Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 331: 331: I have an invitation

The driver's gaze fell on Ning Huanxin's subconsciously. Fortunately, she only brought a small bag, which didn't look like an assembled sniper rifle or heavy weapon.

But what if it is...a small bomb, the latest black technology?

When I think of this, the driver's brother is very worried about his life!

However, now that the person is in his car, the driver's eldest brother has no chance to go back, so he can only take Ning Huanxin to Yuhai Mountain with peace of mind and pray silently that there will be no accidents.

Ning Huanxin:...

Brother, your inner drama is too rich!


Yuhai Mountain is quite far away from Yanjing's urban area. The taxi left the urban area and went on the highway, and finally turned around. It took a long time to reach the mountain road.

Once here, Ning Huanxin knew it.

I don’t know if it’s because today’s grandfather Jiang’s birthday is concerned, the road to Yuhai Mountain today is actually stuck in traffic!

Well, who made only one road built here for safety?

Looking at the super luxury cars in front of him, the driver master couldn't help but his eyes widened, saying that Yanjing is full of luxury cars, but compared with the super luxury cars here, it is still not enough!

You have to be careful to open it! If you run into these cars, you won’t be able to pay for it!

Ning Huanxin watched the cars on the road go so slowly, and everyone had to check when passing by the security booth. I wonder if it will get dark if it is so troublesome.

"Brother driver, I can just walk down, and my friend lives at the foot of the mountain! Now, this is the money for the car, no need to look for it."

Ning Huanxin dropped a few hundred yuan bills and got out of the car.

After that, she walked forward quickly from the open space on the side.

This speed is actually faster than those who drive.

Soon, Ning Huanxin walked to the security pavilion. There were people standing inside and outside the pavilion. At first glance, they were not ordinary security personnel. These people carried a very cold breath and were definitely masters!

"Miss, this is a private place, you can't enter without a pass."

A man outside the pavilion stopped Ning Huanxin politely, and looked at her warily.

Ning Huanxin has also practiced martial arts since he was a child. Everyone who learns ancient martial arts will be sensitive to each other, and the walking posture and breathing rate of their martial arts practitioners are different from ordinary people.

That's why the man looked at Ning Huanxin very nervously, he must have also discovered that Ning Huanxin is also an ancient martial artist.

"Brother, I came to see my friends, by the way, I have this, you see!"

As Ning Huanxin said this, she took out the invitation card from the Jiang family for herself from her bag!

Seeing the invitation, the man's face changed slightly.

Many people who came here today are going to Jiang's family, and the invitations sent by Jiang's family are also very particular, divided into three, six or nine classes.

The one in Ning Huanxin's hands is precisely the highest-level platinum VIP invitation card!

This is not to say that the Jiang family valued Ning Huan's heart. This was just what the old man showed to Jiang Lixing.

He thought he had given Ning Huanxin the best invitation, Jiang Lixing would appreciate it, and as Ning Huanxin, he would naturally be flattered to attend such a high-level banquet.

Unfortunately, the fact is that Ning Huanxin didn't tell Jiang Lixing at all, and this invitation was just a tool for her to get in and out of Yuhaishan.

Had it not been for this invitation to get in and out of Yuhaishan freely, Ning Huanxin might have left this thing casually.