Universal Asylum

Chapter 710: Back to ancient times

At the moment when the ancient **** emperor was surprised, the ancient **** whispered, "The ancient **** protects the supernatural powers."

   His head was covered with waves, like a water curtain, and a reflection appeared in the water curtain. The reflection seemed to react, and suddenly raised his head and reached out his hand and flew out of the water curtain.

   In the distant starry sky, Wang Sheng also had the same water curtain in front of him, the waves of the ancient **** flesh and the ancient **** emperor, "Finally, I finally arrived." He stretched out his right hand like water.

  The ancient **** emperor raised his eyes and felt the heavy pressure from the water curtain. The big hand seemed to be bigger too. The palm prints on it could be clearly felt. It was pressed down like this.

   "Originally, there was an emperor who was the backer."

   The eyes of the ancient **** emperor flashed, "In this era, there will be an emperor born, this emperor has been hidden for too long."

   His eyebrows flashed purple and black, and a lightning spear suddenly shot out of his eyebrows. When he shot out of the sky, he turned his eyes wide and covered the starry sky, and shot towards the big hand with the cover.

"Royal artifacts and spears of ancient ancestors." The ancient god's flesh and body continued without delay and fled through the space to escape, but his heart suddenly shocked the waves. The spear of the ancient ancestor was the weapon of the ancient ancestors and the first ancient in the legend. The ancestor's portable weapon is said to contain the earth-shattering secrets. In addition, it is also one of the strongest weapons of the ancient tribe, but now it falls into the hands of the ancient emperor.

   But he inherited the power inheritance of the ancient ancestor, it is not abrupt to have the spear of the ancient ancestor.

The ancient **** who was about to leave suddenly stopped and turned towards the spear of the ancient ancestor. "You must get him. With this spear, the ancient emperor's strength is increased by three points against white, but more importantly, with this spear, The physical strength of the ancient **** is expected to prove to the emperor, this is a weapon containing the mysterious power of the ancient clan."

   The ancient **** flesh without the strength of the emperor did not have much effect on prosperity, and once the emperor was proved, with the support of the ancient spear power, the ancient **** flesh could definitely come to the top emperor and have a strong effect on the prosperous emperor and this powerful.

The ancient **** flew at the same time, reaching for the middle eyebrow, and the eyebrow spread along the ancient **** star point, a little purple blood flowed out, the space rumbled, and just looking at this blood, it was no weaker than the ordinary emperor’s drop of blood donation. Dripping down the sky, crashing Nine Nether.

"In the name of my ancient clan god, the ancient clan's weapon is present!" The whistling ancient god's breath pulled towards the ancient clan's spear. The ancient clan's spear shuddered, and already gave Wang Sheng the opportunity to use that big palm. Once caught, the spear of the ancient **** had already flown horizontally in the falling palm.

  The ancient emperor turned indifferently to the ancient **** flesh, "A junior took part in the emperor's duel."

  Did not see any of his movements, the ancient god's flesh was already trembling, as if being squeezed vigorously, bursting towards the rear, he had a crack in his body, which made the crack more aggravated.


The ancient emperor drank softly, and the roar of roaring again, the ancient god's spear shot from Wang Sheng's palm to the retreating ancient god's flesh. volume.

  Wang Sheng's big hand trembling in the depths disappeared, but only the water curtain still had a void, and it was trembling constantly.

   "In the name of the inheritors of my nine generations of ancient ancestors, the spear of the ancient clan appeared!" It was at this time that the ancient god's flesh roared hoarsely.

   The spear of the ancient **** who was about to insert him suddenly stopped, the tip trembling, there was a drop of purple ancient **** blood at the tip, and it was secretly connected to the spear of the ancient tribe.

  The ancient emperor sneered, and a finger was pressed down against the body of the ancient god. "An ancient **** pointed a finger."

This finger is very different from the ancient god's physical display. On this finger, there are nine planet phantoms appearing, each phantom bursts, and there is an ancient **** phantom that covers the sky and the sun, a total of nine ancient **** phantoms , A finger around the ancient god, transmitting the strong ancient ancestor power to this finger.

   One finger falls, the sky earthquake, this is the real ancient **** finger, the ancient **** finger with ancient ancestor power.

Under this finger, the spear of the indecisive ancient clan suddenly turned back to the blood of the ancient god. The blood of the ancient **** shattered in midair, and the flesh of the ancient **** was pale. He was hit hard and then the spear of the ancient clan was inserted straight and collapsed. Eyebrow heart, nailed in it, and then followed by a huge finger, twisting the spear of the ancient clan and inserted into the eyebrow heart again.


The ancient **** was roaring in flesh, and his forehead was so painful that he could not ignore it. More importantly, he felt that the spear of the ancient clan was absorbing the power of his ancient clan god. For nothing, it is also deprived of the qualifications of the ancient nationality.

At the critical moment, the purple blood that was crushed by the spear of the ancient race suddenly condensed again, as if breaking through some obstacles. This time, the blood of the happy color has a black stain, which is exactly the same as the color of the ancient emperor's eyebrow. The water curtain of the ancient god's blessing technique suddenly merged into it, staining the water curtain with purple and black.

In an instant, the ancient **** had a strong breath, and the ancient **** was struggling with roar. "In the name of my ancient god, Wang Sheng, and in the name of my ancient ancestor, the ancient **** protects the magical power, come, protector!"


   The sky trembles~lightnovelpub.net~ And the moment the ancient emperor saw the purple and black blood had changed slightly, "Return to ancient!"

The purple and black blood is just a symbol of the ancient people's return to ancient times, and it is also a real level of life with the ancient ancestors of the royal family. That is to say, the appearance of this drop of blood has proved the purity of the blood of the ancient **** Wang Sheng, It is the same rank as this ancient emperor. Once he is given time, he can use this drop of blood as the basis to evolve all the blood in the body, and eventually become a royal ancient god, and also two royals of the same era that have never been heard. Ancient gods appear at the same time.

"Impossible!" The ancient emperor's face changed for the first time, regardless of the rippling water curtain, and the increasingly strong breath in it, a pair of eyes stared coldly at the ancient god's flesh. When he was a royal family, the ancient god's flesh was In the case of the royal family, the spear of the ancient clan will be biased toward him, but if both are royal, the best result of the spear of the ancient ancestor is that both do not want to help.

Seeing that the emperor is about to appear completely, he has lost the spear of the ancient clan and he will defeat this emperor. At that time, even if he has the upper hand, he will not be able to obtain the inheritance of the ancient ancestor's memory, and once he has the emperor's defense at all times The inheritance of the ancient ancestors basically missed him, not to mention waiting for the new ancient emperor to grow up, and the consequences are even more terrible.

   So he instantly made a decision, kill! When the source of all these changes is destroyed, this new ancient emperor is beheaded and transformed.

"The ancient tribe protects the magical powers, in the name of my ancient emperor, summons the nine generations of ancient ancestors!" He also nodded at his heart, his eyes closed slowly, and a water curtain appeared on the top of his head. The water curtain was purple at the beginning. Black, slowly emerged from the water curtain a huge figure.