Universal Asylum

Chapter 1265: Mountain fall

The universe is resistant to one side, and it is always weak in the face of attacks. The eradicating red tide can mobilize all the power, but the universe is impossible.

The universe has fallen into a weak position. It is constantly occupied by the red tide of the world. Waves of tides are rushing towards the inside of the world. Countless unidentified creatures cheer. This is their prosperous age. The genius and earth treasure are developing wildly and practicing prosperous times!

Outside of the universe, several small worlds are approaching and no longer maintain the original situation. The universe has already been riddled with holes. Along these cracks, you can enter the universe without hindrance. The current cosmic sky can’t have the ability to block .

These worlds are already approaching, but their speed is too slow, and they are just getting closer at the moment.

But at this time, a behemoth first filled these worlds and fell madly towards the inside of the world.

This is a high mountain, the visual effect is black, full of infectivity, everything polluter can see with naked eyes.

This assimilation effect often occurs only in the third step and the effect below the third part, because the level difference is too large, it will only be impacted and then passively changed to accept, and now Gaoshan faced these things to produce this assimilation.

This kind of mountain is more threatening than the third step of Chengdu last time, because it does not cover up!

The high mountain directly crushes the edge of the universe, and the sensational effect is beyond the effect of the eradicating red tide. The impact on the universe and the contempt for the impact of the red are not a level.

The world of the World Extinguishing Red Tide was like a piece of flat paper with a heavy weight and a large area, but the high mountain was a small but not inferior weight. The beginning of its hugeness was the feeling it brought, compared with the World Extinguishing Red Tide. In its own world, high mountains are still inferior.

Layers of shock waves shattered all the surrounding chaos, and finally a specific layer of membrane was shattered, leaving only a emptiness and several worlds in the universe.

Those several worlds are actually drifting toward the distance under this layer of shock waves, but the distance from the universe is closer, and they have really touched the cracks on the edge of the universe and started the process of actually going in.

Alpine mountain has been directly plunged into the universe, suppressing everything in the universe, and the universe’s heavenly consciousness has fallen into madness, but the force suppressed by the alpine mountain has shrunk back into the territory.

The change that brought about the reality is the destruction of countless planets in the universe, the smashing of large areas of stars, and the disappearance of countless creatures.

Before the World of Red Extinction, the influence inside the universe was not great, but the high mountains existed substantially, and the influence on the universe was huge. Countless creatures were directly destroyed fundamentally, and even the powerful could not resist it.

The high mountains are still constantly impacting the universe. Most of the universe is a place of silence. This is because the vitality of the end times dissipates. The current dead and empty land is more serious. The high mountains are promoting the progress of the end times.

However, the cosmic heavenly path is a gradual reply from anger, because the high mountain has no consciousness level of attack compared to the world red tide, and the cosmic heavenly path attaches importance to this point. The universe itself does not care about its internal damage, He just rejected all acts of encroaching on Heaven.

The universe has not countered the impact of high mountains, letting the high mountains be destroyed, it will be treated as a dead object, a dead object that will not resist.

The high mountain descended towards the bottom of the universe, and the speed did not decrease. It directly bombarded the dead zone of the universe. This area was originally filled with the destruction of the universe. Now it is impacted by the high mountain, and the breath overflows, which violates the laws of the universe. Shocked towards the four directions of the universe, the atmosphere of extinction rushed directly into the universe, and began to spread throughout the universe.

The effect is remarkable, directly destroying the vitality of some star fields, only the dead air remains, and the universe is very close to the end. Perhaps the universe will fall into the real end without the victory and defeat of the universe. If heaven is a real creature, you should know This kind of destruction effect is even worse, but it is not, the cosmic heaven is just a heaven with insufficient consciousness.

Alpine mountain stopped in the depths of the universe, there was no action, and it did not act to stimulate the universe's extinct breath.

The atmosphere of world extinction is constantly spreading in the universe, and the star field that comes out of the destroyer, countless zombies are bright.

"Dazhou Tianxing's large array has been affected and must be contained, otherwise the universe will not last for the last moment." The original opened his eyes, the black dot space reflected in his eyes, absorbing all the light visible to the naked eye.

Daozu nodded slowly, looking at Tongtian, "Brother, you will walk up and see the origin of the high mountain. You don't have to worry about the atmosphere of the world, and you have a large array of suppression."

Tong Tian stood up without saying a word, and Zhu Xianjian figure appeared again above his head. He walked towards the universe step by step, and the air of the world close to his body was smashed by the sword gas.

Tongtian's body was gradually obscured by a layer of sword intention, and the whole body was transformed into a sharp sword. The sword intention was vigorously condensed. As the footsteps moved, the sword intention expanded more and more Just a hundred steps later, he approached the high mountain. Seeing it as a high mountain surrounded by the air of death, Jianyi scabbed at this moment and directly split towards the high mountain.


The dead air around the mountain was shattered, the gravel of football on the mountain was splashed, and the cracks were imprinted on the mountain, and the mountain had no defense at all.

The sky was indifferent, and a simple sword appeared in his hand. The ancient sword was rusty and corroded, and it seemed to be broken instantly, but there was a vicissitude of power and artistic conception on this ancient sword.

After appearing, the void freezes and corrodes, leaving a large area empty, without any abnormalities, it is empty.

The high mountain in the distance was also covered by the decayed mood, and began to corrode. Layers of gravel fell from the high mountain, but the high mountain still did not resist at all.

Tongtian finally frowned slightly, and he stepped forward and set foot directly on the mountain.

When he was about to climb to the top of the mountain, his footsteps did not fall, he stopped in the void, hovered there, he looked at his toes, where he had permanently lost a fast body and true spirits. Compared with the entire body, his loss was insufficient. For the Tao, but this is a permanent loss.

Tongtian took a deep glance at the high mountain, turned around into the void, and disappeared.

The large array opened, and Tongtian entered the core of the array. He shook his head at Daozu, "Nothing special, the mountain itself is strongly corroded or split, and I did not react."

Daozu and others all watched Tongtian's injury and knew that Tongtian's injury was strange, and all felt horrified, so that the silent attack was the deadliest, because there was no room for resistance.

"Another point, when I left, the place where the high mountain was hurt has been restored again, and it seems to be healed like flesh." Tongtian added.

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