Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 66: 66: Chat with Ghosts

Seeing that the female ghost next door actually cares so much about the crew, Ning Huan thought for a while and continued to send her messages——

A dead end: We saw a ghost in the grave today. There is a female ghost in the grave. Do you know her?

The female ghost next door: I don't know. Since I was conscious, I have been trapped in this place. I can't get out of this hotel or communicate with others. You are the first human being able to talk to me.

Too much:...

No wonder she is so positive about herself? It turns out that she has not recovered her original memory in the past ten years.

Seeing that Ning Huanxin didn't reply to the news for a long time, the female ghost next door sent another message——

The female ghost next door: Although I can't get out, there are many powerful ghost friends in our group. You can ask them, they are all very talkative.


Ning Huanxin realized that it was the female ghost next door who had pulled herself into the WeChat group of the underworld, and only then have so many bizarre things happened.

But... she is human!

A dead end: I am a human being. Will they be rude to me if they find out?

The female ghost next door: No, you are recognized by everyone, because we are using the latest 18.0 version of WeChat in the Underworld, which can search the entire underworld creatures at once. Usually, it is not connected to the Yangjian, but since you came here, I was able to search for you all the time, because I was so curious, so that day I added your friend on my own initiative.

For any weird things, even ghosts, will feel very curious.


What is WeChat version 18.0?

Is the technology of the underworld more advanced than the Yangjian?

I don’t know if Jobs really researched Crazy 18 in the underworld?

Ning Huanxin took a deep breath and took back his leap-like thinking.

However, Ning Huanxin remembered the words of the female ghost next door in his heart.

Now she knows nothing about this underworld WeChat group, and she knows little about the task. It doesn't matter if she didn't do the task, but the problem now is that she has done it!

Can't you just give up halfway?

Moreover, Ning Huanxin really wanted to know the ending of Zhang Yan and Li Yan.

Now Zhang Yan's ghost obviously has no memory. Li Yan seems to have broken the suppression of Bai Yunzi and reappeared. Next, what will she do? What is the use of that box of rouge?

Ning Huanxin is now in a mess and has no clue. It seems that she can only ask the old drivers in the group.

Thinking of this, Ning Huan couldn't help but open the page of the WeChat group of the underworld, and after deliberation, he sent a message--

A dead end: Hello everyone, I am a newcomer! Please take care!

Faceless Ghost: Wow! It's actually human! Come and watch the humans!

I'm a newly-dead ghost: half a yang fellow, come here, the newcomer will send out red envelopes in bursts.

Toilet girl ghost: I'm so cold, it's better to bring me a down jacket, PS: I hate aunt's color.

Drowning ghost: I only need a swimming lap to sleep more comfortable.

Hanging ghost: I just finished hanging, I'm so happy to catch up with the newcomer's welfare!

Ning Huanxin:...

Let me go, why are the WeChat groups in the underworld more cruel than the world!

Down jacket? Swimming ring?

What the **** is this?

Just when Ning Huanxin looked dazed, she suddenly saw a new piece of golden news——

Heiwuchang: You all shut up and scared the newcomer, what should I do? Humans, don't be afraid, just give us a random coin of 1 billion 800 million yuan!

Ning Huanxin:...


Suddenly, Ning Huanxin's mind flashed. Could it be that all these things they wanted were burned to them by themselves, not real objects?