Universal Asylum

Chapter 1976: Suppress

The three of them shot at the same time, and the bodies of the four people on the altar were imprisoned without any resistance. The light of the ancient time had shrouded above one person.

I saw that time went back and forth, and the existence of the other side of the **** realm came to the world where he did not exist in time, and then the world shattered.

The light turned into nothingness, Gu Luo's face was pale, the huge fascination behind him collapsed, and the single eyes of his eyebrow imprints oozed blood.

Forcibly changing the powerful existence in a time, the rebellion received is unimaginable. This is only when the strong man has no resistance, he can do this.

At this point, the remaining three have already reacted, and the three realms have blossomed out, repelling the power that imprisons them, and at the same time having their own Daoyun rising to fill the realm.

Colorful God Zun's face was cold, and he gritted his teeth severely, chopping off one of his little fingers, and the little finger flew out into a colorful **** nail, which merged with the previous colorful **** nail.

There haven't been any obvious changes, but there are no longer the same feelings inside.

The figure locked by the colorful **** nails raised his head. This is a black man with a thin figure. Only when he raised his head did he find that his body was free of flesh and blood. Under his long hair was dead bones. Two red lights in his eyes looked like ghost fire.

At this time, the finger deep from under the black robe was even boneless, without flesh and blood.

There was a quaint ring in his finger. The ring burned, and the blue flame covered the whole body. The dead bone contracted. In the burning of the flame, it became a blue stone, like a relic of a monk.

Dribbling and spinning, it touched the colorful **** nail that was shot. The strange thing is that the colorful **** nail seemed to have no foothold and was directly ejected. Afterwards, it turned into a rainbow and continuously attacked the relic, except for a sound. There was no harm except for the crisp sound.

The colorful **** statue looked ugly, and suddenly when the colorful **** nail approached the relic son again, he shouted.


The colorful **** nails exploded, and the endless colorful light enveloped the relic, and the relic no longer had no place to escape, and was continuously refined by the colorful light.

Colorful God Venerable is also very tired, so killing a power of the same level as him is also a very burdensome thing for him. If it were not for this power but the mind could not control the body, he was not so easy Can prevail.

He looked around and Gu Luo defeated one, but Gu Luo's own backlash prevented him from taking another shot, so Gu Luo couldn't take it for the time being.

On the other side, the ancestors differentiated from the Red Patriarch ancestor temporarily entangled a powerful person, but they did not have the upper hand. After all, the focus of the Red Patriarch ancestor was still on the moon beast. The control of this **** avatar was not strong.

Now he is the only one who can shoot, he must solve the other as soon as possible.

He raised his eyes and looked forward, the Moon Beast was so huge that he had a battle with the Star Path, and he had achieved his goal for the time being, so he still had a chance.

Colorful Goddess glanced towards the real human behind him, and his eyes moved, "You come to help me."

At the time of Starway's hands, all Dao Zun flesh controlled by Xingtu had already started to move. They attacked wildly. The real human red Dura Shura knife expanded the realm and suppressed all Dao Zun flesh in front. His three-day shot, coupled with the Shura realm, the action was very smooth.

But once he left, the Taoist flesh would be rioted, and with the help of Wang Sheng alone, the ancient **** could not be resisted in less than three days.

Colorful Divine Venerable is not unaware of this, but at this time he has no other way. Everywhere Daozun Mirror does not play any role in his opinion, it is to suppress it afterwards.

The real people of the Daxi department looked ugly. He reminded Wang Sheng to raise his hand and put away the Shura sword, and then flew into a red light to fly to another altar, cooperating with the colorful realm of the colorful deity.

All the pressure came to Wang Sheng, and there were hundreds and thousands of Taoist bodies in front of him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, I'm afraid no one would think that these are the real big figures in the outside world. There is such a dense existence here.

Wang Sheng's body is huge, and the ancient god's breath exudes incomparably. For these Taoist flesh bodies, the ancient god's breath has a weak effect. Perhaps Xingtu is also an ancient god.

Under the breath of the ancient gods, these Tao Zun's physical bodies were strongly suppressed, and there was no situation expected by the colorful God Zun.

Colorful Goddess looked in his eyes and looked at Wang Sheng in amazement. I didn't expect that there was still a lot that such a small ancient **** could do.

Wang Shengpan sat high in the air, his palms pressed hard down, and a huge palmprint suppressed the heads of many Daozun's flesh.

From the outsider's point of view, he was very strenuous, his eyes were dull, and he had leisure time to look around.

He stared at Starway. The strength of this starway has been undoubtedly revealed. It must have reached the level of supreme space. It seems that because it is not in the supreme space, it lacks the regular power to suppress all, but even so, it is powerful.

Only Moon Beast, which is out of the ordinary, can be entangled with Xingtu.

Simply talking about the strength of the Moon Beast is not inferior to the Star Path, but the Star Path is wise, and it can really control the power. Although the Red Patriarch Ancestor can control the Moon Beast, the Red Pavilion Ancestor still cannot control The strength of the Moon Beast is fully exerted. This is a different level. He cannot understand the level of the highest space.

The two seem to be entangled. In fact, Starway has an absolute advantage. I am afraid that Starway can really suppress the moon beast in not much time.

This kind of scene red robe ancestors and others should have not thought about it~lightnovelpub.net~ So Wang Sheng is now thinking about what else they have and their means.

So far, he is still watching, but at this point, he feels that he can enter the game at any time.

With the help of the Shura sword of the real humans, the colorful deity easily suppressed the remaining divine power of the other shore, but he was more strenuous and suppressed four people with the same realm in one fell swoop. The main force must really imprison the two of them, which is already his limit, that is, his colorful field is unique, otherwise he will not be able to do such a thing.

Fortunately, Gu Luo finally recovered, knowing that the time was not to be missed, and once again shot a beam of light that shrouded the powerful person who was entangled in the red robe ancestors.

I saw that the power was stalemate, and the whole body was filled with red blood ancestors.

Then in the light of Gu Luo, it vanished into nothingness.

Not only that powerful person, but also the **** avatar that has disappeared, the attack does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, but has already achieved the greatest results.