Unlimited Cultivation

Chapter 1901: Tong Pei Palace

m1901 Chapter Bronze Palace

"Take Dun Hongguo out----"

"come out----"

Strange calls,

From the lava river.

The defeat of the Red Seal shocked the big demon in the lava river.

However, Dun Hongguo is too attractive to them.

The big demons screamed.

The huge Dunhong grass shook for a while,

The light green shield appeared again,

Commissioner Qian just gave Dun Hongcao the mystery,

There is the mystery of attacking spells,

However, this Dunhong grass obviously cannot be understood so quickly.

Commissioner Qian stretched out his palm!

A cyan light straight into this green shield,

In an instant,

This blue light turns into a mysterious blue rune, this blue rune,

It is made up of thousands of combinations of U patterns,

In an instant,

On this light blue shield,

Thousands of whirlpools appeared,

Immediately afterwards,

Thousands of green arrows, burning with raging flames,

From these thousands of whirlpools.

These flames also carry some brown!

Dun Hongcao only felt that countless runes,

Shaking in front of my own eyes,

My understanding of flame mystery rose rapidly.

Thousands of burning arrows appeared,

This huge Dun Hongcao knew it,

Compared with the strongest attack I have made before,

At least several times stronger!

"Puff, puff, puff, puff"

Brown lava,

Splashing pieces of brown lu,

Dozens of muffled noises sounded from the brown lava.

Under this blow,

Dozens of monsters hiding in lava were injured!


Lu rolled up for a while,

The monsters around left one after another.

Dun Hongcao’s defense suddenly rose to such a level,

This Dunhongcao, the protective shield released can be extremely strong,

Next, there is no need to fight.

Commissioner Qian gave this Dun Hongcao rune,

Dun Hongcao couldn't understand it for a while,

However, I was urged by Committee Member Qian!

It is equivalent to re-interpreting this rune in general.

Above the shield from Dun Hongcao,

It is a drastic change.

It is like a b pattern, like a cloud, like a strong wind.

Until the light blue shield stabilized.

Commissioner Qian nodded.

Dun Hongcao monsters immediately thanked them again.

"This kind of water yuan bead is available in a market."

A monster answered,

At the same time, a piece of yù Jane appeared in his hand,

He stretched out his hand and pointed, a blue light had entered the yù slip.

Holding the yù Jane and sending it to Committee Member Qian,

"This is the location of Fangshi."

Water yuan beads,

In an environment like the waste virtual sea,

It's really not too rare.

"Go there and see?"

Commissioner Qian asked Luanpo.

Luanpo nodded, he meant it in the first place.

"If it is there, I can naturally feel it."

A mist, a flame,

Toward the direction of Fangshi, gallop away.

Fangshi is thousands of miles away from here.

The monsters of the lava river often sell items in this market,

Along the way,

This is no longer the sigh trench,

A gathering place for high-ranking monks,

Commissioner Qian and the retreat of the mountains are full of overwhelming wind, thunder and lightning,

Along the way, no one dared to stop.

Soon I reached the entrance of Fangshi.

Here in Fangshi,

Built in a valley,

It seems relatively crude.

Many of the stalls are i-monsters.

The two entered the market, but they went all the way,

At the stall of the i-monster, it’s already clear,

There are no water beads.

Luanpo refers to a pavilion.

In this city, the decoration of this pavilion can be described as luxurious.

The two walked in.

ìThe person greeted him immediately,

From the aura of these two people,

ìThe person can tell,

This is a rare master.

"Two adults, what do you need?"

ì asked the person.

"Do you have water element beads here?"

Member Qian asked.

"Yes, yes. Please follow me."

ìThe person took the two upstairs.

Upstairs, an octopus monster is bulging with big eyes.

Sitting there leisurely.

"Daxu, these two adults, depend on Shui Yuanzhu."

said the person.

The octopus demon rolled his eyes,


With a wave of tentacles,

Several yù stone boxes have been put up,

The stone box opens automatically.

In each box, a mist of water floated up,

One by one, under the water mist,

Suspended in this box.

Commissioner Qian swept away his mind,

There is no prior weather at all.

Looking towards the mountains,

Luanpo also shook his head.

Said that these are ordinary water beads.

Commissioner Qian picked up a water yuan bead, and his spiritual thoughts plunged into the water yuan bead.

"Well, these water pearls are good water system magical instruments in themselves.

When refining a powerful water system legal system, it can be used as a hub for water system legal instruments. "

Commissioner Qian thought.

It is no wonder that the Earl of Gaishan had to inlay the water element beads on his magical artifact.

Seeing Luanpo shook his head.

This octopus has many beards,

I thought that Luan Po and Qian Yuan felt that the water was not good enough.

Hurriedly said: "It's not that I boast, all the water yuan beads produced within tens of thousands of miles are here.

Except for us, it is difficult for you to find better water beads. "

"I bought these water yuan beads, and they can be placed on the mountain u plane.

Can produce good springs. "

Commissioner Qian said.

Naturally, the fire type fairy stone is still very useful here.

Commissioner Qian and Luan broke out,

At the booth of those monsters,

Pick some materials,

Although the booth is simple,

However, there are still a lot of special materials.

The same goes for Luanpo,

Collect more materials, carefully observe these materials, how can we extract the most useful parts from these materials,

This can promote the rapid improvement of refining skills.

Even these materials come from the monsters who set up stalls.

As long as you haven't seen it before.

Leaving Fangshi, continue to follow the same path.

"Just a few ordinary water beads."

Commissioner Qian sighed, somewhat disappointed.

"How can treasures with innate Dao machine be so easy to find?"

Luanpo laughed.

However, it was also a bit disappointing.

Treasures with innate Taoism are really something you can meet but not ask for,

Deliberately looking for it,

I just feel that

Extremely difficult!

that's it,

Along the way, stop and search.

Fangshi in the sea of ​​ruins,

I went shopping a lot,

Strange materials,

I bought a lot more.

A month has passed, and there are still 200,000 miles away from Gaishan.

They browsed in a market again,

"Hey, I heard that the Copper Pei Palace will hold a tournament to commemorate the copper matching palace, which was established for three thousand years."

A monster who set up a stall said to his companion who set up a stall next to him.

"You just know that the Tournament Conference in Tongpai Palace will be held in five days.

Like you and me, what baby is there to know? "

The monster who was setting up a stall nearby said mockingly.


The monster who spoke at the beginning,

Nothing to say yet.

There were a few monsters next to them, and they began to speak: "Really, what kind of qualifications are needed to participate in the Saibao conference, and wherever they can see."

"You just know, I knew it a long time ago; now, we can't get the treasure that can enter the tournament."

Some monsters also said with a self-deprecating tone.

"If you want to enter the Saibao Conference, you first take out a treasure and let the people in the Tongpei Palace see it,

I feel that you, this treasure, have enough qualifications to enter the Saibao Conference. "

Said a monster.

"Copper Pei Palace, but Da Pai, where is this treasure in our hands?"

A few monsters who set up stalls,

Disappointment appeared on his face at the same time.

"Huh? There are still 200,000 miles away from Gaishan,

It can be regarded as the surroundings of Gaishan, it is better to go to a copper pavilion,

There are all kinds of weird treasures at the Saibao Conference, even if you can't find that kind of innate treasure, just take a look. "

Commissioner Qian said.

To be honest, after walking for millions of miles, the shadow of the innate baby cannot be seen.

Commissioner Qian is also a little bit ashamed.

Think of it as visiting the specialty of the ruined sea.


Luanpo nodded.

Along the way, the Shui Yuanzhu in his sacred mansion had no sense at all.

It’s okay to go to a Saibao conference.

There are always various surprises in the large-scale ocean.

"How much is this fast material, how can the Tong Pei Palace go?"

Luanpo picked up a piece of material, and at the same time, asked which monster set up the stall.

"Nine middle-grade immortal stones, I can tell you the location of the bronze palace, but what treasure do you have?"

Said the monster.

"You don't need to worry about it."

Luanpo took out nine middle-grade immortal stones and gave them to the monster.

There was an extra piece of sea animal skin in that monster's hand, which had been unfolded, and the three-dimensional path had been revealed.

"This is for you. Can you show us any good treasures. If the magic weapon is too bad, I advise you not to go to Tongpei Palace."

Luan Po just snorted coldly: "Are you still afraid that my magic weapon is too bad?"

Shook his hand,

There is an extra shield, only slap big i,

But the red brilliance is released,

Over the entire square city,

All photos are transparent!


The monsters around the stalls opened their mouths.

The whole city was like a red cloud, as if burned by fire.

The pressure made them breathless.

"Forget it, let's go, what do they care about?"

Member Qian laughed.

Only then did Luan Po take the shield away and walked out of the Fang City with Commissioner Qian.

Didn't go far,

One person has chased quickly: "Stay a step—please stay a step---"

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo stopped~lightnovelpub.net~ Lai Ren is already standing in front of him,

The face is long and narrow, with purple scales all over,

A pair of eyes are long and narrow, and the mouth is flat, protruding.

But it is also a **** of three diamonds.

"Two people, in the next Xiao Xiaoqiu, the manager of this market, I heard that two people have great treasures, can you take a look?"

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo looked at each other.

In the eyes of the other party, they were all surprised.

One Fangshi director is the God of Three Diamonds.

Although Fangshi is much more important than ordinary towns, in any Fangshi, stand up as the director of a three-diamond god.

Commissioner Qian and Luanpo were still surprised.

Member Qian flicked his sleeve!

"You don't have the items we want in this city. You don't have to look at this treasure."

Xiao Xiaoqiu's face was cold,

He heard that the treasure that Luanpo took out was a fire shield.

Such a powerful fire shield is exactly what he needs.

It's just that these two people are standing there,

Xiao Xiaoqiu’s spiritual thoughts showed that the one standing here was not a monk, but a boundless void.

There is another, purely like a sea.

Xiao Xiaoqiu fell into a cold sweat,

These two people are afraid that they are not the monks of the Four Diamond U God.

Enjoy reading, all in m