Universal Asylum

Chapter 1623: Search

There seems to be a contradiction in this sentence. The Extinct Beehive exists, and it also exists in the chaotic realm, but Wang Sheng didn’t feel the difference until Wang Sheng came here. At this time, think again. It seems to be just a projection, a projection of the extinct honeycomb in this space.

It is also a projection at high latitudes.

Of course, when it comes to projection, Wang Sheng can’t feel false, but the distance is too long to grow into the world of Wang Sheng, and that realm needs to touch the real annihilating beehive, even if it doesn’t feel real or even through the passage. This real extinct beehive, until passing through the passage, Wang Sheng seems to have experienced a space hole and directly came to the world where the extinct beehive is located.

Wang Sheng knew that at this moment his distance from the ontology was extremely far away, and even the conceptual consciousness had broken the connection with himself, not knowing whether he could touch everything here, he seemed truly lonely, Wang Shengdao’s heart was stable, Without looking at the surrounding scene, his conceptual consciousness was embodied in this space, under pressure, and was constantly consuming himself, and could not persist for too long.

Wang Sheng felt the pressure in front of him. In this heavy pressure, he also felt different things. It was something that attracted his conceptual consciousness. It seemed to increase his conceptual consciousness and had a strong attraction to Wang Sheng. He knew that this was what attracted him at the beginning of the passage, and it seemed that at this time, this feeling became stronger.

Feeling this different feeling, after identifying the pressure and the attraction, Wang Sheng seemed to be moving towards that attraction. Wang Sheng was confused, and he seemed lost in this space at this moment, from In the appearance of the world, his body seemed to unconsciously approach this cyan heart, to touch what can attract him.

The body is infinitely elevated, and his will travels under heavy pressure. Wang Sheng seems to be attracted. In this process, he does not need to have too much active consciousness. As long as he feels this power, he can be attracted, even this heavy. The pressure can not resist with him.

Wang Sheng’s consciousness is still being consumed, but at this time this consumption cannot affect Wang Sheng’s will. Wang Sheng is like a truly mad person. Even if the physical and mental pain cannot affect him, let him wake up, Wang Sheng is like He was chasing that thing like a monster.

Within the real space, Wang Sheng’s real body seemed to feel a suffocation when the conceptual avatar entered that space. This was the suffocation of time and distance, which made him feel that he had traveled through the endless space, letting him and the concept. Sensing between sexual consciousness becomes difficult.

But in the end it still stabilized, and Wang Sheng still accepts everything that the recipient's conceptual consciousness incarnate comes into contact with.

And when the conceptual avatar falls into indulgence, Wang Sheng's true will also falls into indulgence, seeming to pursue together the mysterious and unpredictable things that may exist on the cyan heart.

It is always impossible to be sober. At this moment, Wang Sheng seems to have lost his autonomy and is unable to recover. This feeling is terrifying. As a man who is so powerful and unable to control himself, this is the most terrifying thing.

For a long time, Wang Sheng heard the sound of 汨汨 flowing, his consciousness woke up at once, the real deity opened his eyes violently, with horror and shock in his eyes, and some fear.

The body is warm, as if there is a stream of energy flowing continuously in the body, flowing through the whole body, it is also this energy that wakes up Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng finally found that this energy comes from the deep core of the body and is emitted by the core involuntarily. Power seems to feel the abnormality of the body and starts to flow actively.

After Wang Sheng was awake, this energy entered the core and never appeared again.

Fear remained in Wang Sheng’s heart. It was a fear of not being able to dominate his life. It seemed as if he was being manipulated. He couldn’t be autonomous, or even had no memory. Only the daze that woke up from the sleep in the mortal era was so clear, as if leaving the soul empty. .

Wang Sheng stabilized, his eyes deep, what was the thing that attracted the conceptual consciousness, why made him lose his self like this, and why it existed in the cyan heart, is it the total thing of the cyan heart, this is not It means to be close to the cyan heart.

When Wang Sheng was awakened in the real place, the conceptual consciousness lost in the unknown space also began to awaken. Wang Sheng was surprised and uncertainly perceiving everything around him, and found that the attraction of the unknown did not follow. His awakening disappeared, and his conceptual avatar continued to move forward under this attraction.

It doesn't seem to be affected by his sobriety.

Wang Sheng's face was uncertain, and in the end there was nothing to prevent this conceptual consciousness from rising. He wanted to see what that thing was and what the real reason for his mental loss was. If he didn't dare to face this fear, directly Escape, his Dao Xin will be affected.

Immediately after waking up, he could feel the heavy pressure around him consuming his will continuously. His consumption has never stopped. Even as his body approached the blue heart, this pressure was still increasing. Premonition, if it is such a speed, then he is afraid that he cannot really see ~lightnovelpub.net~ will be crushed by this heavy pressure.

At this moment, the force that pulled him suddenly increased unprecedentedly, so that his advance speed increased greatly to the point of terror, and at the same time, he felt a violent shock, which was the destruction of his consciousness before. The shock of the incarnation now sounded again, and because of his incomparable proximity to the cyan heart, it also caused the impact of this ancient shock to seem even more dramatic.

Wang Sheng’s conscious incarnation seemed to have heard countless mysteries. This contact was clearer than before. All he felt was destruction, but now he carried other things, as if there were countless mysteries, countless unknowns are just like this. The contact seems to make Wang Sheng feel that he has received countless novel information and promoted his level, but this is just an illusion.

The reason for this may be that the first destruction before made him resistant, and this time he felt something different.

Wang Sheng was heavy in his heart. This shock was too untimely. The increase in the speed of attraction should be related to the shock, but even at a faster speed, I am afraid that he will not be able to reach the source of the attraction, because He has already felt his body collapse, that is the conceptual consciousness is being destroyed.

He knew that this journey was only afraid of stopping here. He realized this feeling meditation and hoped that he could learn some laws for the next exploration.

But at this moment, Wang Sheng's speed of advance went up again!