Universal Asylum

Chapter 966: After the passage

The original speculation of the heavens is indeed true. When approaching the pillar of source gas, Dao Guo released mysterious fluctuations, as if contacting the pillar of source gas, releasing the same fluctuations, and then a gate opened, the original black hole. If it fell into it and disappeared, then followed by a sharp sword, and then, the golden Buddha, the majestic ancient palace, a huge tree full of fruits, a wild ancient beast, a group of unclear existence, one Bloody River!

A powerful person who has left many myths and legends in the Kyushu world and even in the universe, releasing his own Daoguo, is also a true miracle of heaven and earth, symbolizing the highest level of power, including the universe, And these powers seem to burn half of themselves at this time. In exchange, they show enough power in Kyushu, and this power can only be displayed in the astral world, so that these powers can show the color of the sky and truly reflect. The difference between the level of the emperor and the emperor is not the difference between the emperor and the true king. It is only a gap of half a realm, but it really crosses a realm, starting with the emperor, preparing for completion, and taking that step as the end. This state can be described as Nirvana! Let life go to Nirvana, so as to gain strength to cross to another level of life.

The pillar of source gas seems to be a black hole, countless powers enter or merge into the beam of light, and then the beam of light stabilizes, no longer thins, no longer grows, is completely qualitative, and in the astral world, one by one The wicked creatures of the gods are moving towards the core land, and they are finally approaching the core of the astral world. I don’t know how much time later, the wicked creatures come to the core land. Although these gods are crazy, but It is still instinctive to feel that a great horror accumulates on the head, but the same, these gods and creatures feel the attraction of the core area in front of their hearts. Similarly, this feeling comes from the deep core of the heart, which is equivalent to the great horror, the same Is incomparable.

Two contradictory feelings appear on the unspiritual creatures. For the unspiritual creatures, it attracts a threat that is always greater than death, because they have no sense of life, so they will respect the first judgment in their hearts. That is attracted by this monstrous temptation, and throwing everything away into it, including the life-and-death crisis in close proximity.

After the powerful energy burning Dao Guo entered the pillar of source gas, one of the gods creatures broke into the pillar of source gas, unlike many powerful energy that he could burn into before he could enter this pillar of source gas. The evil creature just approached the beam of light in this core place, and was attracted by the beam of light, then disappeared into the astral world and entered into the beam of light.


I don’t know how many years, Wang Sheng felt that his true spirit will finally wake up after thousands of years of sleep, but the feeling that the wake up just brought was so weak, trying to perceive the outside world, but only saw layers. Dark barrier.

"Where am I and what happened."

This doubt appeared in his heart, and then came a scene of enlightenment, and a stream of memory reappeared in his mind, reminding him clearly of everything.

"I violated the horrible message and was invaded by some mysterious force to erase the memory."

"The true spirit is trapped by himself, the body is crazy!"

Not only that, all the things after the real spirit body and then the madness were recalled, including the rules of the bombardment of the golden bow with the crazy body control, the chaos was expelled, into the sea of ​​nothingness, and the golden bow was seen. The instance where the figure fleshed into the God’s way took that step, and for the first time doubted its own way, the true spirit was unprecedented in madness, and then entered the astral world, ran in the astral world, and one of the gods creatures For Boom, in the end, including the body and even the real spirit, they understood something, and some kind of transformation took place, until they entered the astral core, and attacked the astral core light beam madly, until an unknown number of years passed, and finally the awakening of wisdom .

The scene of this scene was memorably and vividly remembered, along with all kinds of perceptions and messages, including the perception of the power of using rules, the perception of the transformation of the physical spirit, and the physical contact with nothingness The sea, contact with the astral world, contact with the core beam of light, contact with the information of the place where it appeared at the moment, are aggregated enough to make Wang Sheng's sober real spirit fall into chaos again, only to feel the brain complex.

However, Wang Sheng is finally awake at this moment. Once the true spirit is awakened, for ordinary power, it is all awakened. For Wang Sheng, it is also half of the power. Wang Sheng instinctively separates this information with a move. Category, and then put some unimportant or imperative unsuitable insights into the depths of the heart~lightnovelpub.net~ seals, as for those perceptions that make him like a treasure, this kind of look will know beyond the level Wang Sheng knew that he was hit by the Universiade. If under normal circumstances, would he have to come into contact with such information or only take that step, or be in a world with a heritage of ancient worlds.

And this perception is Wang Sheng's analysis of the culprit of his true spirit falling into madness, and it is also what he really wrapped up.

"The avenue shouldn't be just the same. With everyone's different characteristics, everyone's avenue should also be different. This is a simple truth, but often the simplest truth is easier to ignore!"

Wang Sheng looked at the past and sighed in this way, but he did not relax. Although Gein had strengthened his own way so that the true spirit would not continue to go crazy, or even destroy himself in madness, but it only stopped here. Wanting to take the next step, he can only seize this opportunity to comprehend all the things that can be enlightened, truly determine his own avenue, and even see its bright future, and lay the foundation for his true avenue.

In addition to these feelings that are sinking deep into the heart and being slowly absorbed, the most urgent thing is to understand the information one by one, which is the information that he physically contacts with new spaces or rules and actively parses out, which can let him understand him initially. Where I have been in contact, and where is it!

Where does the core channel lead to! Even if he does not know the information of the core channel, Wang Sheng can judge from his own that this is not an ordinary thing. The simplest evidence is that the universe and the world include Kyushu. How many people can be hit by Wang Sheng so many times? There is no damage, and the strong shock and impact are emitted again and again, even if Wang Sheng is difficult to pick up Hu search, which is enough to prove the magical mystery of this channel.