Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1797: Powerful furnace

Chapter 1797: The Powerful Furnace


The scenery in the sea flashes by

A giant crustacean with a length of 100 meters was smashed and exploded

Flesh and flesh carapace, mixed into a turbid mass in the sea.

The giant swordfish, three hundred meters long, has flashed past the muddy flesh and blood

A huge hole was left in the sea, and then the sea in the hole collapsed suddenly, and a torrent appeared.

Three thousand miles per hour

For the monk, the speed of three thousand miles per hour, it seems not

In fact, this is 10,000 meters deep in the sea

At the speed of three thousand miles per hour, one million miles have been traveled

The pressure on this huge swordfish shell is unimaginable every moment.

Flash of light

A pile of carapace and a demon pill had already appeared in the cabin of the floating arrow.

A guard walked up, took the cyan demon pill, opened a small door on the bulkhead, and threw the demon pill in.

Close the small door.

Inside the bulkhead, a blue flame flashed immediately, and a powerful force erupted.

Commissioner Qian and Luan Po have their eyes

Looking at this little door.

This is the power furnace, the power core of this airship.

It’s another waiter, sending a pair of carapace to the committee member Qian

The action is already very respectful.

Originally, this hovercraft traveled

Only collect the inner alchemy or magic core of the monster beast for use in the power furnace

The carapace of the monster beast is unnecessary.

However, when the monk got on the boat, he asked for the carapace of those monster beasts to be collected for research.

This skill alone made these monster monks sigh

No wonder the refining technique of the human race is much higher than that of the monster race.

Sure enough, it is not imaginary.

The carapace of these monster beasts is too much in the sea of ​​ruins.

The Yaozu's refiner simply dismissed it.

And at the level of Commissioner Qian, one can clearly feel

The swordfish floated into the air. In the spike in front, there was already a shock in an instant. This shock, in an instant, has been tens of millions of times.

Under the action of the inner circle of spikes

Aggregate into a bunch

The carapace of that carapace sea monster, together with its internal organs, was instantly shattered into dozens of fragments

This made the airship rush past.

Sentence, this kind of cluster fluctuations in a single moment, tens of millions of times

Even if it hits Commissioner Qian, the power is more than twice as powerful as that of Anlu Village's test of Commissioner Qian.

In other words, such a powerful blow

Nor can this carapace sea monster be completely crushed.

The formation pattern in the carapace of this sea monster is of great reference value.

Even if Commissioner Qian is clear, it can promote the automatic change of the pattern of the artifact

However, the formation must be placed there first, and this is the basis for change.

If you don’t have a pretty good base pattern,

Even if it is clean, it is useless.

However, Commissioner Qian’s thoughts at the moment are not on this shell.

It's on the power stove.

In deep water, it has such a fast speed and such a great power, all because of this power furnace.

The spirit of Qian Qian

I couldn't get into the inside of this power furnace

This is not the same as the airships of the Galaxy Fleet

The floating airships of the Galaxy Fleet all use enormous spell energy to refine them into a power core, which provides power to the airships and naval guns.

This power core is difficult to manufacture

Moreover, the maximum power peak that can be provided is only to allow the firing of the floating naval gun to reach the power of the four-diamond flower **** in the early days.

In Yuanying masters emerge endlessly

Four diamond flower **** masters are a bunch of today

The power of the Galaxy Fleet's airship naval guns is obviously not enough.

And Anlu Village, when introducing the power furnace of the swordfish flying ship, told Commissioner Qian and Luanpo

This power furnace was also obtained from the Trench of Sigh.

They settled down and couldn't crack the principle of the power furnace, so they directly used the power furnace on the floating spaceship.

This power furnace is fueled by burning immortal stone, inner core, and grinding nuclei

Even the most inferior celestial stones, inner cores, and grinding cores can be burned and turned into mana that drives the airship.

Of course, this is not enough to make Commissioner Qian pay such attention.

What Commissioner Qian is really concerned about is the next sentence from Anlu Village.

"This power path can burn up to 100,000 high-grade celestial stones at a time. In this way, the cannon of the swordfish floating airship will reach the mid-stage of the Yuan Ying Flower God"

Moreover, according to Anlu Village

This is still this power furnace, it has been too long in the sea

Some structures have failed.



Heard this from Anlu Village

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were out of their mouths, they just couldn't say anything anymore.

"Then your floating spaceship can deal with a fleet of the Tieyan Army."

Luan Po's tone was a little trembling.

What Anlu Village said is true or false.

I was on duty at the Bone Fortress, why didn't I see this kind of airship attacking.

Don't need a lot

Only need dozens of such aerospace ships

Bone Fortress

It will inevitably be blown away.

Dozens of Yuanying Flower Gods attacked together

Power is enough to damage the plane.

"I definitely didn’t lie to you about the effect of this power furnace, but this power furnace was obtained by sighing the trench.

There is only this one in our Anfu, do other forces have

I do not know then. "

Anlu Village excitedly

But then, his tone immediately eased.

"It’s just that the design of our floating spacecraft allows the mana of the Yuan Ying’s Flower God Stage to explode several times

The formation pattern of this floating warship ~lightnovelpub.net~ has been scrapped, so

Don't have to be a last resort, you won't let the naval guns explode with the power of the Yuanying Flower God. "

After Tao

Anlu Village was finally embarrassed.


It turned out to be so.

This Anfu's technology for making airships is not enough

Although the power furnace is strong

However, other technologies of the airship are not compatible.

With such a powerful power furnace, it will not work.

Yuan Ying Flower God's mid-term attack?

That's stronger than Commissioner Qian's Zhanhai Sword

The power of Commissioner Qian’s Zhanhai Sword

However, it was slightly more than an attack by the cultivators of Yuanying Flower God's early stage, and it was far from the level of Yuanying Flower God's intermediate stage.

This airship can burn 100,000 top-grade immortal stones at a time?

Reach the monk's attack level in the middle stage of Yuanying Flower God?

Although the spirit of Qian’s committee cannot detect this power furnace

However, for this flying swordfish floating spacecraft, it was inside and out, and it was detected all over again.

Except for the natural formations of many swordfish, it is very strong

There are also many formation patterns, which are refined.

These formation patterns, not to mention the power of the four-diamond flower **** in the mid-term, even the mana transmission of the sea sword cannot afford it.
