Undead Farm

Chapter 498: Holy Stone 7

"Forgot? What forgot?"

Kai Nuo looked back puzzledly, but saw that Ye Sangen took out his most precious pigeon egg space ring and squeezed it.

With a stun, a wind just came, and the result immediately turned into a suction, making the footsteps of a few people around a bit unstable, and a fiery red light shone and went straight into the ground.

"Fighting Sky Knife ?!"

Excited people!

"How could the savage Emperor's blaze be in the hands of the undead? Who is he ?!"

"Huh! No matter who he is, he dared to throw Lie Tiandao in front of the Savage Emperor. He was afraid he didn't know how to write the dead words! With the Lie Tiandao Savage Emperor, he could be as beautiful as Tianwei Emperor!" The Gorilla King sneered.

Although there are few epics in this world, they add up to thirty or forty, but there are only seven god-level weapons!

People call it the Seven Holy Stone Soldiers!

But there are only four of the seven **** soldiers that can give birth to artifact souls. It can be said that every epic with artifacts can fight across stages without pressure.

Even the soldiers without instrumental souls can forcibly turn the cross-level combat into five or five, which is why the Shawen who got the weaponless dragonskin gun is so strong.

The BUG-level spell of the Holy Light Soldier is able to glorify the existence of the soulless soldiers, so the Holy Silver Church can gain a foothold in the world.

But on top of the device soul soldier, there is another level called the soul soldier, which is the destiny soldier!

When the artifact soul of the artifact and the user fully match, this person can exert the power of a protagonist!

Now almost only half of the fierce Emperor Tianwei, if they have returned their destiny artifact fierce sky knife, then their orcs may not lose to the Emperor Tianwei.

Seeing this, the orcs could not help but quicken their pace excitedly, following the brute charge.

"Rush! Be sure to grab the knife!"

But Ye Sanjiao threw it gently and threw it into the hands of the fierce.

Beasts: ...

Ye Sanchang's teammate :? ? ?

"I wipe, boss, are you crazy? You just threw the artifact like this? Don't you die?" Ize widened his eyes and said in horror.

Especially after suddenly seeing that he got the knife, he suddenly stopped, even with his legs on his back, just trying to escape.

Just now, he took Tang Xiaowan and Bede together in chaos and almost lost half of his life. When he felt Tang's invincibility, he almost urinated his pants.

Now if this brutal brutal force came over, he must not remove the word almost?

He looked fiercely in his hand and stopped in place. A soft flame touched his wrist like a small hand, but Mantai tried to throw the knife out with a frown. But the small fire suddenly turned into a raging flame, directly engulfing him all.

In the hissing, quite fiercely, he knelt down on the ground with his head in his head, and hissed like a human voice.

"Oh, it really is!"

Seeing this scene, Ye San looked more at the distant Emperor Tianwei, and the Emperor Tianwei smiled slightly at him, even more than a thumb.

Ye San was even hesitant, Tian Wei, the emperor who had been wrapped in the mist, how did he see the other person laugh?

"Very Emperor!"

The orcs didn't know why, and stopped suddenly, skeptical and bruised.

"No, don't come over!"

He screamed fiercely, covering his head with one hand, and suddenly straight into the mouth with one hand, then snorted, and directly took out something that twisted like an octopus tentacle.

I only heard a crack, the tentacle was crushed by him, but turned into thousands of smaller tentacles, trying to escape, but the flames on the fierce sky knife wrapped them in a crowd, noisy, All turned into ashes.


Seeing that she felt relieved, the momentum was also closed, Ye San smiled even more, and said, "Well?"

Nodded fiercely, "OK."

"Hey, what the **** is going on? What dumb puzzles are you playing?" Ize glanced left and glanced right, and found that Ye Sangeng's eyes were a little ambiguous.

Could it be that the boss ...


Thinking of himself and Ye Sangen sleeping under the same roof for so long, Ize's face turned blue instantly.

"Done! I said why I slept so much every time I slept, and I saw my own blood when I got up ... I thought it was Master Pui, it turned out ... Ah! I'm not alive!"

With a glance at Ize, who suddenly sought death and life, Ye San looked back at him fiercely:

"You already knew that you would be controlled, so you deliberately dropped the sky knife in my hand and waited for you to come back to help you through the sky knife, right?"

He nodded fiercely, stroking the Lie Tiandao with a look of affection, and the flame of Lie Tiandao became soft again.

"Yes, I knew the terrible man behind me from the poison under Mantae, so I saved it, but I didn't expect that the man behind the scenes turned out to be you!"


After speaking, Manlie looked back at the Emperor Tianwei who was wrapped in an unknown mist, with an inexplicable look.

"With your strength, you can kill me directly, why bother using this method? It's not like you!"

"Hehe!" Tianwei the Great laughed indifferently.

"Do you know me well? Maybe I'm such a person?"

"No!" A **** suddenly flashed through the golden eyes.

"Tianwei I know will never do this unless you are not Tianwei!

Or you, like me, were controlled by that thing! What about your heavenly sword? "

"Oh? Do you say this?"

Emperor Tianwei pulled out a two-handed giant sword, and flicked his fingers. A terrible coercion immediately fell from the sky, as if the whole sky had fallen.

Suddenly within a thousand miles, the people under the legend, whether they were living or undead, were all pressed together to the ground, and the weaker ones were directly pressed into blood and powder.

In a split second, the rest saved one in ten steps!

Ye San even felt the heavy pressure from his shoulders and frowned.

"Is this the power of Tianwei ?!"

But it ’s quite fierce, but it ’s gaze ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He was surprised to find that the Tianwei sword,

No instrument soul!

No, do not!

There is a figure on the ridge of Tianwei sword, but it is definitely not an instrument soul, and it also has a familiar feeling, like ...

I slammed the knife and held it upright, and then backhandedly, crushing the sky directly:

"You turned Tianwei into an instrument soul! Who are you ?!"

"Ah, it's still seen through!"

Emperor Tianwei threw the sword away in annoyance and laughed at the figure above:

"Why do n’t you say that the orcs’ nose is so annoying ... Really, I wanted you to help me solve the trouble first. In this case, then ... ”

"go to hell."