Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 185: Reanimating from death 11┃ is very col

In an incredible way, Muqin implanted the memory picture directly into Ivan's mind. Iwan thus obtained some information, and may also have acquired a small part of his emotions and obsessions.

This is not just just using the spirit to convey the message. It is also a kind of spiritual cues. Although Ivan's own consciousness is very clear, he does feel a strange feeling entangled in his heart.

This strange emotion did not belong to him, but he was driven.

Ivan didn't question or hysterically, he stopped the armored vehicle and let the driver of the armored vehicle get off alone, let the poor driver endure the cold in the cold moonlight, and walked forward to find Mr. He's rescue team to meet.

Ivan himself, sitting in the driver's seat of the armored vehicle, stepped on the accelerator and drove to Muqin's memory.

There is no human being in the forest nature reserve, and the call of insects and songbirds cannot be heard.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, there was an extremely violent forest fire in this forest nature reserve. The flame not only caused a huge disaster to the animals in the forest, but also destroyed many precious plant resources and caused soil erosion. And air pollution.

The terrible consequences of the fire can only be gradually repaired through the continuous planting of trees by the people in the surrounding area for hundreds of years, and finally restored this beautiful forest to its most primitive form.

The armored vehicle eventually stopped near a river deep in the forest, and Ivan had to park it here because their mission location, the Cruise ship, was hidden under the river.

The rapid flow of water and the pressure of water make it impossible to imagine that you want to enter the spaceship by diving alone.

So they settled for other ways, such as making a hole in the ground near the river, digging through and connecting the underground passage that Cruise had laid out before they could enter Cruise's spacecraft.

Fortunately, Cruise lays out the underground passageway not far from the ground. Just find the location and dig a depth of about seven or eight meters to get through.

On the armored vehicle, there were digging tools that Muqin had ordered to bring beforehand. Ivan and six other powerful mercenaries joined forces to dig a passage and it was not a problem.

The question is when the channel is dug up, should Iwan and others go in?

Ivan and his team had previously received orders to arrest the thief who had stolen Crystal Stone.

This is a common task that does not seem to have any abnormalities. Mr. He, who posted the task, did not give any explanation in advance. He only said that if something unusual happened, he would listen to Mu Qin's full arrangement.

This is the only explanation beforehand. After that, they were thrown a bunch of weaponry and excavation equipment, and they also let valuable armored vehicles drive them out.

At the beginning of the mission, Ivan can find the traps inside, not to mention the weapons and equipment far beyond the expected, and must take care of Muqin, a "disabled and disabled" on the road, and finally this is where the thief hides ... It's weird!

Muqin used strange methods to directly send a "memory data packet" to Ivan, and the data packet contained the silhouette of Cruz's alien spaceship.

Therefore, Ivan can be 100% sure that the thief who stole the crystal stone is the alien spaceship.

An alien spaceship!

Ivan Kwang felt thrilled after thinking about it. Did he ... really take his five good brothers who live and die together to an unknown flying object that has not been investigated in advance?

Or in other words, they are actually a pioneer investigation team under the name of "catch thief"?

Should I contact Mr. He or Mr. Ned? Ivan was thinking about this at the hole that had been dug, but he quickly remembered the words that Mr. He had said before leaving.

Mr. He said: "Any unexpected problems that arise during the mission will go to Muqin to resolve and listen to Muqin's command."

Ivan turned to look at Muqin who was still unconscious in the armored car.

Command a fart!

Look at this guy's half-dead look! Ivan, they can't take a patient into the pit, right?

However, if Muqin is left alone on the armored vehicle and is not assured, he must be left alone to watch Muqin and the armored vehicle.

The six-member squad would leave a member to guard Muqin and the armored vehicle, while Ivan took the remaining four and went down to the burly alien ship to find out.

This configuration is actually quite good. In case something happens on the road and they are in danger, they can also retreat in time and ask the team members who stayed at the entrance to come over to respond.

Ivan and his teammates discussed for a while, and they all felt that the plan was very good, so they appointed the thinnest Asian in the team to stay as the guard.

Ivan's elite team brings together people from four different countries. Ivan and another teammate are Russians, plus two Americans, an Englishman, and a Chinese-Korean mixed Korean.

Because Muqin is Chinese, Ivan and they all think that it would be better for South Koreans of Asian descent to stay in guards.

The Chinese-Korean mixed race member also has a Chinese name, Zhang Ya.

Zhang Ya can speak Chinese, but her accent is a bit strange.

And he is better at speaking English than Chinese.

Zhang Ya's mother was Chinese, but he only lived with her mother in Hong Kong for a while when she was very young.

After his mother died, Zhang Ya, 10, was taken to South Korea by his father and had Korean nationality. At the age of 12, he moved to Singapore with his father to do business. After the business failed, his father took Zhang Ya around the world and made illegal trades.

Immediately after, Zhang Ya's father was in an illegal trade because he was shot dead because of the conflict. Zhang Ya was sixteen years old at the time and was taken care of by a passing mercenary.

Ten years later, Zhang Ya has hardly returned to South Korea, and never considers South Korea to be her own country. He has passports and different ID cards in various countries around the world, both real and fake.

So to be precise, Zhang Ya should be regarded as a stateless person.

Two years ago, Zhang Ya met the current captain Ivan in Estonia, and the two had some common language. After that, Zhang Ya stayed in Ivan's team and became a member of the team.

It can be said that although it is of Asian descent, it also speaks simple Chinese, and even has a Chinese name. But Zhang Ya's impression of China is very small. Except for Mr. He in the base, Mu Qin is the second Chinese he has seen in these years.

Ivan has taken four teammates other than Zhang Ya to the cave to explore. Zhang Ya, who is staying beside Mu Qin, seems a little restless. He frequently looks at his wrist watch and calculates the passage of time.

The evening wind howled in the dark forest.

It was already about three to four in the middle of the night. At this moment, it was the darkest time before dawn. The dense branches and leaves obscured the night sky. Except for the flashlight and the lights of the armored car's headlights, it was dark and there were no fingers.

Zhang Ya suddenly heard a moan in this silence, which frightened him suddenly. He only reacted a moment later. This moan came from Mu Qin.

Zhang Ya hurried to check Muqin's condition on the armored vehicle.

Mu Qin actually woke up, opened his eyes in a wheelchair, and when Zhang Ya turned on the lights in the armored car, he found that Mu Qin was staring at him.

"What time is it?" Mu Qin asked in Chinese.

Zhang Ya subconsciously looked at his watch, and subconsciously also reported time in Chinese.

"How long did I sleep?" Muqin asked again.

"It's been less than half an hour since you fell asleep after you and the captain talked," Zhang Ya replied. He was surprised to find that he had not spoken Chinese fluently for many years.

"Where is your captain?" Mu Qin glanced around, only Mu Qin and Zhang Ya were in the armored car.

Zhang Yadao: "We dug the underground passage, and the captain took the other four people to the burrow to take the lead in investigating-investigating the so-called alien spaceship? I don't know, at least the captain said so.

"Why don't you wake me up?" Mu Qin took a deep breath, holding his hands on the wheelchair's armrests, and allowed himself to sit up straight.

"You are weak. The captain thinks this situation is not suitable for waking you up." Zhang Ya frowned slightly, trying to stop Mu Qin from messing with his weak body, but he held back the impulse.

Zhang Ya had to be indifferent: "You should take a good rest, the captain will soon come back soon."

"Do me a favor." Mu Qin raised a hand to Zhang Ya, "help me."

Seeing Mu Qin reaching out for help, Zhang Ya had not responded yet, and the body had taken the lead in one step. He reached out and held Mu Qin without hesitation.

Zhang Ya was surprised by her impulse and quickly dissuade Mu Qin: "You should take a good rest."

"Help me up," Mu Qin repeated, in a commanded tone, with a firm tone, which could not be refuted.

Zhang Ya thought that Muqin was talking strangely.

Because he didn't know why, he felt like he couldn't disobey Muqin's order. As long as Muqin spoke in that kind of command, his body couldn't help himself to act ... he really helped Muqin up.

Mu Qin rested his arm on Zhang Ya's shoulder, took Zhang Ya as a large crutch, walked a few steps against him, feeling his numb body gradually warming up, and his consciousness recovered a little.

"Take me to your captain." Assessing his physical condition, Muqin ordered again.

Zhang Ya found that he really could n’t resist the man ’s order, and his body acted on his own initiative. He picked up some equipment and put it on Mu Qin ’s hand, and tied Mu Qin to his back with a seat belt. Muqin came to the burrow they had dug before.

The cave was provided with cables and pulleys for easy access. Zhang Ya carried Mu Qin on his back and stepped on the rope's footsteps.

As soon as I used the rope to slide to the bottom, I landed safely in the underground passage.

The underpass was very cold and silent.