Universal Asylum

Chapter 454: 1 other wild

The abyss of depressions cannot be seen from the outside. It is a depression caused by the interweaving of avenues, like repairing this loophole, and it is also the last avenue loophole between heaven and earth.

The abyss is more like a hole. The powerful hole is imprisoned. Once the repair is completed, there is no even the hole. The imprisoned place will be completely confined in the world, and the strongest confinement is not necessary.

This time the opening is obviously much smaller than the last time I came, it is the repair that is accelerating.

Wang Sheng did not release Fan Tianyin and so on to explore the way, and now his body is united, and there is no safer place than his body. Moreover, the real situation here requires his own observation to see the clues.

Take a step, if there are outsiders again, when you can see that Wang Sheng's body suddenly disappeared, the world is still clear, and there is nothing special about the place he stepped into.

But in Wang Sheng's vision, the dark void around him formed a huge hollow, and he was constantly diving.

With bright lights in his eyes, he could occasionally see crazy intertwined lines on the surrounding walls of the cave, a mess, and the chaos was unseen by Wang Sheng. He tried to decompose these lines to see the source, but only to see For a moment, his eyes were tired, and the blood from the two lines of essence ran down his eyes. He closed his eyes and opened them again, and he had lost those traces of lines.

Wang Sheng thought about whether this situation was at the core of the heavens and the earth, because the abnormal shape of the lines was normal, or because of the power deep in the cave.

The body seems to be continually falling, but combined with the last situation, Wang Sheng knows that there is actually no distance. If you can see clearly, you can reach the truth and reach the space with a thought.

Finally, he saw some clues, his body suddenly stopped, and then closed his eyes, opened again, and there were countless illusory lines in front of him.

Unlike the last chance coincidence, this time he reached out to stir one of the lines, like a key, and the door made of lines suddenly opened in front of him, a large piece of golden light bloomed, and Wang Sheng's body flashed into it.

Silent, heavy!

There was no sound in the bright light, and heavy pressure came from all around, as if the world and the earth were slowly approaching, squeezing everything in the middle.

Wang Sheng's body fell sharply, with a bang, he stepped on the ground.

Wang Sheng took a deep breath and stepped on the ground with some surprise. He actually felt real. Is this a real space?

The last time was just a glimpse, it was more like looking at the world through the window, and what I saw was not true. This time the reality stepped in was obviously different. See the huge golden light figure I saw last time.

The golden light is not the actual light, but the nothingness is like the light of the air, which has no harm to the body, but Wang Sheng still forced it to be several meters away without touching the body.

His eyes have long been replaced by a unique perspective, but the illusory lines he sees are few, and occasionally appear as meteors, fleeting.

Slightly pondering, Wang Sheng raised his hand and waved forward violently. The hurricane appeared and swept all the golden light. The light in front of him suddenly disappeared, and a brief darkness appeared, but no other abnormalities were seen.

Wang Sheng waved his hand again, and the golden light in the distance disappeared, and darkness covered the world, but there was still no anomaly. The only anomaly may be that the earth underneath was also dark, and there was no entity.

His eyes flashed slightly, and Wang Sheng stepped on the ground fiercely.

The tremendous tremor, the golden light that is slowly recovering again oscillates again, and behaves like the air in the air that encountered an earthquake outside.

There were cracks in the ground. Although they were invisible, they felt clearly.

After many trials, Wang Sheng knew a fact.

This is indeed the real world, the amount of gold and darkness in front of him is just because some rules here make his eyes see different forms of expression. In other words, his eyes have not yet adapted to the rules of this place.

Slowly close your eyes, explore the world here, and give yourself a consciousness. This place is real, the golden light is the color of the air, and the dark is the color of the earth. The floating dust particles in the air are the same as those in the outside world, but in different forms.

Replace everything in your mind, open your eyes again, the golden light disappears in front of your eyes, the earth under your feet restores the original color, and all around is bright, it is already a normal world.

The earth is desert, there is a blazing sun on top of the head, mountains in the distance like dragons are almost just a black shadow, and there is no water molecule in the dry air.

Wang Sheng appeared in such a world, his eyes gleaming with different awns, his steps were staggered, his body flashed forward, and several interlaced mountains passed under his feet. The dark mountains were bare and had no vitality, nor were they ever outside. The soul of mountains and the vicissitudes of history felt between them.

Everything is dead.

Wang Sheng kept flying forward and kept the fastest speed in the world.

After a few hours, Wang Sheng stopped, and there was still a large desert under his feet. He groaned slightly~lightnovelpub.net~ is very big, almost as big as the outer world. "

The distance he walked was already two northern wastelands, one-fifth of the entire barren continent, and the desert in front of him still couldn't see the boundary, at least there were still two northern wastelands.

Wang Sheng moved again and flew towards the sky at a faster speed. After reaching tens of thousands of miles, he stopped and broke through the first layer of wind, looked at the sparse sea of ​​clouds, and he continued to fly upward. Layers of gusts of wind passed underneath, and Wang Sheng finally stood on the ninth tiers of gusts of wind, with a dark universe on top of his head, stars flickering, and continued to fly out of the world and into the universe.

A move in Wang Sheng's heart, this place may not be as simple as he thought, not just a space, but a universe, a plane!

This is incredible, but Wang Sheng doesn't feel the illusion here, everything is real.

Standing here, everything under your feet is in full view, and with his cultivation behavior, there is no lack of clarity, and the whole world has nothing to hide in his eyes.

"The size of the wild!" There is a large stretch of land below. After a glance, Wang Sheng feels weird in his heart. He seems to know too much of the wild continent outside. The mainland is a large sea and there are small islands in the sea.

Searching for sight, but one of the islands stayed a little bit, he looked directly into the distance, and saw another corner of the desert on the other side of the sea, and could not see more, because it was all on the other side of the planet On one side, it is conceivable that the desert area on the opposite side will never be small.

After reading this, Wang Sheng put his sight on the last position, which is where the wild continent of the outer world is located.

He still saw a desert, connected to the desert he stepped on when he appeared, but in the deepest part of the desert, he saw something that accelerated his heart.

A pillar supporting the sky is like a giant stick inserted horizontally between the sky and the earth, supporting the sky and the earth.