Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 382: 382: Blind Girl (1)

When he thought of this, Ning Huanxin was immediately excited, opened WeChat, and found his good friend A Lang, the dead ghost, who was about to send a message to A Lang.

Ning Huanxin paused again.

By the way, I don’t know what sister-in-law Zhilin looks like!

How do you describe it to A Lang?

Can't tell the appearance and characteristics, with Alang's chaotic thinking, can he really remember it?

Ning Huanxin felt that she didn't know what was wrong recently, and her IQ was seriously offline. Could it be that love can really make people stupid?

I don't believe it.

Ning Huanxin found Wang Nianping's phone number, but... Wang Nianping's phone number couldn't get through.

Are these people missing in a group play?

As a last resort, Ning Huanxin sent another message to Wang Nianping.

After doing all this, Ning Huanxin got up to wash.

She was going to Donghai City soon, and Ning Huan thought that she would go to the street today to buy something and leave tomorrow.

In addition to the things you want on the list, Ning Huanxin wants to give you some surprise gifts. After all, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the greatest annual festival in the underworld.

But... what should I bring you?

Ning Huanxin changed her clothes and went out with glasses. As soon as she left the house, she saw Li Chongzhen next door.

He changed his clothes and looked very clean and fresh, gentle and charming.


Seeing Ning Huanxin, Li Chongzhen smiled at her.

"Mr. Li early."

Ning Huanxin also greeted Li Chongzhen. The two went to the elevator door together.

"Go downstairs for breakfast?"

Li Chongzhen glanced at Ning Huanxin, then asked faintly.

"Yeah." Ning Huanxin nodded.

"I'm a newcomer, and I can't find it anywhere, Miss Ning, I don't know if there is any delicious breakfast shop nearby?"

At this time the elevator came, Li Chongzhen asked while politely let Ning Huanxin enter the elevator first.


Hearing Li Chongzhen’s question, Ning Huan smiled awkwardly: “Actually, I just moved here not long ago. I really don’t know.”

"Oh, it's okay."

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Li Chongzhen lowered his eyes, and a touch of disappointment flashed through his eyes——

It turns out that she has also moved in newly, and it seems that she is not very familiar with Yuye.

According to Yuye's temperament, he is not willing to make more contact with mortals.

It seems that it is impossible for me to use her to find clues of elm leaves.

When the elevator door opened again, the two people walked out one after the other, left the apartment, and ran away.

Ning Huanxin's requirements for food alone are very simple-to be full, not bad.

She randomly found a clean looking breakfast shop on the street, drank some porridge, and ate an egg.

After eating, Ning Huanxin wandered around on the street. There were many shops on the pedestrian street, and many of them were very distinctive small shops.

Ning Huanxin looked at each family, wondering in her heart what meeting gift she wanted to give those ghost friends.

As he walked, Ning Huanxin suddenly came to the door of a gift grocery store, which opened early in the morning, and the gentle wind blew the bell at the door, making a very pleasant sound.

Ning Huan couldn't help standing at the gate of the store.

This ringtone is really nice.

Ning Huan walked into the store subconsciously.

"Hello, miss, what do you want to buy? For yourself or do you want to give it away?"

The owner is a very beautiful girl, wearing a long cotton and linen shirt, ironed with pear blossoms, very cute and pretty girl.

"I... just take a look, don't you mind?"

Ning Huan couldn't help but smile at the girl.