Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 135: Agreement

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five

   really is a fan! How did that guy get involved with the admiral's office?

  The master of the feudal fan, Hui Xiao, is also related to the admiral’s office?

  翮The master of Taoist Xiao is Jiaolong, the master! Could it be that Jiaolong's head has something to do with the Nanqi State official?

  日, this is terrible! No wonder the highest secret code of Qingyimen, the upper part of the God Thunder of Yimu, is in the hands of the royal family of the Southern Qi Kingdom!

   It seems that I really have to be careful in the future in the Qingyimen.

   Qian Xing flashed to the side and cast a look at Zhu Yi.

   Zhu Yi gave a dark smile, and a long knife made up of flames emerged from the right palm, approaching Mimeng.

   "Don't kill me! Brother Milan, I'll be a cow and a horse for you in my life------"

Mimeng, who knew that she had been tricked, did not give up the last hope, and pleaded bitterly. With the wave of Zhu Yihuo's sword, his triangular face was immediately cut in half, and the hot flame solidified his brain and blood. Brings a burnt smell of boss.

   Just after the flame long knife was swung down, the blue light flashed, and the necklace composed of dozens of blue cylindrical beads that Mi Meng wore was already snatched by Qian Xing.

Look carefully at the cylindrical beads that make up the necklace. The lines are fine and the surface is a bit wrinkled. It is the magic weapon of the blue giant wooden row that Mi Meng stepped on just now. Among them are two inch-long beads, with one cut off in the middle. The scorched black knife marks are the two cyan giant trees that were chopped off by Zhu Yi's lightning ax just now.

   "You-------!" Zhu Yi glared at some shameless guy! The flame palm in his hand trembled endlessly, and it was in a posture of slashing towards Qian Xing!

   This Mi Meng was intercepted by himself, and the killing was also done by himself. Of course, this spoils should be chosen first!

   This kind of magic weapon for offense and defense, who doesn't want it!

   "Hey, don't get excited, don't get excited, Comrade Zhu, I am also doing well for you. This kid said that I met Ding Dian in your door. If you hold this thing, there is no guarantee that you will be recognized!

This kid often puts the cultivation classics in the storage ring, and his storage ring belongs to you. There is a wood attribute exercise method, which is much stronger than a wood attribute magic weapon. The exercise method is a chicken. The magic weapon is the egg. With a chicken, you are afraid that there is no egg! "

   Qian Xing’s words are half-truth and half-truth, in fact, this kid Mimeng is chasing after Mifan, as a kid, how can there be any oil and water?

  The Taoist books with wooden attributes, Qian Xing himself has a raw Aoki Taiyi Jue. The cute wooden Taoism is useless for Qian Xing, but for Zhu Yi, it is different.

   Cultivators have one more technique, and they also have a means of desperate or escape at a critical moment. The value is more than one plus one.

Zhu Yi suspiciously inserted his divine knowledge into the storage ring, frowning first, and inside were a few middle-grade celestial stones and a dozen low-grade celestial stones, as well as some plants and fruits, the things inside the leaves, and a piece of green jade. simple.

   Damn poor!

   However, Zhu Yi took out that piece of jade slip and took a look! Sure enough, it was a wood attribute method, and the wood hiding technique that Mimeng had just used was also in this green jade slip.

   Zhu Yi's expression immediately eased, and he nodded, indicating that he agreed with Qian Xing's distribution plan. Well, maybe this magic weapon might have been seen by the idiot Ding Dian, but he still practiced with this wood-attributed Taoist method.

As soon as Qian Xing stretched out his hand, he passed ten middle-grade immortal stones, with a kind smile on his face like a flower: "Well, help buddies, buddies will never treat them badly, we earth monks, come to this Colosseum Isn’t it just for a higher level of Taoism to improve one’s cultivation level?

  How about? At the end of the next month, you will participate in the Pill-seeking Trial. If you participate in our cooperation, I have already discussed with Fang Zheng and he will also participate. Then the three of us will work together. "

   Zhu Yi reached out and took ten middle-grade celestial stones. He moved his eyes and took a closer look. Yes, it was the one with the higher texture inside the middle-grade celestial stones.

   "You kid sent it, you are so generous! I will also participate in the trial of seeking alchemy. How will I find the Jidan when I find it?"

   Zhu Yi squinted at Qian Xing and asked the most critical question.

   "Lao Fang said that the first Jidan found at that time belongs to him."

   Qian Xing grinned and told Fang's upright conditions!

   "What! It's him, no!"

   Zhu Yi's hooked nose twitched, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "Before the trial of seeking alchemy, the disciples of all factions must gather. We will discuss and discuss at that time, I will go first."

   Zhu Yi thought for a moment, made a suggestion, turned and flew towards the assembly point.

   This is not the time to discuss this, you have to hurry up to meet the gathering place of the martial arts, lest they think they are killed by the dragon lizard monster repair!

   Qian Xing also flew up ~lightnovelpub.net~ towards the place where the blue-horned white sheep carrying the junior rookie was in the induction process.

   The disciples of various factions gathered at the meeting point, and the original number of people was nearly a quarter short.

  The disciples from various factions who came to wave the flag and shout, all lacked the spirit and energy that they had when they first arrived, all of them were crying and depressed.

   However, it is already very fortunate to be able to lose only one-fifth of the troops under the terrifying resident Dao law attack!

   Seeing Qian Xing landed on the ground, the rookies sitting around the giant blue horn sheep cheered and gathered together: "Thank you, Brother Lan!"

   "Yes, thank you Brother Lan, if it weren't for Brother Lan, we would be miserable!"

   is not the giant sheep of Senior Brother Milan, I am afraid that my rookies, just like the rookies of other sects, have many casualties.

This time, nearly one hundred and fifty monks of various factions died, and more than thirty died. Most of the people who died were outer disciples with lower cultivation levels in each sect. Only the Golden Sword sect was completely destroyed. Up.

   The surviving rookies have communicated with each other and have understood that those who died are all outer disciples, and those outer disciples who were slow in cultivation and poor qualifications were sent here as cannon fodder.

   However, even if they understood this, they dared not say anything, and came to please this mana-powerful senior, hoping to be protected by Senior Brother Mi Lan.

   Among the group of monks next to the admiral’s office, there were a few eyes with hatred and surprise, staring at Qian Xing.

   The monk whose eyes were caught blind by A Chou did not come back. He who was blinded by both eyes did not escape too fast, and soon became the prey of the dragon lizard monster repair.

   Of the three black-clothed monks who attacked Qian Xing, only one remained alive. It was Ma Huang who made the shot and saved his life.