Undead Farm

Chapter 497: Real Barbarian Appears!

"Invincible, there are a lot of orcs behind! And ... hiss, pretty Thai ?!"

Ziya, who was fighting the King of the Orangutans, flew in the air, shouting in shock.

I saw that behind the battlefield, there were more than 6 million orc elite soldiers surrounded by a group of tall red orcs.

It is the Thai soldiers, Red Beast!

And where the Red Beast is, it means that the new Barbarian Barbarian is also present!

"I didn't think you had this idea!" Tang Wudi immediately figured out the key.

Now there are more than half a million humans left on the battlefield. Due to the desperate attacks of the Holy Silver Church and humans, and the consumption of the giant giants at night, there are only about four million left.

Although there are still a few powerful opponents of the undead, they have also been consumed by their humans. Although the quality of the orc's strong is not high, the quantity is an absolute advantage.

It's the best time to face these tired soldiers!

The self-confident Tang Wudi had not even done it before. Even if the tiger king turned against him, he could run away with the remaining soldiers. After all, he survived here, no matter who is the future of humanity!

But now he was left behind by the other party, and suddenly felt desperate.

And when the pretty Taihaha with blue and white muscles slowly walked out of the Beast Army with a laugh, the momentum of that step and the shock of the world made him fall into the abyss.

Peak of God!

In addition, behind him are also the middle-level bear king, lion king, as well as five epics of tigers, cows, orangutans, elephants, and dogs, and nearly 10,000 legendary powerhouses.

Not to mention killing humans, even Ye Sangen, who is a high god, can pile up to death!

Orcs, they are too prepared!

"Ha ha ha, Bai Anu, good job! I will keep your family safe after this battle!"

Pretty Thai patted Bai Anu, the expressionless fox girl, and then strode forward, plunging the golden ring knife in his hand to the ground:

"Human beings, surrender to me, and the Beast Empire will give you a tribal identity, otherwise, die!"

"Fuck! Fuck!"

The orcs flapped their arms and howled in excitement.

In order to get here quickly, they didn't know how much hardship they had suffered and how many people died on the way, but now that the main human force was almost wiped out, the undead also weakened, and victory was at their fingertips.

At that time, they will be the first empire of the entire Holy Stone Continent, can't they be excited?

"Life, or death, reply to me, I have limited patience!" Mantai shouted with pride as he watched the deserted human deserters.

But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly scratched, quite Thai heart tight, quickly picked up the large ring knife to block his face,

For a moment, the big knife shook back on his face, and he stepped back five steps before stopping, which made the good-faced pretty Thai face instantly darken:


When the figure turned around, it was the fierce savage emperor who was driven away!

"Barbaric Emperor ?!"

Seeing a frown on the person next to him, Qi Qi took a step back, and Mantai Teeth chopped as soon as he bit the knife:

"I am the Emperor! You orc traitor, die!"

With soaring muscles, Mantai became an ancient beast. If it only concerns strength, even Tang Wuji is not his opponent.

But Muntai just stood in place, and when he was near, he smashed into it with a punch. When Muntai saw that he was attacking empty-handed, he grinned:

"Stupid brother! Do you think I'm the younger brother who was at your mercy before? Die! The beast cuts lightly!"

Booming, and then snoring, Mantai looked at the broken knife in his hand, and his arm straight through his chest, eyes widened.

"how is this possible?"

"How impossible?"

Thirteen figures suddenly appeared in front of Mantai. Everyone was an epic-level powerhouse. Seven of them were above the middle god, and the one in the middle was even more terrible!

The momentum of a body is even stronger than Gaoshen Yesan who integrated Yebaigui!

"The Emperor Tianwei!"

Several beastmasters pulled out their weapons, but stepped back slightly.

Emperor Tianwei, the first person on the Holy Stone continent, one person can be a country,

A terrible man who breaks through the gods and customizes the super **** level independently, regardless of heads-up or group attack, he has never failed!

Next to him are the twelve epic disciples he taught himself!

This time, the peak fighting power of the orcs and humans completely reversed.

Although there are only 13 people in the other party, they don't feel that they have any chance of winning. After all, that man alone is enough to make all their epics fall!


Pulling his arm violently, he stood silently next to Emperor Tianwei, but Mantai looked at Emperor Tianwei with a look of fright and confusion:

"Why not……"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were dark, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this scene, Ye San frowned even more. He found that before the death of Manta, it was not the brutality that killed him, but stared at Emperor Tianwei.

And the momentum of the two people, Zhizhi and Yan, was also released at the same time, and seemed to enter the state of war.

It is impossible for Tianwei to perceive this change. He turned his head and glanced over here, suddenly grinning and waving.

Brutal raised his blood-stained right hand and hissed:

"I, brutal! The brutal emperor of the Beast Empire, now order you to assemble immediately to destroy the undead!"

The sound shook into the ears, and the orcs who were already horrified looked at each other one by one, a little overwhelmed, and the tiger king frowned and was about to ask, but as a result he twisted his neck and raised it high:

"Unobedient ones, sir!"


A group of orcs were shocked by the brutal might, and they couldn't believe that it would be something brutal did.

You have to know that even the cruel and brutal Thais have not killed the top strong of their clan, but the rule of the strong is king, but the legality of the brutal cannot be questioned at all.

As the guard of the barbaric emperor, the first group of red beasts knelt down collectively and bowed their heads.

Seeing this ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The remaining orc leaders of all races glanced helplessly, kneeling on one knee:

"We would like to hear from the Emperor! Emperor Qianqiu!"

Although it is difficult to understand why the brutality was so close to the Emperor Tianwei, and the situation is not an equal relationship, the threat of extermination is ahead, and the order of the emperor is behind, and the orcs have to Withdrawing their weapons, they launched an attack on Yasan Geng.

Brutal was the first to go straight, and headed straight for Ye San Geng. Whether it was the undead leader or the general along the way, even the undead giant was not his one-punch enemy, and he ran straight into it.

"Boss, you step back, some of us stopped him!" Sha Wencheng pulled out the Long Ting gun and frowned.

Even Kano and Daru were dignified and blocked in front of Ye Sangeng.

In terms of momentum, none of them were fierce opponents, but Ye Sanjiao shook his head and gently moved them away, with a pair of eyes staring straight at the fierce:

"So it is, I still think you really forgot ..."