Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!

Chapter 405

Ok? Lu Yan’s eyes were sinking.


The **** of death shook his sickle and went up.

Dongshu College can only live in two kinds of people, one is a teacher and the other is a student. Death wants to accompany the owner from time to time, so he also decided to test the college as a student.

Last night, the host promised him, and also said that he would teach him to talk about a "love in the student era." Although he didn't know what it was, he was faintly expecting it.

Test, have to pass!

However, Lu Yiqian has a little bit of cold sweat for him. The strength of death is something she can't imagine, and he doesn't use magic power at all. He once said to himself that he used the power of chaos, death, and darkness, and he must have no concealment of himself. Can this power... Can the test ball admit it?

The examiner looked at the **** of death in an odd way. He had no magical power at all. He looked like a very harmless person. His appearance was hidden in the cloak, which was very mysterious.

The examiner was well-informed. He had seen a lot of mysterious people, but the strength of those people was not very good. So, for the **** of death, I didn’t think about it. Strength, as long as the strength comes, it is the person! It is useless to install mystery!

Death will put his hand on the white crystal ball.

no response!

Place it on a brown crystal ball.

no response!

The examiner is a little impatient. This kind of person who can't measure the ability is definitely the most D, F, E-level person, without a little talent! However, due to a few days before the cover, the examiner's temper is still good: "You can try again."

However, at this time...

The white crystal light ball suddenly made a crazy white light, yes, crazy, although the light of a light ball is called "crazy" is somewhat outrageous, as long as anyone sees the light ball, it will flash " Crazy" word!

The white light flickers in the ball, and it can be seen that the trajectory is colliding in the ball of light, and the Buddha is experiencing painful battles.

Suddenly, it made a violent white light, and the ball of light slammed and slammed into a smog.

Everyone looked at each other and Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled.

It seems to be a bit irritating and overdone.

However, this is not over yet. After the white light ball was reimbursed, the brown light ball followed the madness. Then, with the determination to break the bones, the white light ball followed the footsteps.

Just as Lu Yiqian sighed and reimbursed the two **** of light, accompanied by a scream, the entire test venue was suddenly immersed in the yelling and the light of the one after another. The sudden blasting accident caused the well-organized examination room to be confused.

Lu Hao dripped a drop of cold sweat.

Needless to say, she also knows that the light ball at this venue may have been fully reimbursed!

It is entirely conceivable that there must have been a lot of people who just pressed their hands on the ball of light and then they explode, they must be shocked.

Poor people!

Lu Yiqian walked over and pinched the hand of death.

"Master, I didn't mean it, but I used a little bit of force." Because Xiang and his master, they showed a hint of strength. Wherever I want to, these **** are too "fragile".

"I know, it doesn't matter." Lu Yiqian comforted.

Due to this temporary accident, the college immediately dispatched 5,000 teachers to maintain order. Even the vice president personally went out.

Unexpectedly, the vice president of Dongshu College looks very young. He looks like a gentleman in his thirties. He wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a gorgeous mage robes, but he is a god-level master. !

Seeing the chaotic crowd, his majestic pressure immediately covered the audience: "Students, please calm down." His voice is faint and has a calming effect.

The uneasiness of the people who were shocked by the whole ball accident was a little weakened and calmed down.

"Sorry, my classmates, these light **** have been used for a thousand years and have reached the end of their useful lives. This is the negligence of our staff. I apologize for the inconvenience." He waved his hand and immediately took a group of staff to carry Come to 20,000 new light balls: "Now we have replaced new products and promised that there will be no similar accidents. Please continue to assess."

Lu Yiqian picked up his eyebrows, um, deliberately concealed?

Will not malfunction? Uh huh, as long as the **** of death comes again, these **** of light must be scrapped.

However, she did not want him to come again, there must be people who are beginning to doubt.

Holding the hand of the **** of death, Lu Yiqian said on the platform of the mind: "When I will come."

Passing power through the body of death to the ball of light, death does not reveal its own power.

"Well, it was just an accident, now we retest." The chunky examiner pointed at the death: "You come first."

The **** of death placed his hand on the white light ball and the brown light ball. The power of Lu Qian thousand was transmitted on the light ball through him. With the last experience, it was much more convenient to control the magic power. Sure enough, the examiner's face eased and happy. Road: "Congratulations, you have been admitted." Law: C, Wu: C, just passed.

The five-person enrollment is already a matter of ironclad. After the exam is completed, Lu Yiqian immediately left the examination room.

At this time, in the internal meeting of the East Central College, thousands of teachers sat at the circular conference table and asked the vice president.

"The deputy dean, the crystal ball is clearly a new ball that was just changed yesterday. How can it be broken?" A teacher was puzzled.

The gentle deputy dean pushed the glasses and asked: "Fly, do you know the origins of those crystal balls?"

"The origin?" The teacher who asked the question shook his head.

The rest of the teachers also have doubts: "Isn't that made by Master Ling Tian?"

The deputy dean's glasses reflected a sharp and deep radiance: "Those crystal **** are made by Ling Tian masters. Before the manufacture, its composite crystals are the most sensitive to the magical power of Daewoo. At the same time... Daewoo The hardest object." He slowed down: "Even if I am a god, I can't break it."

"Call..." The whole conference hall suddenly heard a sound of inhalation.