Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1631: 1631: Happy New Year, bring red envelope

I don't know how long it has passed, the light in the Hall of Hades has gradually brightened.

Jiang Lixing had never slept so peacefully before, and for the first time in thousands of years, he could fall asleep like this.

Slowly opened his eyes, what caught his eyes was Ning Huanxin's sleeping face——

At this moment, he had imagined many times, many years, and now finally everything came true.

No matter how much you paid back then, it is worth it now.

Jiang Lixing looked at his lover's face, involuntarily raised his hand, and gently stroked her cheek.

Ning Huanxin moved slightly and slowly opened his eyes. From confused to clear, a pair of shining eyes stared at Jiang Lixing unblinkingly.

"Husband, early."

"Wife, early."

Jiang Lixing smiled low, bowed his head and gently kissed Ning Huanxin's forehead: "Get up, we should also go back."

After all, it was the first day of the wedding. In the morning, everyone in the Gu family was still waiting for the two couples to have breakfast together.


Ning Huanxin nodded, the two of them cleaned up, changed their clothes and left the Hades Palace in the underworld.

Last night, Jiang Lixing had bid farewell to the other kings. Everyone knew that he was going to resign from the position of King Qin Guang. Emperor Fengdu will take care of this position for a while, and when Zhang Nianxiu has enough experience and enough experience, he will take it The first hall of Hades.


Yuhaishan, Gu's family.

Wearing a coat, Ning Huanxin opened the door, and the door was white and crystal clear.

It turned out that in the early morning, there were sporadic light snow in the sky.

Maybe because it was snowing, the temperature was higher than usual.

"Ahang, it's snowing."

Ning Huanxin turned his head and called Jiang Lixing somewhat cheerfully. Jiang Lixing also walked out of the house at this time. He also wore a black coat. Although they were not afraid of the cold of winter, they were willing to be like mortals. Live the same way, living in chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea every day, instead of being the monk who doesn't eat fireworks.

"Go, be careful of slippery roads."

Jiang Lixing took hold of Ning Huanxin, and the two walked out of the room side by side.

Early this morning, the chef of Gu’s family prepared a table full of delicious food. Many of the friends and relatives who came to the wedding banquet yesterday lived directly in Gu’s guest room. Today everyone can get together again. By the way One.

"Sister, brother-in-law! Happy wedding! Happy new year!"

Before Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing walked to the entrance of the restaurant, they were stopped by Gu Chen. Young Master Gu wore a festive dress today, wearing a red woolen coat.

"Sister, brother-in-law...Don't look at it, bring the red envelope!"

Gu Chen smiled slightly at the two people and stretched out his hands while speaking.

These years, if you want a red envelope, you need to look for the one who is the most embarrassed. Gu Chen is smart. He doesn't look for Mr. Gu or Gu Xiao, only Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing.

Who made my brother-in-law a big local tyrant!

Happy New Year, bring the red envelope.

This may be the sentence Jiang Lixing heard most this year.

Because seeing Gu Chen effortlessly get a huge red envelope from Jiang Lixing, other disciples of the Gu family, as well as children from relatives, all flocked to——

"Miss, Grandpa! Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year, Auntie, where's my red envelope?"


Surrounded by a group of people, the two of them enjoy it. Jiang Lixing said that the actor has a lot of money, so don't worry, just wait in line, you will have a share!