Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!

Chapter 218

"Amount..." Lu Yiqian did not expect that he would agree so quickly, she chased it up: "Why would you like to go with me?"

"I want to kill you," he said coldly.

Lu Hao is a thousand mouths, he wants to kill early killing, right? She didn't smash him very cleverly: "Well, maybe you will find that following me, there will be a steady stream of opponents."

"..." I don't say a word.

Seeing white, I can't take a step back, estimate the strength of the other side, find that I can't beat the white, coolly go aside, practice swordsmanship, he is not someone, even if it can't be defeated, once again The second fool rushed up.

White smiled incomprehensibly, and did not say anything, grabbed Lu Yiqian and went to take a bath.

He stayed with the little idiot for a whole year. This year is the happiest time of his time. He also wants to restore his strength if he has such a bliss in the future. He has already detected where his power is sealed. It turned out to be on the imaginary sea of ​​this continent. In addition, the enemy is estimated to find the mainland of this seal, his own breath, it is best not to leak out, otherwise, the little fool will be life-threatening.

Today, it will be the last night of their year together, and maybe they won't enjoy this kind of happiness in the next few years, but it doesn't matter.

"You can rest assured to rest, I will not have anything." Lu Yi thousand charming smile, absolutely beautiful, beautiful smile.

The white slammed, the heart filled with warmth, his little idiot, and he knew that he knew him.

"Today, all night, I am on top." Lu Hao thousand smiled and smiled.

The white lower abdomen is soaring, the eyes are deep, and he picks up Lu Yu and walks out to the big bed.

The eyes had not touched the bed, and the white face sank, and the silver-white robe was changed very quickly to cover Lu Qianqian.

Lu Yiqian looked curiously into the bed. At first sight, he almost laughed.

I saw Xiao Zilong lying on the bed, his face was blushing, and he was trying to make a charming seduce gesture. The clothes took a large part of the film, revealing a small chest, and the purple hair was scattered in a mess. I thought it was very tempting. Looking at Lu Qianqian, he called: "Master, ask me."

"White, is this what you taught?" Lu Yiqian felt that he was going to laugh.

White and black face, grabbed the neck of Xiao Zilong and threw it into a meteor.

Lu Yiqian laughed: "White, you are jealous."

The white narrow scorpion locked Lu Yiqian, evilly: "You seem to be very happy, little fool."

Lu Yiqian immediately bitter face, why is she always suffering?

"It seems that I have not been able to satisfy you well, telling you to climb the food?" Bai asked, this expression, the evil ingredients are full ten.

"I am wrong, I am still not wrong?" Lu Hao surrendered.

"Little fool, it’s late." The clothes fell, and the long, powerful body was bare. Putting the woman in the bed on the bed, the hot burning lips pressed up.


Traveling to heaven, the two are like two fishes, or two clouds of lingering, this life is determined, happy and infinite, accompanied by no time.

Five months earlier, the three superpowers Qin, Song, and Qi were all spreading a rumor that made the mainland boil for nearly a year. It was only recently cooled down and replaced by other exciting things. That rumor is related to Lu Yiqian. A thorn flower general who rose up in Qin State a year ago, with the horrific fighting power, the younger generation of peerless master Lu Yiqian of the Song Dynasty was assassinated. In a few days, people found her body next to a river. The Qin Wang is sore, the whole country mourns, everyone is sorry, such a genius master, the life track is like fireworks, blooming brilliantly, disappearing quickly...

Of course, this is just an outdated, once popular topic. There are fewer people in the world. It is not a big deal. Every day, people are dead. Every day, big things happen. People squat at most and turn their attention elsewhere. For example, the most popular topic recently is that the 19-year-old son of the brightest man, who was promoted to the sanctuary at the beginning of the year, became the first genius to be deserved, and caused heated discussion. The heat is second only to the double as the moon is the dark son of the single sun, also reached the sanctuary this year, attracting many people to teach. There is Qin Qin, the **** of Qin, who successfully sealed the king, but his temper became strange, fierce, and extremely hate Song Guoren... Of course, there are also some chicken thieves, trivial things that climb the wall, and the source of information is quite The land is extensive and diverse.

Often the national resolutions of the major events, or the celebrity's lace 暧昧 news, not long, must spread throughout the streets, the information flow is fast, it is unimaginable, and the message is a big brother!

Big Brother, Master Sikong Yun’s proud invention, the greatest creation of this century!

This thing has undoubtedly improved people's living standards. People who are thousands of miles away can use it to contact, and after buying it, they only spend a little less money on it, and they can make a worry-free conversation by running a magic communication card.

When the magical talker was born, the major consortiums competed to buy the monopoly. However, Master Si Kongyun sold the monopoly to the iron-wood that the West County operated Chinese restaurants and Eudemons, and he and his nine beautiful men jointly operated. The iron man who is very talented in business hires several ordinary people and divides them into five groups. No group is only responsible for some parts that make up the big brother, and then assemble the cultivated ventricles to form an efficient production line. Master Si Kongyun was also invited by him to sit in the West County to ensure the quality of the big brother.

When Big Brother just entered the market, he ushered in a purchasing frenzy. At the beginning, this thing could only be purchased by the royal family. It was far from being in short supply. Later, it was bought by big businessmen, and then it was the general aristocrat... Nowadays, the upper class of the rich and the rich The family is proud of having a big brother. And the big brother who holds the brick-like head talks in the ear, that kind of pride is something that others can't understand.

As a monopoly business of Big Brother, the money in the hands of Tiemu has gathered to a terrible point. Not only that, Chinese restaurants have already opened branches in various counties, and the Eudemons trade is on the right track, making his financial resources stronger.

Today, Tiemu and his men, who are equally capable, are already hot in the business world. How many businessmen want to marry their daughters, but they are unmoved. They work hard, and in addition to expanding their business, the rest of the money is included in a magic crystal card that does not belong to them. They swear to make the owner the richest person in the world!