Universal Asylum

Chapter 299

And they were really unwilling to make the first choice, so they had the luck. They wanted Wang Sheng to sit in the family and did not want to lose the situation that has been stabilized now.

Most of the people present thought that way.

The Kaiyan family saw that Wang Sheng’s face was still calm, and he didn’t seem to be annoyed by his speech. He felt confident and spoke again: "If the ancestors agree, my Li Fu offering can be tripled in the scope of the old example. All resources can be taken by the ancestors." He looked forward to Wang Sheng, hoping to see Wang Sheng's reaction.

In his opinion, Wang Sheng should not refuse. After all, this condition is actually very good. Although they have no legal ancestors in Lifu, it does not mean that they have no more resources in the family. After all, they are listening to the wind. There are still a lot of good things, and he is confident that there are many things that the ancestors of the Fa can use.

Compared with facing the Big Mac as big as Big Yan and helping them regain their country, it is a more cost-effective choice to sit in Lifu for a hundred years.

This remark came out, and everyone couldn't care about the dispute. They all looked at Wang Sheng, especially the middle-aged head of the family and the elder of the clan, who had a nervous expression, for fear that Wang Sheng would agree to come down.

Wang Sheng was still expressionless, looking at everyone calmly, but slowly shook his head and said: "If you want to sit here, then you have to choose to return to the country, otherwise you will choose the first condition. As mentioned earlier, but It is impossible." Speaking of which, he looked very stunned, and seemed to doubt why Wang Sheng did not agree with this condition. He frowned slightly, not wanting more troubles, adding: "The resources and resources mentioned by Er et al. , I don’t have to think about this seat for a while."

Before that, the old clan of the opening clan suddenly turned red, a little bit embarrassed, but he still feared the majesty of Wang Sheng and dared not speak, so he bowed his head and said nothing.

The middle-aged head of the family and the elders of the tribe are all happy, and to prevent accidents, the middle-aged head of the family took a step forward and said with respect: "Back to the ancestor, I will choose the second option. I'm waiting for the restoration!"

The sound is clanging and powerful, not like a very weak person.

Wang Sheng glanced at him and nodded slightly, and then he saw the face of the digital tribe who was unwilling to speak, and asked, "You can do this master."

The middle-aged family owner knew Wang Sheng's meaning, raised his head and raised his chest, and said loudly: "The disciple is the master of the family and the person who listens to the wind. He is the master! And when he withdrew from listening to the wind, the ancestors had explained No matter when and where the younger disciples need to focus on restoring the country, anyone who hinders me from listening to the wind and restoring the country is my enemy, and we should eliminate it at any cost!"

The floor is loud and very grand! After he finished speaking, he turned sharply and stared at the ancestors who had a hesitant attitude before. His eyes were awe-inspiring, as if they had to think differently and then they would have to start abruptly.

At the same time, the old clan sulked and turned over to bring out a golden jade with golden sparkles, shouting: "Zhenguo jade is here, who dares to disobey the imperial order!"

Yuxi exudes golden light along with the sound, which is obviously also a good magic weapon.

Several clan elders were suddenly suppressed by breath, and their faces were white. They looked at the clan elders and their heads in horror. Although they were still dissatisfied in their chests, they did not dare to resist when they looked at the calm Wang Sheng in the hall. , Bowing his head in a state of depression.

The middle-aged owner's eyes moved slightly, and he turned to look at Wang Sheng, his eyes burning: "I don't know what the ancestor meant."

Wang Sheng glanced at everyone indifferently, nodding his head and said, "That's it, from now on, this seat is to listen to Feng Guo to worship the ancestors, to help Er and other countries within a hundred years."

The middle-aged owner immediately rejoiced and bowed down: "Disciple Li Hong has seen the ancestor!"

The tribal elders followed, but they did not look up for a long time. They were already in tears and could not help themselves. Later, several tribal elders had no choice but to bow down.

Wang Sheng nodded. "Get up, let's go back first. The three of you will stay." He pointed at the big clan elder, the head of the family, Li Honghe, and then waved.

The old people of those tribes looked at each other, and at the same time they were terrified. It was because the previous request offended the ancestor, but now they are excluded, and they have to secretly discuss something with the head of the family.

It was still the old Kungfu tribe, who tentatively said: "Old ancestors and disciples also received orders from the ancestors in those years, so I wonder if they can stay."

Wang Sheng didn't even look at him, but just glanced at the owner Li Hong with a deep meaning.

Seeing that Wang Sheng seemed to have no emotion in his eyes, Li Hong suddenly felt cold and realized his meaning. He immediately turned around and said with a cold voice: "The ancestor let you go, and he did not listen to the order to leave quickly!"

Those old people turned around and left unwillingly.

After their figures disappeared, and they took the door consciously, the head of the family, Li Hong, the elders of the tribe, and then looked at Wang Sheng respectfully.

"I don't know what the ancestor said."

Especially, the feeling of anxiety in the heart, leaving the homeowner and the clan elders is justifiable, but why did she leave her, remembering the question that Wang Sheng had asked her when she met before, she was even more anxious, and I don’t know what Wang Sheng meant .

"You sit down first." Wang Sheng waved at the three people, and after seeing the three of them looked at each other, after sitting down carefully, Wang Sheng looked at the road again: "As I said before, your parents and elders are gone. Yes, in addition to the uncle you mentioned before, there are other people related to blood."

Respectfully stood up and said: "Now he has a blood relationship with the concubine. Except for the uncle, there is only one child of the concubine. He is named Li Yi, but he is not in the house now. When he returns, he will be invited to meet the old man. Ancestor. "Now knowing Wang Sheng's identity, she also hopes to have a relationship with Wang Sheng, especially her son. If Wang Sheng can help, ascending to the head of the family is by no means as difficult as before.

But she still has eager thoughts in mind, if the restoration of the country goes well, it will no longer be the head of the family, but the head of a country, which can control a country. At that time, the status was very different.

Wang Sheng nodded and groaned slightly: "When he comes back, you can immediately lead him to see me."

Immediately nodded happily. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At that moment, Li Hong moved his heart and hurriedly said: "I told my ancestors that besides this Li Yi child, there is another child named Li Qing. See if you can also meet together."

Then he said that, his face changed, and he looked at Li Hong with dissatisfaction.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then looked at how many children you have. "

Li Hong quickly explained, "The ancestor, the disciple, the Li Qing child is not related to his wife. He was born in the disciple's concubine's room, and his qualifications are also excellent."

After that, Li Hong gave a clear account of the two of them, and also stated their purpose in being wild and wild.


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