Universal Asylum

Chapter 1467: Guess and status quo

It is not based on the void, it is deeper than the void, but it is not the original world after the void, that is where the divine realm can be reached.

"Perhaps between the two."

This is Wang Sheng’s guess, but there is no doubt that Wang Sheng can use this space to travel through any void in the outer void world. This is the magical power that Xiaolu can freely transfer to the void, and Xiaolu is really different from others. The difference between the world tree, this change is suspected to be related to the cloud neutron, Wang Sheng also speculated that the people in the sun should not notice it.

And as it turns out, with Xiaolu's transfer, he succeeded in diverting the sight of the man of the day into the Nine Nether, and he could escape successfully.

The process is very dangerous, even Wang Sheng has faced the life and death crisis several times on the way, and even if he was not lucky to have contact with the world of Zhigo, it is already very dangerous. To that extent, Wang Sheng certainly cannot hide the power of Taoism However, in the face of him who demonstrated this power, Da Ri Shang was afraid of exposing his strength without scruples, because Wang Sheng's value has exceeded any purpose he originally intended.

In the face of the big Sun who has completely exposed his strength, even if his conceptual consciousness is broken, Wang Sheng will face a more dangerous process. Whether he can escape or not, the final outcome will not be too good, revealing the strength of the Taoist Wang Sheng will also fall into a real passive, not in this world, but in the chaotic world outside.

In the world we see now, the **** of the sun is the strongest, but in the chaos of the outside world, there must be more such things as the sun, and the chaos is infinite, even the existence of the sun. I dare not say that we can know all the places of chaos, but Wang Sheng, who forms a complete Tao, has the possibility of causing vibration in chaos.

The current ending is already the best scenario in anticipation. Wang Sheng recalled the words of the previous Master.

"What is the so-called fourth step?"

In his cognition, even in the Dao Yuan Dao mirror he was in contact with, the third step was the level of Dao Realm and Dao Yuan, and the Divine Realm was never expressly stated, but in everyone's eyes, the Divine Realm belongs to the No. The four-step level, that is, the level beyond the third step, the strength and origin between the two are two levels, and it is not excessive to divide into two levels.

But Wang Sheng said the words of the fourth step from the mouth of the Master of the Sun!

And the fact that is manifested is that the man in the sun is actually not the fourth step, but instead clearly interprets the level of existence of the huge body.

If it was just speculation before, but now with the affirmation of the people in the sun, Wang Sheng can also be sure that the **** realm is indeed inferior to the level of the huge body. After all, it can be clearly seen from the control and understanding of Taoism. Is the gap between levels.

Wang Sheng is thinking about what the meaning of the level of the God Realm is, and the gap between it and the third step is enough to form a realm, but now it seems that it is only the realm between the third and fourth steps, just like a pseudo The existence of the fourth step.

Wang Sheng shook his head, meaningless guesses were meaningless, and the information he got had only one thing that was really useful for him now, which can be used as a reference. That is, the giant giant in the fourth step is still chasing the formation of this text.

It now seems that the space in the void exists, and he has entered the dozens of figures he saw in it, all of which are the fourth step and above.

Even if it is conservatively considered, it is the pinnacle of the fourth step. If there is still a state above the fourth step, Wang Sheng even guesses that it exists in the fifth step, because he can feel in the complete Taoist and the incomplete Taoist The gap is also huge.

His existence can provoke the shock of the incomplete Taoism, and even understand some of the meanings in the incomplete Taoism. This is undoubtedly the effect brought by the high-rise building, and it is only after overlooking that information can be obtained.

Wang Sheng clearly knew what level he was in, which was actually a level that could be overlooked by the people in the sun and even the huge existence, but Wang Sheng did not have the slightest pride and so-called pride. To a certain extent, it was not Got a good new.

Especially when his Daoist existence is exposed to the sight of that huge existence, he will not be lucky to think that the existence did not find his own strangeness, even if he did not find the existence of the complete Daowen, but he came second. Make sure that your understanding of Taoism is not simple control, that is to say, the worst is the level of cognition with that huge body, and that huge giant should also be available.

The strength is so weak, but it has reached such a level that Wang Sheng does not know how the giant will think.

Everyone is innocent and guilty!

Wang Sheng does not doubt others at random, but it is necessary to be vigilant. The situation that has not been awakened before and is now awakened is different~lightnovelpub.net~Wang Sheng is equivalent to being concerned by him at all times, even even In the small green space, Wang Sheng will not think that the other party cannot be found.

Of course, the situation now is that the other party does not seem to have any unusual movements. After all, to make a means, you must be close to it before. It was also the best time to move.

Wang Shengpanxi was in the palace, and the Taoism around him began to flicker, which was connected with Wang Sheng’s body, and he began to heal his injury. His loss was too serious this time, not to mention the injury, even the most important There are also cracks in the core of the body. It is not like the injury of the body can be recovered at will, but it takes a long time to spend.

The power of Taoism has a good chance of recovery for the existence of the core, and there is a conceptual awareness that gradually recovers. The combination of the two forces should be able to slightly change the state of the core.

The light of Wang Sheng flickered, and a space appeared around him. It was the space of the court, although after the previous explosion, there was still a lot of energy in it, which still had a role for Wang Sheng.

Looking at the space that also flashes Taoism, Wang Sheng's eyes flash, Tianzhu's existence is still in the hands of the Master of the Sun, and there is Taoism on it. Although he has been forcibly hidden by him, there may be other accidents that let him Noticed.

Regardless of whether the Taoism is not exposed or the strength of Tianzhu itself, capturing Tianzhu is the next thing Wang Sheng must do.

"Big Sun, God Realm!"

In this battle, the cognition of the divine realm exceeded Wang Sheng's imagination. The previous mystery completely disappeared. Although the real experience of the power of the divine realm, but also really found that the divine realm is not really unattainable.

Of course, the premise is that Wang Sheng already has a lot of elements in advance, so that he can shorten the gap between God Realm and him.