Universal Asylum

Chapter 689: Absolute space


  The ancient emperor fell into chaos, but before entering the net, he once again entered the Nine Nether, the black flames were transpiring, burning in the body, allowing the body to heal.

   "Ancient Road Huangquan!" The ancient emperor looked cold, a river formed at his feet, meandering to Wang Sheng.

   This river is black all over, look carefully, there are a series of iron locks floating in the river waiting for the lock to be dropped!

   "Ding Ding!" The ancient emperor yelled.

   A dark Ding shot from his hand, and instantly appeared on the top of Wang Sheng's head to suppress it.

  Wang Sheng's face is green and yellow constantly, and his body is still resisting the suppression of the power of this world, so that he can not explode at the speed he had before.

  The top of the head fell down, and the yellow spring was flowing under his feet. Wang Sheng seemed to be separated from the Nine Nether, and he was in absolute space. He could also see the ancient Emperor's cold sight, but instinctively felt that it was unreal.

The ancient emperor sneered, "It is really extraordinary to be an emperor. The emperor's supernatural powers have little effect on you, but the emperor is not an ordinary emperor. This is the absolute supernatural power that the emperor has comprehended. If you, the emperor believes that his skills are not as good as people, but if If you can’t break it, just stop here.

   Wang Sheng threw a punch at him fiercely, and the fist wind squeezed the space and cracked the space, but no space was broken, and no net appeared.

The figure of the ancient emperor was crushed by a circle and disappeared without a sense of substance. Similar to the mirror flower and water moon, the figure of the ancient emperor appeared on the other side. "There is no need to test it. This is the absolute supernatural power. It is absolutely controlled by the emperor. The emperor is absolute. The ruler, you can't get out." The ancient emperor shook his head indifferently, very confident.

   Wang Sheng frowned, he could feel that he hadn't separated from the whole universe. This space seemed to be connected with the outer space, or overlapped, but it was very close anyway.

   And his real body is likely to have not moved, but just caught in the different uniqueness of this position.

  While still exists in the world, Wang Sheng is still constrained and repulsive, unable to exert his full strength.


   In the observation room, the magnificent black ocean in front rolled over and looked carefully. It is clearly a sea of ​​energy composed of countless energy particles, with infinite power.

   And above the sea, the sun rises slowly for ten rounds. The whole body is black. The searing temperature evaporates all the seawater, and the temperature of this space gradually rises.

   Space, ocean, and big day are all black, but in Wang Sheng's eyes, they can clearly distinguish, on the damage, space sealing, ocean erosion, big day burning!

Wang Sheng felt that the role of the ancient emperor’s black field, including space, was so fascinating, so decaying into magic, Wang Sheng marveled. The ancient emperor deserved to suppress the ancient emperor, as if his class had already crossed At another step, he has surpassed the limit of this world. He is not as good as the ancient emperor than the realm!

   Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, a burst of light came out, the white bone dragon outside suddenly shook, his flexible body suddenly froze, but he immediately reacted, and a long swing of the tail would leave Xuanzu's side.

   Just when he looked up and saw the figure of the ancient emperor standing quietly for nine years, an old voice hung up as a sound wave, affecting his sight.

   "It turns out to be a magical power to become the emperor in person, Wang Shengdao, let the poor Taoist teach Taoist wise."

   Only heard this voice, Wang Sheng's eyes had been broken. In the absolute space, the glare in Wang Sheng's eyes disappeared, he frowned slightly, and the spine came from herself, and after being connected to his body after evolution, he could still feel.

The cold light flashed in Wang Sheng's eyes, "Xuan Zu!" He snorted all his life, and his body was connected with the spine, but only gently vibrated. In the outside world, the white-bone dragon changed abruptly. The black dragon, the destructive power pervades it.

  Xuanzu's face remained unchanged, the collar felt a real threat, and then he heard a dragon roar!


   was accompanied by black and red magma heat flow, which only submerged Xuan Zu instantly. Even with the aid of compass, Xuan Zu even cracked instantly and stretched his hand to hurt.

Xuanzu sighed softly, reached out and tapped lightly on the body. The crack suddenly radiated fluorescence and healed the body continuously, but in an instant, the body had completely healed, but he looked up and saw that the black dragon had already flew to the ancient emperor that day Fly away.

   "Ancient Road Huangquan!"

At the moment when the dragon's claws spread and will touch the sound of the ancient emperor, the ancient emperor opened his eyes and stroked the dragon. A black spring suddenly appeared in front of the dragon. The dragon was like a deep swamp and could only struggle but Can't move.

Roar! Dragon Roar bursts, but unable to break free, can only maintain the body does not sink into it.

   "Sure enough it was the ancient emperor, who had already taken that step and started to make the heaven. The power of this heaven was in her hands. Although it was still inferior to the ancient immortal punishment, there was no essential difference." Xuanzu marveled.

  The ancient emperor stood indifferently in the sky. Obviously it was just like this, but it made people face like a heaven.

  Wang Sheng's reaction to the black dragon was only slightly perceptible, but he was unable to know the details to make him feel the magic of this space more. Such a force of severance is more magical than the power of the world.

The roaring seawater is about to reverse, and Wang Sheng punches out, shaking the sea and evaporating the place closest to him, but then there are successive roars in the ocean~lightnovelpub.net~ That is the collision between the particles, which produced Outstanding power surrounds Wang Sheng.

Wang Sheng used the empty space in front of him, but he punched a punch in the air. In the outside world, this circle was enough to smash the snare net into the chaos, and also into the hole of time and travel through time, but in this space The middle one just caused a burst of air vibration, not even affecting the space folds.

   "It's not space!" Wang Sheng was stunned, and the feeling he heard made him lose the familiarity with space in the past, as if facing a strange world.

   "No, it's not just space, but it's harder than space!" Wang Sheng reached a conclusion and turned slightly shocked again, "This field is more magical than I thought, and it has changed so much."

  Compared to his, his field is simply rough, and it has really made a difference to the ancient emperor's means.

   "If the strength can be used by 10%, it should be possible to break through this space, but not now." Wang Sheng judged.

   After such a moment, the black ocean came forward again, and the wave slammed fiercely, without any supernatural form, and it was so straight and rushed up and straight, but it was unstoppable.

   The black sun has also risen for the most part. If it is changed to the world, it should be the time of the rising sun. It should be bright and remove all darkness and haze. It is originally a black attribute, but it has a bright and upright feeling.

   could not help let Wang Sheng sigh, just this space magical idea, the ancient emperor has stood at a height that he can understand, but it can not be lifted.
