Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1188: 1188: Apprentice?

Standing in front of the store and watching for a while, Ning Huanxin turned her head to the other direction. She went to the small book city on the pedestrian street. This book city may not be the largest in Yanjing City, but the books in it are better than others. The types of places are more complete.

According to the book type distribution tips in the bookstore, Ning Huanxin went straight to the sixth floor. There were books on the mysteries of nature. As soon as he went upstairs, Ning Huanxin saw a familiar figure on the sofa in the reading area.

Tang Jiyao?

Tang Jiyao was sitting on the sofa at this time, reading a book seriously.

"Why didn't you go to class today?"

Ning Huanxin didn't know when she sat beside Tang Jiyao, lowered her head, and asked softly.


Tang Jiyao only reacted from the book at this time. He raised his eyes and glanced at Ning Huanxin. There was a surprise in his eyes: "Huanxin, it's you. I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you moved?"

They often met when Ning Huanxin lived here before, after all, Tang Jiyao's home was also near the pedestrian street.

"Well, I moved last year."

Ning Huanxin looked at the book in Tang Jiyao's hand: "Are you still interested in these mysterious places of exploration?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Tang Jiyao chuckled: "There is no class in our department today, so I will go home to get something. I just passed the bookstore and couldn’t help but come in! You know I like to study these things, although ...I haven't researched anything yet! However, I believe that there must be some mysterious spaces and places in this world, but I haven't found them yet."

When talking about this, Tang Ji glanced at his eyes behind his glasses, all shining.

"Yeah, I believe it too."

Ning Huanxin nodded, perhaps, because they experienced the mysterious space of the painting together last time, Tang Jiyao would be so persistent.

"By the way, Huanxin. I read the news and said you are studying at Yanbei University? You are studying architecture. Why are you studying architecture? Are you planning to study architectural geomantic omen?

In Tang Jiyao's eyes, Ning Huanxin was an expert like a Feng Shui master, so he thought so.


Ning Huanxin nodded: "I do want to systematically study Feng Shui, it is very interesting."

Since the last Xuanmen Newcomer Competition, Ning Huanxin has been interested in Feng Shui, and Jiang Lixing also supported her in learning this.

"It's great that you can learn what you like, I..."

Tang Jiyao suddenly lowered his eyes, raised his hand and pushed his glasses: "I...I think..."

Seeing Tang Jiyao hesitating, Ning Huan couldn't help but frowned. Such twitching doesn't seem like Tang Xueba's style!

"Tang Jiyao, what do you want to do? Why didn't you say it?"

"I want to...learn from you!"

Tang Jiyao suddenly raised his head and looked at Ning Huanxin deeply, "Huaxin, you...will you accept me as a disciple?"

Ning Huanxin:...

This is too sudden!

Ning Huanxin was caught off guard, looking at Tang Jiyao with a look of surprise.

She herself feels that she has just started to learn! Why is someone rushing to come to learn art from a teacher!

"This...I can't do it, I'll definitely make mistakes!"

Ning Huan waved her hand subconsciously, she had never thought about accepting disciples, and she would not teach anyone!

"Is it really impossible?"

Tang Jiyao looked at Ning Huanxin pitifully.

A dignified student! A man, is it really good for you to look at others like this?