he not remember!

一次 The tentacle of the eight-clawed old demon pierced his key directly, and then passed through Weng Ling's lower abdomen ...

Alas, that's it!

Alas, such dog blood! Should you write a romance novel? !!

Yan Yesan lowered his head and looked at his little brother: "I didn't expect that you are not useful, but you still have energy ..."

Although the processes and objects are very different from Ye Sangen's imagination, since they are their own species, they must be recognized, and they do not know what the next generation of undead and priesthood will be.

既然 "In this case, come to me behind me." Ye San sighed and pulled Weng Ling behind her, but was surprised to find her face full of tears.

I also want to know how much pressure a big yellow girl suddenly suffered.

Ji Yesan shot the trembling and stiff Weng Ling and walked to the front:

"Leave it to me next, rest assured, I'm the person who is most afraid of death, I'm not sure, I won't make it."

"噗 呲!"

Wu Wengling suddenly remembered that when he and Ye Sangeng met for the first time, the coward who tried to persuade him was unwilling to untie himself, and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, I wait for you."

Ye Yesan loosened his neck and looked at him.

Two million human soldiers, three million orc soldiers, more than 10,000 bishops and paladins, hundreds of legends, twelve epics, plus the words of the pope and four archbishops are seventeen epics.

This was originally used to deal with the force of the undead queen, but now it has become against him. The pressure is really great.

But these are not worth mentioning at all compared to the pressure of suddenly being a father!

The next night, he mobilized the bone cells, condensed a streamer bone sword, and gently waved:

"My condition is very simple. If you don't let the dead live, let the living die! If you want to fight, then fight!"

Suddenly, a huge momentum suddenly emerged from Ye Sangeng.

One person, for millions!

好 "Well, an undead emperor, everyone, please join me to kill this filthy race!" The pope turned his head and looked at the twelve epics.

Twelve people glanced at each other, but few people moved. The orcs even glanced at each other. The tiger king shook his head slightly:

"This undead emperor came from your Tianwei empire. We can solve the rest of the undead. This guy has to give it to you."

"What the tiger king said is that our dwarven empire also withdraws." A dwarf said.

"How dare you, Fredin? You are our allies!" Said the Pope.

"I'm sorry, allies must be divided." Fredin shrugged, pointing at the night three.

"That guy saved us the Baishan Emperor and our holy mountain. Compared with your favor, he has a heavier weight, so,"

保持 "Keeping neutrality is the biggest limit of our dwarves, and please don't force us."

Tong Zhi'en Tubao is the usual style of dwarves. There is no right or wrong in their eyes, only relatives, so it is not surprising that he could do this. He looked at Tang Wudi.

"Invincible, how do you say? Don't say that he is your son-in-law. People even have wives and children, and they are not surnamed Tang!"

"呸!" Tang Wudi clenched his fists.

"I'm going to learn a lesson naturally, but ... if I did that, my daughter would definitely kill me. Forget it, anyway, so many of you, don't count me!"

Puppet Pope's face drew, without dwarves and orcs. These people were either making up numbers or failing to work, but it was really uncomfortable that Tang Wudi did not show up with the same strength as him.

But he also knows that Tang Wudi is a man who cannot enter the oil and salt, and it is useless to say, so he looks around and stirs the holy light on his body, and even his expression becomes gentle and kind:

既然 "Since you don't want to ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ then I don't force it. This evil salvation is the responsibility of our Holy Silver Church. If there must be sacrifice, then I will volunteer first!"

"Sacred Silver Religion orders! I have a strong enemy, and I will attack alone. If there is any accident, you will immediately evacuate. If you keep the strength as the priority, you will not seek revenge if you have not surpassed this villain!"

"Master Pope!"

With all the paladins and bishops moving, the archbishop Beishan resently turned into a giant mountain giant.

"Destroy the undead is my oath of enlightenment. How can you alone, Pope, be one of me?"

"And me Xichuan!" Archbishop Nishikawa stroked with both hands, and a tall blue water element suddenly condensed.

Tong Nanlei and Xu Muzhi looked at each other, sighed, and took a step forward without saying a word.

This made the Pope's expression a little better, and he waved:

"Okay! You let me see the hope of humankind, all the church members obey orders! Kill!"

"Roar roar!"

One by one, the bishops put on the sacred BUFF against the paladins with heavy swords, and the paladins daringly rushed towards Ya San Geng. This scene made the soldiers on the human side also bloody, and many groups did not After the military order rushed out.

All of a sudden, millions of people launched an attack on Ye Sangeng.

Yan Yesan looked at this scene, and her mouth drew:

"Are there more people?"