Universal Asylum

Chapter 973: accident

Seal the true spirit! That is, the true spirit will fall asleep passively or actively.

For a powerful person, even if it is just a mortal, if it is made to have a consciousness without consciousness, it will undoubtedly be rejected instinctively, because the mystery of the body and soul, in fact, people really live only a will, if it is The decay of will, even if it is alive, is a form of flesh, which is undoubtedly a great horror of Ling Yun, mortal dare, Dao dare, Wang Sheng reluctant!

In the case of self-seal, if you give yourself a complete seal, it is equivalent to giving yourself to the outside world without reservation, and to destiny to choose. This is not his choice of path, so even if you want to seal the true spirit, The monk will not sleep completely, he thought for a few days, and finally used space supernatural power to leave a back door for himself at the last moment when the mother could not bear it. This back door has no other role, it is a wake-up effect, enough Let him turn back in time at the moment of crisis, that is all that can come and respond.

"A new world, a new mystery is unknown." Wang Sheng finally sealed himself with such an emotion, waiting or reawakening after a short time.

Once Wang Sheng’s space seal supernatural power was put into play, and his true spirit actively fell asleep, his will would never be felt again, and the behavior of the invisibly absorbed maternal vitality was suddenly stopped, but in the end it still had The energy at the end is absorbed, so that although the mother has her own subjective will, she can rely on herself to complete some activities that consume less, but it is still a case of supporting the weak willow. Warm-up, and high-quality herbs to nourish the body, I’m afraid it’s still a pessimistic situation, but even so, the king’s owner and the mother body have some speculation, I’m afraid I’m afraid of giving birth to a child born with Dao Yuan, The mother’s body will not be fundamentally changed without her own weakness. I’m afraid that his life will be too short. That’s when Wang Zhenren stayed with his father in the past few days to prepare for the prosperous birth, and will also deal with what Mrs. Wang might encounter afterwards. Tell the king.

Despite the grief, Wang's family is still gentle in front of Mrs. Wang, putting down the majesty of her outside and caring for her wife, but Mrs. Wang is not an ordinary person after all, and there have been some speculations.

"Husband, is the concubine's body irretrievable?" Wang Fanren asked gently.

The face that Wang Jiazhu tried to maintain was stunned. He looked at the gentle and kind wife who didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t deceive his wife, and this wife with good quality was not so deceptive. He had nothing but silence. In the end, it was still a difficult consolation: "Yu'er, rest assured, Wang Zhenren and other Xianjia masters are here, and certainly will not let you have a little surprise, you will be fine."

Mrs. Wang looked softly at the man in front of her, but she smiled, "You don't need to comfort me, as long as Sheng'er is fine, after leaving this child for your Wang's family, I just let go and have no regrets. ."

Master Wang’s face suddenly changed, “Yu'er, don’t talk nonsense, Wang Zhenren still said that you have the vitality to save yourself. Why did you have such a thought, and you don’t want to think about it, if you go, then Shenger hasn’t been a child since. What should I do if I am a mother."

But only the master of the Wang family knew that there was something in his heart that could never be spoken in his heart anymore. He didn’t know where his wife was not really a weak woman before marrying into the Wang family. It was in the rivers and lakes. The character known as a fairy, in addition to his beautiful face, is more of an almost congenital cultivation practice.

All these changes are from the birth of this child, this child who has a relationship with the Dadao, if he can, he really does not want this Dao Yuan, but also to report his wife’s safety, even if he has this child in his heart, if his wife disappears, his wife’s The body may also get better again and expect.

But in the end, these words could not be spoken. His wife, who was so good in the heart, still noticed something, but he could no longer declare it, and even felt guilty in his heart. His own thoughts on the unborn child were still It's too unfair.

The conversation between the husband and wife ended with a warm but sad emotion, and when the head of the king left, the gentle woman without lack of rigidity touched her only belly with the light of motherhood.

"Sheng'er, my child, my mother-in-law must have given you a safe birth, and no one can hurt you, even your father."

If Wang Sheng wakes up, he will not only find his love for his cheap mother, but also find that his name is not only accidental or accidental, but still Wang Sheng!

Day by day, Wang Sheng spent a month in the sleep, which is also the ninth month of his mother~lightnovelpub.net~ There is only one month left and he can be born according to common sense In this world.

But he couldn’t follow the common sense example. I don’t know what the reason was. Another month passed, and October was enough, but he showed no signs of being born. As the state of the mother became worse and worse, he looked back to what he once was. Under the helplessness of Wang's family, Wang Zhenren was invited to diagnose his wife again, but even Wang Zhenren was difficult to explain.

In the end, it was a slightly suspicious tone: ‘This child is very talented. According to the poor way, he guessed that the expected date of delivery would only be delayed by two months. The Wang family was mainly prepared. "

Wang Zhenren is not so unbelievable, in this era of Taoism, any magical things can be explained by Taoism, but he has heard similar situations at the moment, but it is similar to the legend of Shenhua, and it is said that there are some in the world. Genius, in addition to the natural fairy root, there is also the existence of supernatural powers. All children like this are born with a date that is not like ordinary people. They are willing to say that the birth of supernatural powers requires time and place, and it also needs enough natural energy, and Wang Sheng The two extra months are to absorb enough world energy.

Although he is not sure, Wang Zhenren is almost certain, because the situation is too similar to the legend.

When Wang Jiazhu heard this kind of legend, he was not in euphoria, but was irritated. His wife couldn’t wait for a few days. How to wait for these two months, and he needed to absorb more in these two months His mother's vitality, how his wife bears.

Wang Zhenren also thought of this situation, but he wasn’t worried about Mrs. Wang. He didn’t care much about the life and death of this mortal. He was only worried about the child who had never been born and was almost sure of his talents. In this case, he couldn’t give up anyway. So, this Taoist kind must be reserved for the martial arts.