Undead Farm

Chapter 502: High dimensional biology

The silk-controlling realm fired by the primitive spider mother was almost fleeting, and all seven monsters were entangled, and then she saw her fingers lightly, and the seven monsters suddenly cut and bite each other stiffly.

This lively use of the opposite side as a puppet to manipulate means suddenly stunned Ye Sangeng, he narrowed his neck, staring alertly at the direction of the original spider mother.

Even a guy of the level of Qiguai can say that he can control it. If such a monster does something to him, he will really lose himself!

But strangely, Emperor Tianwei looked at his men and slaughtered each other but was not in a hurry. He seemed to be watching a farce that had nothing to do with him.

The primitive spider mother snorted softly, and her fingers ticked again, and the **** seven monsters launched an attack on Tianwei Emperor.

"I let you pretend!"

Seeing this, Ye San was suddenly shocked, because he found that in addition to that, the primitive spider mother shot thousands of white silk, this time, it was a person who was still present.

Whether it is an orc or a human, a dwarf or an undead, as long as it can move, it will be tied with a translucent white silk instantly.

But it is strange that the original spider mother of the people around Ye Sangen didn't start, but just tied the thirty undead giants.

With a squeak, the faces of the tied people instantly turned grey. They found that they had completely lost control of their bodies. They rushed towards Tianwei Emperor by plucking their weapons, even the Lion King and the Dog King. Was not spared.

"Did you just have these? It was really disappointing ..."

The Emperor Tianwei watched the millions of people rush towards himself, shook his head, and then raised the Tianwei sword up high, then tilted it lightly,

With a bang, a sword light that was a hundred times stronger than the violent sword that had just been smashed into the sky suddenly lighted up, and a bang was like a breeze, and the whole world suddenly fell into peace.

No, it should be called deathly silence!

Ye San stepped back in horror by two steps, watching the people who rushed towards the Emperor Tianwei scattered into dust one by one, as if it were the last day.

"Yes, hate!"

With a quick spit, a spit of blood was spit, and the hand holding the broken knife shuddered slightly. The silk of the primitive spider mother could not control him emitting the flames of the magic soldier.

But Emperor Tianwei's sword passed by his side, but with just one sword, he felt death, and the entire battlefield was cleared!

The orcs ... he was the only one left.

"How ... how ..."

Behind Ye Sangeng, Tang Xiaowan's tears slumped to the ground, just a moment ago, his father, Tang Wuji, also turned into a fan,

Humans, she is the only one left.

Ye Sangen touched his body for a long time with a black face, then looked back, and then he was relieved.

"Hurry into the kingdom of enemies. I won't let you out, so don't ever come out!"

At night, he pressed the ring to open the portable entrance to the Kingdom of Devourer, and then threw Tang Xiaowan and Sha Wen into one after the other.

"What about you?" Weng Ling looked at Yasan Geng and frowned.

"I don't understand a lot of things, you go ahead!"

Hesitating for a moment, Ye Sanjin also thrown in the coma Bai Jinbao, after she was bitten by the master-slave contract, there was no threat.

In the end, only three old dead souls, Dongchen Xijiu and Laogu, who were following him from the beginning remained with him, and the rest were thrown into the kingdom of enemies by either driving or persuading.

The original spider mother and Tianwei Emperor watched him playfully, without any intention of stopping it.

"Okay, now we are three."

Emperor Tianwei stretched his back, as if the sword that had just shocked the world was not made by him at all.

And this three, naturally refers to him, the original spider mother and the night three more.

As for weaving and weaving, there is still violence. In his eyes,

Not count.

"Hey, that kid over there, do you want to join me to solve this fake emperor?" The primitive spider mother said suddenly to Ye San.

"Huh?" Ye San stepped back two steps.

Although he is indeed very strong after switching to the Hundred Ghosts mode, it seems that he is still far behind when compared with these two big brothers, but the original spider mother let herself join forces with her?

"Huh, huh, this old thing is a little fat when I don't give it out for thousands of years. Only you and I can work together to solve it, otherwise you will be taken away by him, okay? Everything!" Hate iron is not authentic.

The Emperor Tianwei smiled, and did not move further, but looked at Ye Sangeng, seemingly interested in his answer.

Ye San thought for a while and took a deep breath: "Two, you seem to be familiar with me? But can you explain it to me first, how could this millennium grudge come to me?"

Even the attack was not implicated in him, Ye San even felt that the two men must have a close relationship with him, and maybe he did not know his origin.

"Don't you know?" Primitive Spider Mother froze for a moment, glaring at the weaving and tadpoles behind.

"Yes, you're not like me just dying, you're really dead, and memory chaos should be."


You are dead, your whole family is dead! Does anyone say that?

However, thinking about himself as an undead, the other party seems to be right, Ye San had no choice but to wait for the other party's next text.

Primitive spider mother pointed at the dimensional crack behind Ye Sanjian.

"Since you also have control of one world, presumably you should also know that every world has a power limit?"

Ye San nodded even more.

After taking over the Kingdom of Devourers, he and Bed discovered through research that the growth of the creatures born within them has a limit regardless of the variety.

It's just that this limit value will rise higher as more worlds devoured by the monarch world. For the time being, the undead who is able to recover in it may reach the golden level, even if it is the sky.

So every time you need to revive a new undead, Ye Sangeng has to be carried out outside the kingdom of monarchs.

But what does this have to do with him?

and many more!

Ye Sanguo suddenly looked at him half-knelt on the ground ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ with a look of depression.

I remember before that he said that after the epic on the Holy Stone Continent was upgraded to Zhongshen, it couldn't be further. For thousands of years, only Tianwei Emperor stepped forward and entered the super-god level.

And he, after the integration of Yebaigui, reached the second breakthrough in history.

But there was also a high level of strength in the presence of the original spider mother!

But her situation is different from that of Emperor Tianwei and him. The primitive spider mother is a high-dimensional creature in the upper and lower bounds of the world tree ...

High-dimensional creatures?

Ye San was even more shocked.

"You mean, I, you and he are not aboriginals of this world?"