Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1275: 1275: The Secret of Qianyun Mountain (1)

"It's not that simple."

Wu Chuan denied Lin Xuyang's speculation.

"The latest news comes from above. It is said that there is a mysterious monk and the blood race mixed together, so..."

Wu Chuan's eyes flashed murderously.

"No way?"

Lin Xuyang was stunned for a moment. The people in the Profound Clan are really getting more and more unreliable. They are actually mixed with the blood? Really asking for a dead end!

"Ning Huanxin..."

Haesu frowned, a little worried.

She didn't want Ning Huanxin to have anything to do with the blood clan.

After all... she is a fan of Jiang Lixing! Aiwu and Wu, Haixiu does not want to be an enemy of Ning Huanxin.

"We can't make rash judgments yet, but it's definitely not accidental that the three of them suddenly appeared here. Let's go back first and make long-term discussions!"

The figures of three people gradually disappeared into the night.


In the church.

At this time, Ning Huanxin, Yang A'nuan and Xu Changan were already sitting at the long table in the church.

There are twelve glasses of red wine on the table.

At this time, Ning Huanxin also picked up a wine glass. She shook the glass, then lowered her head and sniffed it gently.

"This wine has just been opened, which proves that the people in the church have just left."


Xu Changan nodded to the side: "It seems that someone specially arranged here, wanting to wait for someone, but...it shouldn't be waiting for us."

"Are you waiting for those three people just now?"

Yang A Nuan blinked, then stood up suddenly, and slapped the table vigorously: "No, aren't we here to find the brother?"

Ning Huanxin:...

Well, of course she knew that they were here to find Zhou Han, but now Zhou Han and those blood races are mixed together, what is the matter, it is getting more and more complicated.

"As far as I know, this is the residence of a senior blood race."

Ning Huanxin slowly put down the wine glass and looked at Yang A Nuan with serious eyes: "A Nuan, if Zhou Han is really a blood family together, we will be passive and he will also be in big trouble, so... can you? Can you tell me where did Zhou Han go when he left Yanjing? What did he do? Only when we know the truth can we have a chance to help him!"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yang A'nuan hesitated.

Yang A Nuan is still very clear about what kind of blood exists. How can he have anything to do with the blood? Could it be...

Yang A Nuan's face was a bit ugly. She squeezed a fist, and then took a strong breath, turned her head and looked at Ning Huanxin in a low voice and said: "Okay, sister Huanxin, I believe you, I tell you, brother The place to leave Yanjing is... Ganyun Mountain!"


Hearing what Yang A Nuan said, Xu Changan stood up in shock.

For everyone in the Xuanmen, Qianyun Mountain is a forbidden place!

It's called Feng Shui Jedi!

"Why would Zhou Han go there!"

Xu Changan couldn't help but aggravated his tone: "He wants to die? Couldn't he think about others, think about Xiaodie, he..."

Seeing Xu Changan's excitement, Yang A Nuan bit her lip aggrievedly.

"I also advise brother not to go, but he is devoted to studying Feng Shui. In our eyes, Qianyun Mountain is a Feng Shui Jedi, but in his eyes it is like a holy land! He actually wanted to go a long time ago, but he never had a chance until years ago. A few friends from the Feng Shui world found the brother and said that they were going to expedition to Qianyun Mountain, and asked the brother if they wanted to join him. The brother agreed without thinking.

Having said this, Yang A Nuan sighed.