Universal Asylum

Chapter 2019: Boundary gate

When he wanted to come, if he did not intend to do this, then the Son of the Sun should come to him, he just had to wait to know the answer.

"Okay, let's get started."

The people stood in front of their respective statues again. Wang Sheng also took a step forward to appear in the sky, facing the face of the Terran statue, he levitated to the sky.

This time he didn't feel like a fat statue himself, but he mobilized the human blood power to attract this human statue.

His mind seemed to gradually sink into a dark void, and a figure gradually appeared in the void.

Seeing the appearance is exactly what the outside human statue looks like.

He opened slowly, "Wait for countless years, and finally a descendant of the human race came here."


The elders of the mechanical tribe frowned and looked at Wang Sheng's position. The rest of the divine sons already had signs of success. One breath at a time, and a beam of light could burst at any time, which represented the success of the bloodline.

But Wang Sheng still showed no signs.

He shook his head and was very disappointed. The reason why this time he will call the people of the ten major races to come here is more because of the existence of Wang Sheng, a human race blood line that controls the rules of life and death, but now it seems that this action will still fail. Too.

Especially at this juncture, there is a world change. In his view, the only solution is only the world in this mysterious realm, but now it seems that this time it is still in the unsecured realm.

"who are you."

Wang Sheng asked.

The figure smiled slightly, "It seems that the age is really far away, no one knows my name, my name is not important, what is important is that there is finally someone who can pass on the inheritance of my people, you are ready Yet."

Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly and did not answer. He had discovered that this consciousness had a simple answering procedure, but no sage, and all the words were intended to keep things going.

Wang Sheng does not ask, and this figure consciousness will not do redundant things.

"This place is the road to the land outside the realm, and also the way to return home." This figure was a bit puzzled.

But soon sober, "This world is not our hometown, including my top ten races, our real hometown is there."

He raised his finger to the void in front of him, "There is the way to there, and there is also inheritance. It is a great opportunity for me and other ten races. If you get it, it will lay the foundation of the avenue."

"There you will encounter unprecedented opponents. They come from my hometown and other places. They are real geniuses. They will fight for you. You can come here, you are the strongest genius of our people, only one step away from the road. The road is the hope of the Wu people. I hope you can get the heritage and lead the Wu people back to their hometowns."

"In the end, I have nothing else to give, only one thing for you, as much as I can get depends on yourself."

The figure collapsed, turning into the stars flickering in the sky. These stars evolved into thousands, and finally turned into a powerful magical power, countless starlights condensed into a huge palm, and then fell from high altitude, holding the entire starry sky in hands.

The entire starry sky world is empty, and nothing can exist, including time.

"Great cover!"

Wang Sheng murmured to himself, he had realized this magical power, and was not too powerful, but Wang Sheng felt that this was because the person who performed this magical power was trapped in cultivation and could not exert all the power.

Wang Sheng has a feeling that this supernatural power has great potential.

Wang Sheng's palm was deep, and a supernatural seed appeared in the palm.

He amazedly condensed this supernatural seed with his previous understanding.

Outside, the elders of the mechanical clan suddenly contracted their pupils because he noticed a wave of fluctuations between the statues of Wang Shengwu.

The emperor patriarch also found that he suddenly said, "It is said that in the ancient times, the ten races each had a heritage in the boundary gate, and only the most pure and pure people can understand."

"It seems that you think so too." The elders of the mechanical tribe spoke softly.

Now it seems that this human race Wang Sheng is not able to resonate with the statue because of no blood line, but because its blood line is too pure, so that the statue has started to inherit.

"It seems promising to open the door this time." There was some fluctuation in the voice of the patriarch.

"Are you saying that the ancient rumours are really true? Is there really our hometown there?"

"It is rumored that there is a real avenue, there is no heaven, no shackles, no bondage, and the road to the Xeon is not undesirable. Even if the last peak exists, it is the real spiritual age of practice. "

The great elders of the mechanical tribe also changed their expressions, and they also had expectations in the hearts of the emperor patriarchs.

It was just that he still shook his head, "It's not that simple to open Jiejie, and it's not necessarily a good thing to wait for them through the Jiemen."

He knew very well that if the road to there would be so simple, the Xeons above him would not be indifferent, and there must be other hidden feelings there.

So he didn't expect much, but he had expectations in another mind, that is, the shackles that were put on the body before a solution was found.

Maybe there will be hope for solving this matter in that place.

All the ten figures have raised a beam of light through the resonance of my statue and inserted directly into the sky.

Only Wang Sheng still had no movement, and the nine figures opened their eyes and looked at Wang Sheng.

There were some doubts on Decian's face. He wondered why Wang Sheng still didn't move.

The starry sky disappeared, and Wang Sheng also recovered the supernatural power seed. This supernatural power has unlimited potential and is worth exploring.

However, it is imperative to open this door of Lao Shizi.

Since he has been inherited, according to the truth, he should also be qualified to open the door.

So, at the moment when he opened his eyes, the statue of the human race behind him suddenly shook violently, and a beam of light rose up into the sky, merged with the other nine beams of light, and merged into a huge light source illuminating the entire secret realm. space.


The glimmer of light in the eyes of several other people ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ no doubt, they all hope to open the door.

This time, the top ten races gathered together, which is the most chance to open this door.

This is the first step to success.

The light source formed a door at high altitude.

"Everyone, the door to the world is now there. Let's knock on it."

There are emotions in the eyes of Decepticons. He has experienced this scene once, but last time, he participated in only eight races. The door is very strong and cannot be pushed at all. But this time, the top ten races are the most. It is possible to succeed once.

If this time is unsuccessful, the top ten races may forever give up this inheritance secret and no longer consider the possibility of entry.

Universal Realm Shelter
