Universal Asylum

Chapter 1426: guide

The vulture is still muttering. For him, this is the moment when Wang Sheng was just seen, but he has actually been caught in the illusion brought by Wang Sheng for a long time, revealing a lot of information.

"The ancient man of the Divine Court is indeed already above the limit, and this one is also, this is the power above the limit!"

"I will die? Will I die without personally experiencing the power of the limit? I am not reconciled, not reconciled!"

The vulture's expression fluctuated greatly, and his consciousness became more and more sober.

With a move in Wang Sheng's heart, the vulture's spiritual strength is not weak, and such a strong man can control this point to the limit.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the vulture woke up directly, and his eyes were not completely clear. The first thought came out, and he snorted, kneeling in the void, and the pressure from all directions directly overwhelmed him.

The power is strong, every strong suffocation of his body, the endless energy seems to be drilled directly into the countless holes in his body, to prop up his body.

"This is the power above the limit." The vulture looked hard, completely unaware that he had been affected by consciousness before, but his eyes swayed to experience the power around him. Even in this case, he was looking at being golden The surrounding figure, that figure is great and real, made him realize that he was indeed breathing in the same space as this one.

He was already in awe of the existence of this man, and then at the next moment, he saw which existence seemed to have slept open for a long time in his eyes.

There seemed to be a ray of light in his eyes, full of historical vicissitudes.

"Who are you, why entered my territory!" He heard a voice straight into the soul, straight into the soul, clear and transparent, and at the same time there was strong coercion, which made people surrender.

The vulture was shaking in his heart, and unprecedented emotions appeared in his heart, making him feel that his body and soul seemed to be not his own.

"Awake, this existence is awake!" The only thing the vulture hovered in his mind was this thought.


A vicissitudes of ancient figure appeared in his mind. He could not tell the face and could not see the figure clearly, but it really existed in his mind.

The same feeling as the old ones!

The vulture heard the doubts of this existence, his mind suddenly agitated, calmed down.

His voice trembled slightly, "I didn't intend to break into your realm, here is just an abandoned space, I don't know who you are."


The existence questioned again: "Do you suspect that I am lying, you do not admit the fact of breaking into my territory!"

The vulture felt his mind grow calmer, "When I went down here, I was not told that there was a master here, maybe this was once your territory. If you are inferred from your past history, then the next is indeed intruding into you. Territory."

"My tongue is like a tongue. My territory is my territory. It is no different from time. After a boy, is this world controlled by you fools."

Obviously it seems to be stupid outside, and here is so natural that this existence speaks, even taking it for granted in the mind of the vulture.

Then the voice fell under the overwhelming pressure, and the vulture felt that every part of the body was shrouded by a strong majesty, and this pressure came from every space in this world.

He was shocked to realize the fact that this world and this space are all occupied by this existence, which is the reason why this existence says this is his territory.

Because this world has been refined by it and has become a part of its own body.

And he thinks that this world is just a mistake for the reason that this existence is trapped.

He was breathing hard, and there was a wave of effort in his mind.

"It turns out that this is really your realm, it is rude."

At the same time, he realized why the world would fall from high altitude, and there would be such a sudden sudden movement, because this existence woke up from a deep sleep, and began to wake up as a space in its realm.

"You can control the existence of such a large territory during the Shenting period. Certainly there will be no weaker than the identity and strength of the ancients, and it seems that it has not fallen into the Nine Nether, and can sleep with this space, such existence and such strength!"

The vulture has fallen into self-guessment, and at the same time has never felt such despair, it seems that his body will be completely crushed in the next moment.

"It seems that you have recognized your position and, as a compensation for the crime of invasion, told me of the world today."

The issuer ordered the existence to be taken for granted, and the vulture did not think he should reject the existence, an obvious end. If he refused, he would be afraid that it would be miserable.

"It seems that your Excellency has slept for a long time, but you want to tell the history after the age of Shenting."

"The history of the Shenting era has become a legend so far, except for a few old people ~lightnovelpub.net~ there will be no more records."

The vulture said tentatively.

"Shenting era, is this what you call that era, it has already become a legend." The existence seemed to mumble.

"The so-called ancient people, tell me their names."

The vulture looked hesitantly, "Please understand that these names can't be spoken casually because of the prohibition, because of the prohibition, I'm afraid I won't be able to say it smoothly."

The overwhelming pressure of words suddenly appeared on him, binding his body tightly, so that he had no room for activity.

"You are trying to deceive me, but you haven't recognized your position yet. If so, I can fulfill you."

The voice was indifferent and relentless, and once again entered the soul of the vulture, making his soul tremble, it seems that the soul will be directly destroyed in the next moment, and the traces and dependence of existence will be lost.

The vulture was trembling, but as a strong man, he did not bow down. "There is no concealment underneath. If you think so, you can't justify it underneath. It's just that the outside world is not as good as the times of the Shenting era. Not everything will go smoothly."

"Advent!" Is there a mutter to yourself?

The vulture finally breathed out of his heart, finally turning his dead attention away.

"The news of the two adversaries tells me that Dobfan’s previous mistakes have only one chance. Let’s get started."

The eyes of the ancients finally shifted away, letting the vultures loosen their hearts, and at the same time it was unclear whether the previous Wang Sheng's discourse was just a bluff.

But he dare not gamble!

"The presence of the Advent was not long ago. They came from a powerful civilization. The overall strength of that powerful civilization far exceeded that of our world. These Adventists are also at the peak level of their civilizations, and each is powerful."