Universal Asylum

Chapter 329: Temple of the Gods

After saying this, the lord of the barbarian country did not hesitate to take a picture toward the top of his head.

Wang Sheng looked lightly, unmoved.

The sovereign did not mean to hesitate, and he fell without obstruction.


A clear voice sounded, and the hand of the sovereign fell on a wide palm.

The sovereign opened his eyes, and now a tall figure fell in front of him, looking at the mysterious extreme Mr. Wang with a bitter smile.

"Daoyou should not blame, this is already the only descendant of Manmou." The tall figure that appeared suddenly was the barbarian king.

Faint smile on Wang Sheng's face, "It's really difficult to see Dao You, and Dao You have such an identity, Dao You hides so deeply."

The embarrassed smile of the barbarian king, withdrew the palm that was protecting the sovereign.

"It's not that Manmou deliberately deceived. It's really not many people who know Manou's identity. Even in the country, only this kid knows, and Manou is really just a ancestor of the mantra. It doesn't change because of his identity." The Barbarian King is slightly correct, he doesn't want Wang Sheng to misunderstand.

Wang Sheng nodded lightly, "It turns out so."

The Barbarian King glanced at the Lord of the Kingdom, and his face was awkward. "This nephew had no way to do it before, so he was offended. I don't know that Youneng all put him on Man's face."

Wang Sheng's eyes narrowed, "Dao You don't know what happened before."

The Barbarian King is silent, he naturally knows, and knows that if there is another person here today, he must have died and there will be no life!

He naturally wanted to stop it, but he was restricted by Rael's freedom. As a bait to lure Wang Sheng to come, he had more than enough energy.

The Lord of the Barbarians stepped forward and his face was still calm. It seemed that he had made all preparations. Uncle Wang, this matter was done by the king alone, and it should be assumed by the king alone. "

The barbarian frowned and said in a deep voice, "Give me down!"

The lord of the barbarian country did not give in, and raised a huge momentum all over his body, not cultivation, but something more mysterious.

Wang Sheng's heart moved, so good luck.

"This king is the master of a country, and he has his own responsibility. Uncle Wang should not talk more." After all, he has been a sovereign for decades. Although he has no fear of this uncle, he will not step back.

The barbarian king was stunned, but there was no way.

Wang Sheng interjected lightly, "Can you afford this guilt, in Wang's eyes, what do you count!" These words are arrogant, but the barbarian king and the sovereign are silent, and Wang Sheng is qualified to say this In other words, after seeing the various methods brought by Rael, they clearly knew that the gap between them and Wang Sheng was a world difference.

The barbarian king didn't reply, the barbarian kingdom finally changed his face. What he was most afraid of was that Wang Sheng was involved in the barbarian kingdom, and now it seems that Wang Sheng did not let go of the idea.

Wang Sheng glanced at them and didn’t take any reason. He crossed them and stood in front of the black hall to look up. From the outside, the hall is ordinary and ordinary, and there is no difference, only the simple and vague feeling, and although it is a whole, with Fantianyin feels a bit similar.

Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, he stepped out and flew up to the height of the main hall. Now the main hall is not controlled by Rael and the Devouring Heavenly Beast. It is already an unowned thing. Perhaps there is the brand left by the great **** before, but At this moment, Emperor Seco was far away, and he could not intervene.

Slightly pondering, Wang Sheng raised his sword fingers and condensed a thousand sword qi and suddenly chopped towards the hall, but when he touched the hall, he entered into the sea like water and merged into it without any traces.

Countless sword qi screamed and condensed into shape, one after another like real, buzzing and trembling in the air, waiting to gather momentum.

The barbarian king at the foot and the head of the barbarian country looked at this scene in shock, seeing Wang Sheng's magical powers, they really knew the difference, and looked at each other, could not help but more bitter, who can fight against these characters.

Wang Shengjian pointed, Wandao Jianqi instantly blasted, and instantly touched the black hall, but as before, even if the water flower was not hit, he merged into the hall and disappeared.

Wang Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly, this hall did not resist or break down the attack, but his sword spirit actively differentiated into this hall, as if encountering the source.

Wang Sheng waved his hand again. This time it released a broken sword light, which was the material of the sword gasification. The sword light was bright and bright, turning into aurora contacting the black hall. When he came to the palace 100 meters away, Wang Sheng frowned. It felt that Jianguang was being eroded, and as he went further, Jianguang became more and more delayed. There were signs of returning to the original form of Jianqi. Wang Sheng did not allow it to continue, waving his hand again to withdraw Jianguang.

Jianguang was put into the space to continue to nurture. Wang Sheng touched his chin. This hall was a little weird. When he remembered the original diluted spirit solution he drank before, he vaguely understood that this big weirdness should be here.

Wang Sheng waved again, already using Jindan space to put it down, covering the entire hall, it was very smooth, there was no ban or anything, the hall itself did not respond, but until the space was moved, the hall did not move at all and was even shaken There is no sign of it, Wang Sheng feels that the Qi machine around the hall is very stable, without any chaos.

Wang Sheng withdrew the Jindan space and nodded. Sure enough, there was no response. This was what he expected. If he did not solve the so-called essence source liquid, he would not be able to put away this hall.

One step back to the ground, roughly glanced at the hall, and then walked toward the inside of the hall. At this time, the Lord of the Barbaric Kingdom stepped forward and respectfully said: "Sir, but he wants to charge these temples, sir does not know that this temple has the so-called core existence, If it cannot be refined, it cannot be charged."

Wang Sheng glanced at him without speaking.

"Xiao Wang is willing to lead the way for Mr., only hope that Mr. will open a side to my barbarian network." The barbarian country owner did not mean to bargain, and said he took the initiative to walk towards it.

Wang Sheng was undecided and followed him slowly.

Once again came to the main hall, walked down to the depths of the main hall, and experienced the land of light~lightnovelpub.net~ Finally, the place changed in front of my eyes, but it is no longer the so-called **** prison, but a blue-black mountain before.

This mountain has a height of hundreds of feet, a width of tens of feet, and a triangle shape.

Wang Sheng found that there was only one person in this place, but the sovereign of the barbarian country did not come in. He looked up at the sky, the sky was vast and changing, not the real sky like a unique space. Looking down at the ground, it was a batch of solid land, Wang Rising slightly, he felt a little heavy from the air. Wang Sheng suddenly knew the reason why the lord of the barbaric country could not come in. This pressure on the spirit is not something that ordinary people can bear.

With a move in his heart, Wang Sheng remembered that the space inside the sky was the same pressure, and the degree was similar, but Wang Sheng used to resist very hard, but now it is very easy.

Wang Sheng immediately knew that this was the center of the so-called halls of the gods, and he had to deal with it before he wanted to conquer the hall.


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