Universal Asylum

Chapter 1727: Taoist consciousness

After Wang Sheng came to this world, he planned to start from the bottom and gradually uncover the secrets of this world. Until now, the time he came to this world is not long, nor can it be said that it is nothing. Reaping, but he still feels slow, making him feel like he has played with each family. Such progress is of no benefit to him, so Wang Sheng now decides to speed up progress.

Now that he has made up his mind, the power in Wang Sheng's hands began to be born slowly, and then began to change the rules of this world. What he needs to change is actually only a little, not drastic, but the final impact is just like the fire of the prairie fire. The world will change rapidly.

Wang Sheng soon changed one of these rules a little. With the support of his Dao Xin and the concentration of attention drawn from the deity of the Honghuang dimension at the moment, these rules seemed to be engraved with a knife, and the corners were grinded little by little. Ping, adapted into what Wang Sheng needs. After this rule appeared, the surrounding rules began to surge violently, which was originally a tacit existence, but at the moment one of them began to change, and all the structures began to change suddenly. Stabilize the structure and start to collapse.

The power of Wang Sheng’s powerful thoughts came out, forcibly stabilizing the structure in front of him, and he could not move the bullet or destroy it anymore. At the same time, Wang Sheng suppressed his changes from coming out here and out of his star space, because That is not changing the world, but destroying the world.

Wang Sheng began to run in and change other rules in his control. It took less than a moment, because the first rule was born, the second kind was completed quickly, and immediately had a connection with the first kind of rule, began to echo, just like The two gears coincide with each other, giving birth to strange powers.

Wang Sheng continued to impose the transformation of the third rule. Unexpectedly, the transformation process was very simple, because with the help of the first and second rules, the third rule appeared perfectly, of which Wang Sheng provided only Directional guidance.

When the fourth rule appears, there is no need for Wang Sheng to do more things, because the rules themselves have begun to link, and everything has begun to change. Wang Sheng will withdraw his consciousness and was immediately suppressed by force. Change started to happen violently, but instead of beginning to destroy as before, it laid a strong spatial foundation again and formed a stable spatial structure.

A stable space appeared in front of us. It was strong and strong. Despite its small size, Wang Sheng could feel that the complete rules existed in it. This is a space that can grow, or it can be called the prototype of the world.

Wang Sheng nodded, and then let go of his control. From the star space at the moment, a layer of change took place. His star space completely became the existence of a new rule, the crystallization of Wang Sheng's hands. He began to radiate light, his consciousness controlled the star space below, and then connected the whole space of the star space with the crystal, and then in a moment, the world transformed, the crystal in Wang Sheng's hands became a real world space.

And his star space has completely disappeared, an empty piece. What is important is that invisible fluctuations are transmitted from the neutral position here, and it also spreads to the entire dimensional world at a rapid speed, changing the dimensional world in this moment. , It has caused the most fundamental changes in the world.

The realm is low and unaware, but the main **** star master suddenly moved, seemed to sense something, and even locked some of the rules, they can vaguely feel that these rules are changing, but they are not sure what happened. What changes made them wonder is why such a change happened and why such a thing happened.

And the next moment they felt the news from the connected Taoist consciousness, and then they shocked to find that there is still such a possibility in their world that there can be countless spaces, and also created countless space magical powers, almost Said to change the world in an instant.

There is real Taoist consciousness in this world, but it is countless creatures, and the Taoist consciousness born together with creatures including the star master, which is similar to an intelligent light brain, has begun to change at this moment, in which countless messages appear It seems that this Taoist consciousness is performing calculations and finally determined what happened.

After confirming this, it began to change. It seemed that there were countless possibilities to be born in his body. The most peculiar thing was that the Taoist consciousness began to have doubts. He began to actively seek for it to trigger this. The reason for everything. ,

It is like the first step in the birth of wisdom of artificial intelligence. It started to change without the knowledge of these star owners, and for the first time made an active action.

But it is Dao Zun, but a truly supreme existence. Once it changes, it is really difficult to imagine how powerful it is. Those star owners can no longer change their thinking consciousness, nor can they really control.

That is to say, in an instant, Wang Sheng has changed the situation of this world and let this world out of the real ruler, that is Dao Zun!

They tried to search everything ~lightnovelpub.net~ to locate everything, but Wang Sheng's existence was doomed to be impossible to search for. Wang Sheng had collected the crystal space at this moment and began to walk in the air to see what happened in this world. What's the matter, look at the specific changes caused by these rules.

But he didn’t see anything. This is destined to be a quiet world of rules. Such changes are not dramatic. Everything happens in a subtle way, but it is always changed. Wang Sheng stretched out his palm, which immediately contained a The power of this kind of rule is significantly improved and enhanced than before.

At least some things that could not be done before are not impossible now. It is not only the space supernatural power that changes, but the most dramatic change of the space supernatural power.

Not only the world is changing, Wang Sheng is changing at the moment, the body he occupies begins to ascend, because the existence of the crystalline world allows him to introduce energy into the body for exchange at any time, without taking the step of others directly integrating into the world He can now say that he achieved this in advance, and he can use the energy and rules of the world without hindrance.

Wang Sheng probably estimated that his current level of power has made a big leap compared to before, and it can be sure that he has really raised the state beyond the level of the original strong.