Undead Farm

Chapter 74: Bio-stimulator

It was hard to tell this truth that this cultivation method was not suitable for her. At night, she finally succeeded in persuading Weng Ling to return home.

However, he can also understand Weng Ling's thoughts. One is to become stronger. The other is that she is only one person in Lorraine. It is not easy to be a girl for a long time.

Think of such a big empty city alone, feeling lonely is justifiable.

"What exactly is this guy insisting on?"

At night, he shook his head and practiced his pursuit of the thirteen swords under the white eyes of Bade. He began to poke the air with his empty hands.


Two hours later, a glimpse of light slid from the window and fell on the face of the frozen, half-baked Bede. After licking her nose, she ran out of the log cabin and began to walk in place. Stretching exercises,

On the night of the night, he followed his swollen right hand and followed it slowly.

"I said, ha, ha,"

Bade ran to the night and said: "You, ha, then practice it again, ha, sooner or later, will give hands to practice!"

As a legend, Bed's eyesight is not bad. The sword of the night is even more fierce, but the burden on the body is even more perverted.

According to her estimation, the normal person does not need to use this trick, but the shoulder joint will be reimbursed.

"This is my own size." No. 3 smiled and shook his head.

"It's you, why don't you tell me what the milk fountain is all about?"

The black cow is still maintaining a four-legged posture. When he arrives at Bed, he immediately panicked his legs, but the cruel facts tell it:

Wood big wood,

Not at all useful!

On the night of the third day, I went up and looked at it. The black cow was able to draw a water so cheerfully that the health status was not bad, but the look of the belly was not a thing that would last for a while.

"Oh, old man didn't want to drink milk? I saw that he was struggling to help him. You see how good he is now!" Bade asked for help.

Looking back at the night, I really saw that the yellow black on the old bones has faded, and the body is quite straight. It seems that there is no reason to bathe milk.

"I am asking you what is going on, not asking why you should do this."

Beder pointed to his nose: "What happened? I am a succubus. Isn't the succubus urging milk a normal operation?"

It’s normal to jump over the eyebrows at night.

But what happened to him when he was not working at the time?

Is the succubus still part-time as a reminder of the X division?

This Mozu is too scary!

"Cough, actually, this is just my talent."

When Beder saw the night, he was shocked and his expression gradually became strange. He was afraid that he really sent himself out to do this, so he explained it quickly and conscientiously.

"The general succubus will only be enchanting, but that is one of the mental magic, it is easy to be offset by other magic or magic resistance equipment, even a purification can make people wake up, so most of the time is in the single Used when it is single, but..."

"But what?"

Bede proudly stood quite awkwardly: "I, the Mozu for a hundred years, no! The genius of the eternal life! The genius who was hailed as the last legend of the Mozu by the Emperor, but found the true usage of the charm, in one fell swoop Improve it to a true-magic charm that can be used at any time and is hard to resist!"

"Oh, talk about it?"

The night is more like a slap in the face, and continues to encourage Bede, automatically ignoring the past with her stupidity to show off the words of the devil to be praised.

Bedd nodded. As a self-proclaimed research scholar, although not too vain, it is good to have an audience who can introduce her research results.

"Through the analysis of the charm, I found that when the succubuses are applying charm, the closer the target is, the higher the success rate is. The reason is actually this!"

After that, Bede untied his gloves and waved a thick pink fog.

"What is the use of this powder fog in addition to obscuring the line of sight?" In the third night, he used his fingers to poke the powder mist, and he did not understand.

The last time Beder squirted him this kind of thing, but it seems to have little effect.

Bede gave him a look: "Please, you are the undead! Although I don't know how you resisted my soul contract, the gas in the powder does not have much effect on the undead, because it is dedicated to biological."

"What effect?" Even more curious about the night, he did not feel anything strange except to see clearly.

"There is a feeling of love, oh, that is, it makes people feel awkward and feels like being in love."

"That's not a charm, but what about your love?" The night three licked his mouth.

"Hey! You have been in love! You are charming! This is totally different!"

Bed seems to be a little angry, and even the mist of the group has moved slightly.

"This is a kind, one..." Bade scratched his horn on his head. "Yes, a bio-stimulant~lightnovelpub.net~ can stimulate the biological body to simulate a gas that falls into a state of love!"

"Bio-stimulating hormone, this name is good, I am a genius!"

Becker, who was smug with a white glance, didn’t know that she had a good idea for her name now, and the name sounded weird, but her explanation made him curious.

"Then tell me about this bio conditioner."

"It's a bio-stimulator! It's a radical, a Buddha's hair, and it's exciting!" Bade corrected his eyes.

"Good, excited, you continue."

"This bio conditioner, oh! Bio-prime, can simulate the mysterious elements that the creature itself can produce,"

Bedd licked his lips and slammed his hand and said: "For example, the love that makes people fall into love, the milk that can make milk shoot the fountain, and the multi-fruit that makes Goblin crazy baby." The growth factor that accelerates growth, even the strength of the physical strength of the body, in short, as long as the creature can produce, my bio-stimulator can simulate!"


The night three wrinkled and suddenly widened his eyes.

Is this too versatile? !

According to Beder, her bio-stimulus ability is just as terrible as a full-scale magic guide. No, it should be an epic pharmacist, or the kind of targeted refining on the spot!

Hear what she said:

Love is not an nickname for X-type powder. Milk 咻咻 and 子子素 do not care, then the strength should correspond to the increase of the agent, the developmental element should be the forged body Dan...

And Bed said that this stuff can be simulated?


This is a treasure!