Universal Asylum

Chapter 1482: Reenter real space

The conceptual force of Wang Sheng’s whole body exploded, and all the forces in the core were madly rotated, the power of Taoism and the power of the flesh were transformed in the body, and the force of his conceptual consciousness was madly swept together in the body. The volatilization of one punch and one foot spreads madly in this original space. Gradually, Wang Sheng turned into a giant, not a real form change, but a layer of light radiating from the body. Just to describe, its essence may be a result in this state, just like the existence of Dao Guo.

It looks similar to the sun's rays in the distance.

The action of the Master of the Day stopped, "He actually came to this step." The last time he fought, the other party broke through during the battle. This time it was even more so. It directly formed a sign that could represent the existence of the God Realm in a certain sense. As if the other party had proved these achievements, they just familiarized them and played them out in battle after battle.

But the trend of the people in the big day is not known, and his first guessing trend is close to reality. The reason why Wang Sheng’s realm is so fast is that he is driven by the cause and knows that the result is in the way. Obstacles, the difficulty is not so great, of course, but in contrast, if no crisis is approaching again and again, Wang Sheng can only follow the steps.

The light seems to be condensing like the law, it seems that there is no real shape yet, Wang Sheng does not feel any increase in power, nor does he feel a greater level of improvement, but at the same time he feels the great man in front of him Not so high above.

But when the big day ahead suddenly acted, Wang Sheng calmly judged that it was only an illusion, which can prove the result, and only represents that the road in the future does not need to cross obstacles, but it has long been unable to help his huge strength. At least it is not enough to let He crosses the obstacles of the gods.

The light outside Wang Sheng’s body began to shake violently. This light seemed to exist like a figure, and he began to lift his palm towards the scorching sun in front of them. The two immediately touched, and the light silhouette outside Wang Sheng disappeared like an illusion, Wang Sheng’s palm The light in it was already ready, and waved again towards the day ahead.

The same conceptual consciousness power is condensed, but it is equally powerful and in contact with the light of the Sun.

The frantic bàozhà, Wang Sheng's body began to dissipate in the light, the light of the great sun wàiwéi shook violently, and he took a step back for the first time.

"This time you haven't been so easy to leave." The Sun of the Great Sun radiated again, ushering towards a point, where it was already the height of the original space, and there was no escape from the sight of the Sun of the Great Sun.

A firebird, strangely showing the interlaced light of white and red, is the basis of the divine realm, the power of changing the concept and the light of its big day, combined together but exquisitely combined into a firebird, firebird one Seeing is powerful.

The flamingo is beautiful in shape, flying toward the sky, and splashing the fire point, and on the way through it, a white light spot is exposed. This light spot is swallowed up by the fire bird, and the fire bird turns from static, and finally white A violent shock was emitted, the force exploded, and the light spot disappeared from the firebird.

After bàozhà, the eyes of the Daji people condensed, but he could not find a trace of Wang Sheng’s existence. It seemed to be dead. Even the Dazhi people could not see the slightest clues, but there was a pillar in his palm. It was the Tianzhu from Wang Sheng's hand. Above this Tianzhu, there was no fluctuation due to Wang Sheng's disappearance.

The Tianzhu disappeared in the hands of the Master, and he did not try to use the Tianzhu to sense Wang Sheng's existence. He had already tried it. This Tianzhu could not send the slightest induction without destroying it.

Instead, Wang Sheng’s whole body radiated light, and the space was filled, and the space was completely submerged in an instant. Then the endless power to change the concept appeared in the fire light, and then covered everything, and then the space was destroyed by the light. Among them, of course, the space itself is very stable, even the slightest damage.

The rug-like search and destruction, even if Wang Sheng was hiding in it, could not be safe and sound, but the people of Dayi still did not find the slightest.

His eyes narrowed, he can be sure that Wang Sheng still exists, this is his instinct to fight with him twice in a row, Wang Sheng will not disappear so simply.

However, under the real circumstances in front of him, the Master of the Sun had no way at all. He stared at this space for a long time, and finally turned away with an expressionless convergence light.

"Whether you can hear it or not, it's no accident that you fled twice from the deity. The deity looks forward to the next meeting, but then hope you are ready."

The voice of Master Dari disappeared with the figure~lightnovelpub.net~The space was quiet, and even after a long time passed, Master Diri never entered into it, and what Master Dari probably wouldn’t have imagined is that Wang Sheng Ye can't hear it anymore, he is now in a unique environment.

Wang Sheng can’t sense his existence. Whether it is the power of conceptual consciousness, the power of the flesh, and his own Taoist power, he has lost traces of existence. Wang Sheng can’t determine why he exists now. What is the way.

This kind of feeling is not new. When he was forced into the peculiar world by the emperor of the Qing Emperor in the Great Universe, his conceptual consciousness power became active at that time, but before the emergence of consciousness power, his real However, the form does not feel the slightest sense of existence.

The feeling at this time is very similar to that at that time. The only difference is that Wang Sheng can clearly perceive his state at this time, knowing that he and I exist, and even knowing where is here. This is exactly what he once did. Daowen space entered at the time.

But at the time he was a complete form of Taoism, but at this time it was an invisible existence.

However, Wang Sheng knows how he is caught in the current situation. In order to avoid the attack of the big sun, he put his last hope in the real space that he once entered, but he does not know how to enter, so he can only do tricks. Reapply, while inducting Taoism, and at the same time exploding power with the Master of the Sun, hoping to forcibly open that space.

But what really succeeded in the end was his sense of Taoism, which allowed him to shuttle into it, but before that, his existence has been passively attacked by the sun, will it exist now is not the existence of thinking or form .

And the feeling of entering the real space this time is also different from the last time. There is endless darkness and great figures in the space at that time.