Undead Farm

Chapter 75: Demolition of Lorraine City

Seeing the surprise of the round eyes of the night, Bede proudly raised his chin.

"This technique seems to be related to physical fitness. Therefore, only one of all the succubuses can be mastered. Other succubuses can only passively produce a small amount of enchantment, let alone change. How, I am not terrible? !"

But the night three did not care about her, but came from the side of the two iron cages in front of Bede:

"You remind the four guys and let them grow faster."

Bede passed through the iron cage and saw four pink-eyed little guys with their eyes closed in the cage and sniffed in the east. They could not help but frown:


"What kind of mouse is the fistula, have you just said it is very god? Try it soon!"

The magic mouse cannot provide him with soul energy because of the low quality of the soul, but the meat is there, and the meat is the food, the food is the living spirit, and the living spirit is the soul energy.

Although the process has been tortuous, the results are the same.

But Bede wrinkled his nose and shook his head. "I have to study this first, not so fast."

“You have to study first?” The night squatting on the squirrel cage.

Bedd gave him a blank look: "Of course, the types of stimulants in each organism are different. I have to figure out what changes and effects can be produced in the end. I guess..."

"It will take three days at the earliest!"

"Three days? You didn't get this cow in one night?" Night 3 was even more strange.

Bedd snorted: "Please, the milk in this cow is so high, I naturally make it clear."

But the mice are different, especially these mice are so small, there are too many stimulants in the body, I need to carefully distinguish them, but I want to hurry up..."

"How fast?" asked me at night.

"Take me back to the Abyss of the Magic, or give me the magic to restore my realm, so I can help you with the wave!"

"Then I will wait for three days."

When I heard this, I put the cage on the night and left without returning.

Just kidding!

The Devil's Eye Abyss is now seen by the various ethnic groups, although from time to time there are daring adventurers who go in to die or even organize a group to catch the succubus, but it is also after the inspection of the big men.

Going there with Bede?

Let's not say how far the road is going to be abandoned. If there is a man in the big cockroach that can see his disguise, it will be finished!

After all, the black cat's foresight is vivid, and he can't do anything from the net.

"Three days is not long, but the farm of the demon mouse must be built in advance."

When I saw the circle around the night, he didn't have the stone. If it was just a digging hole, these magic rats would teach him what is a professional in minutes.

"Or, will the wall be removed?"

On the night of the night, I looked at the Luolan defense line. After the death of Goblin, this low wall lost the meaning of obstruction, but the stone brick above is a good building material, and it was definitely not built. problem.


Thinking of the weak strength of the early Goblin, the night does not feel that they can do the hard work of knocking on the wall, and the stone bricks of this wall are too heavy, even if the sickle soldiers are not necessarily moving .

Scratching his head, he suddenly found that he couldn’t even build a rat's nest. It was a failure!

"No, I have 10 construction workers. They can remove the building materials when they demolish the house, and they can get a blueprint!"

When I thought of it, I hurriedly took 10 idle buildings and swordsmen to Lorraine City, and woke up Weng Ling who slept in a common house and said what I thought.

Originally, he was worried that Weng Ling would reject him. After all, he came to the city of the people, but he did not expect that Weng Ling just nodded and nodded and then went back to sleep with his eyes open. He left him with only one sentence:

"Don't take it apart, so stay tuned for a few."

Shrugging and shrugging, she thought about her thoughts when she thought about it in the night.

Anyway, Lorraine City has now become an empty city. In addition to the extensive urban construction model, the urban street planning is not chaotic. Many wooden houses will be spoiled soon if they are kept. It is better to dismantle them.

"But the idea is that I think the land title contest lost a month later?"

Shaking his head, the night looked at the left and right houses and waved directly at a wooden house:

"Tray it!"

In an instant, ten construction workers wearing wooden hard hats, holding crowbars, hammers, and saws rushed to the wooden house like a hungry wolf, and the locals began to knock.

As for why not go to the stone house first, first, these construction workers are still very young, and the night is more about letting them practice their hands.

Secondly, when he last let the old West give him a fire, he suddenly remembered that the wood used for construction was calculated in units. Can the used wood be used?

If you can, the wooden house in this city is enough for him to use it for a long time. Maybe it will be able to support the 10,000 maple trees.

Looking at the speed at which the construction workers demolished the wooden house was much slower than expected. On the night of the third day, I thought about simply letting the old West overhaul, let him direct the wooden block of this block to be dismantled~www.mtlnovel. Com~ and he returned to the farm himself.

“It seems that the skill recovery is still higher than the intelligence of the building recovery.”

On the night of the night, I looked at the peasant who was busy with the machinery on the farm. I also glanced at the dust and the old man who was facing the black calf. I couldn’t help thinking.

The shackles of skill recovery have certain initiative, and the most basic benefits of building recovery will not be avoided. Overly complicated instructions are not acceptable.

Fortunately, the shackles of skill recovery seem to have a natural commanding ability, and they can arrange their own work to the group of stupid people, which saves him a lot of things.

Before going to the farmland, I glanced at the growth in the field, and upgraded the other cockroaches who had enough experience because of labor to become the primary undead peasants, and then replanted the spaces that had been forgotten before they were planted.

Then, at night, I looked at the 80 first-grade cockroaches that had not been transferred, and frowned.

There are now only four jobs in his construction that can provide jobs: farmers, loggers, construction workers, and knives.

Among them, the lumberjack can't change his job because there is no tree cut, so if you want to strengthen these minimum level, you can only choose from the remaining three.

Farmers can first rule out, because the number of farmland is there, and can only support up to 20 undead peasants.

Followed by construction, although the project to dismantle Lorraine City is very large, but the long time can always be dismantled, not to mention the fact that this group of people is working 24 hours a day.

Once transferred, these guys are not competitive except for demolishing houses and building houses. It is definitely not worthwhile to turn too much.

But if you turn into a sergeant...