Universal Asylum

Chapter 1671: nothingness

This aggression is also a great threat to the current latitude world.

   It's just that Wang Sheng has a deep meaning in his eyes. He just doesn't know whether this aggression is intentional or unintentional.

  If the world is still shrouded in a world-extinguishing honeycomb, Wang Sheng will not act immediately even if he knows that it is abnormal, but the threat now is the strange latitude world.

   This is what Wang Sheng decided after seeing the world again.

  Wang Sheng stood outside the space barrier and stretched out his palm. This space used to be close to the obstacle no matter how close he was. At this moment, there was no slight obstacle under the palm of his hand. Wang Sheng easily reached into it.

After a moment, Wang Sheng withdrew his palms, nothing on his palms, but Wang Sheng’s eyes flickered, not really nothing, he did not really touch the latitude world, but entered into a void, it was from him Looking at the nihility seen from the edge of the latitude world at a high altitude, although that kind of nihility has no identity, it is the most suitable environment for him.

  Wang Sheng nodded, it seems that there is a real nothingness in the two latitude worlds, there is a distance, and it is not a complete fusion in the true sense.

   Then this space barrier should not be formed by the latitude world, but a space barrier that was born naturally when the two latitude worlds were too close.

Wang Sheng no longer delays, he stepped into the space barrier in one step. The light circulated in front of him and experienced the space rules in the space barrier. The space rules here can still be accepted by the world. It is a space rule biased to the latitude of the world. I don't know if such rules are suitable in that world.

  If it fits, then I am afraid that there is a real possibility of real contact between the two latitude worlds.

  Wang Sheng came into contact with the real nihility after crossing the space to avoid obstacles. His body was comfortable for a while, and then his body stretched out, and a real giant appeared in the nihility.

  Wang Shengqing couldn't help but utter a roar, restricting his body to get rid of everything, the power in the body circulates, and every time there are countless mysterious changes, it seems that the sea has no gates and runs to the center of the real sea.

  Wang Sheng had a profound feeling at this moment. He truly experienced the personality of the initial realm, not only the powerful power, but also the natural superior status and high-level existence.

   And this piece of nothingness is no longer the category of the latitude world, things are truly independent, this piece of nothingness is the real sea, these two recent latitude worlds are two bubbles in the sea, and even a floating island is not counted.

   And the Tao among them respects that the bubbles support each other and rely on each other to exist. There is no one. They cannot exist in this void sea for too long, and will eventually disillusion.

The latitude world where Wang Sheng was in the past had Daozun, a stable world, and since Dao Zun fell asleep, the latitude world was actually very unstable. Combined with the status quo of the latitude world, Wang Sheng has another conjecture, I'm afraid that the reason why the latitude world exists safely until now, until I appear, I'm afraid that the World Extinguishing Beehive has played a lot of roles, replacing Dao Zun to stabilize the world.

   said before that the latitude world is just a bubble, and Wang Sheng also felt something outside the bubble in the void, that is the high-latitude world she had felt before, and the world where the blue heart really exists.

   That world night is in this piece of nothingness, but there is a very stable existence in the nothingness, that is a floating island, and it has even been completely rooted in the nothingness and truly stabilized.

   began to absorb energy from the void, not the latitude world like the bubble type, which just blindly consumed the power in the world, and the bean sprouts were consumed.

   And the projection of the cyan heart from above the floating island, the World Extinguishing Honeycomb, is like a branch pipe connected to the bubble latitude world, helping Daozun stabilize the latitude world.

   But the price is that the latitude world's heritage is absorbed by the branch pipe and the world extinct honeycomb, which is equivalent to a chronic death.

   These are the feelings that will only come when we really enter the sea of ​​nothingness. Wang Sheng instantly understood a lot.

   This nihility is really suitable for the environment in which he exists. Only in such an environment can one truly experience what is huge, and there is really no limit.

   But Wang Sheng also perceives danger. In this void, nothing really exists in the real sense. There is a crisis that can threaten him.

   He not only has more experience in a few latitude worlds, but also has a real positioning for himself. He does not need to rely on Dao Zun, which generally depends on each other, but a real individual.

He is equivalent to a bubble world. Of course, because of the road, he is naturally more powerful than the bubble world. He can exist steadily in the void, and the void itself has no danger to him, unlike bubbles. The world will be eroded by nothingness.

But in the void there are chaotic creatures similar to those existing in some places, some are really high-level people~lightnovelpub.net~ like the existence of cyan hearts, some are completely chaotic creatures, devouring everything, the same Similar to the current state of the cyan heart.

  Wang Sheng can perceive such a threat, indeed exists in nothingness, and the distance may not be too far, at least much closer than he perceives the world of the floating island, that is, the world where the blue heart is located.

   But distance Although this floating island world can perceive distance, but Wang Sheng still cannot reach there in this way, because the real distance is not as simple as imagined.

  Similarly, from this perception, the dangerous thing is still far away, and it is also a distance that cannot be reached by trekking.

Wang Sheng looked in one direction, and there was the direction from which danger was sensed. I wonder if it was a coincidence. In front of the danger, that is, Wang Sheng and even the latitude world behind him, there is also a latitude world, exactly where he is. The world of space creates a world of space obstacle avoidance.

  Wang Sheng seems to see a wild animal, chasing a food, and in front of the food is another food.

   The beast is naturally a dangerous source. The first food is the latitude world that comes close, and the second food is the Wang Sheng world.

   Wang Sheng's eyes shone with light. The reason why the latitude world was close was this. In order to escape danger, he chose to move in nothingness.

  If the guess is correct, then Wang Sheng already has an answer to that world, in which there is a real Dao Zun, and officially because of this Dao Zun, the latitude world can move in the void like the sea.