Unlimited Upgrade System From Ant to Abyss Master

v2 Chapter 1038: The idea of ​​good and evil

"If you think so, then you are wrong."

Xiaodi looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Xiaobu is not in the same group as the mysterious person, but there is still some connection."

Zhou Hao suddenly seemed very disappointed, and sighed: "Look, there is still a connection, saying that it is not obtained, the little beast must have lied to you!"


Xiaodi said, "However, Xiaobu knows some origins of that mysterious man."

"Quickly tell me what is the origin of that person?"

Zhou Hao asked anxiously.

Xiaodi continued: "Xiaobu said that it was a demon, a very powerful demon. A long time ago, there was a kingdom here, but then the national teacher of this kingdom became a demon through practice and became a demon, almost destroyed. The whole kingdom!"

"The king of the kingdom and several master monks joined forces to suppress the demons and imprison them in the underground palace."

"And Xiaobu is actually an elf transformed by the devil's kind thoughts, but he was also locked in a jar by the king of the kingdom."

"Originally, Xiaobu was to be burned by the king, but suddenly a change took place here. The whole world suddenly plunged into a darkness. When the darkness subsided, the whole kingdom was destroyed."

Speaking of this, Zhou Hao suddenly inserted in shock: "Yong Ye!"

What he thought of was the story of Yong Ye that Li Dazui told Xiaodi.

Xiaodi nodded and said, "Like you, Xiaoye also remembered the "Yong Ye" that Uncle Dazui told me."


Zhou Hao seemed to have thought of a very mysterious thing, and said, "Uncle Big Mouth knows about Yong Ye, and teaches you such obscure words, will he be a survivor of this kingdom?"

Xiaodi shook his head and said, "Uncle Dazui said that the whole world was plunged into the eternal night, and it was not only here. It is possible that he learned those words from somewhere. Moreover, Uncle Dazui was not from the Haotian Realm Yeah, so what you said should be impossible."

Zhou Hao let out a sigh of relief without wrinkling, and said: "What you said makes sense, maybe it's a coincidence."

"What happened later?"

He continued to ask: "What happened? What happened after Yongye?"

Xiaodi shook his head and said, "At that time, Xiaobu had been sealed in the jar. It didn't know what happened at that time. It only knew that after you broke the jar, it was saved."

"Then it knew we were looking for the baby, so it took us to the underground palace as soon as possible, but it forgot that there was another demon imprisoned under the underground palace."


Zhou Hao said: "That is obviously its owner, I don't know yet, it must have deliberately led us to release demons in the underground palace!"

"It is transformed by the national teacher's good thoughts, and the devil is the national teacher's evil thoughts."

Xiaodi resolutely defended Xiaobu and said, "Xiaobu is innocent!"

Zhou Hao tuts, still can't believe the little guy.

He said: "Then ask it again, what will happen after the demon is released?"

Xiaodi wanted to ask Xiaobu.


Xiaobu babbled once again.

Zhou Hao still didn't understand a word.

In fact, he is getting more and more weird, how does Xiaodi, Nizi, understand Xiaobu's bird language?

The word that popped out of that little beast's mouth was always just the word "咘叽"?