Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!

Chapter 626

Is Daewoo going to be so ruined?

This is a real natural disaster. It is like people on the earth who are helpless to the tsunami and earthquake. Their destruction should be quite like a comet hitting the earth.

Will Daewoo’s fate end here?

Above the sky, Mi Xiuya, who had disappeared, reappeared. He still had a gentle smile, but his eyes were the winner's pride, and the winner was sure.

When he found out that White was still indifferent, his heart was angry, but he quickly stopped it. For him, like the numerous battles in the past, the final victory of this battle must belong to him. From the beginning of recognizing the strength of Bai, he already wanted to get rid of white. He asked himself that no one in the world can stand with him. Everything that is in front of him will be eradicated. He will regard white as the biggest enemy. From the beginning, he did not put Lu Yiqian in his eyes.

He believes that even if there is a shocking power, it is impossible to escape from the black hole. As the most mysterious existence in the universe, the power of the black hole is that he will also detour when he sees it.

Daewoo and those who are blind to the eye, this time will definitely be finished!

I have to say that Mi Xiuya is really a genius, a smart genius, a power-type genius, and a crazy genius! He could think of this series of stitches, killing opponents step by step, which is the main reason why he can become the master of chaos.

Can't say that he is narrow-minded, can't say that he is cruel and terrible, just because in the battle, it is the death of you, the winner, the loser, and this is the case.

This man is the biggest enemy of Lu Yiqian. He is an enemy with extremely strong strength and a superb mind!

He borrowed the black hole of the universe, this kind of turbulence engulfed the plane of the sky, the biggest puzzle in the universe, this big hand is also a symbol of his strength.

The power of the cosmic black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and the Wanli Mountain, which is backed by the whole city of Wangyue, has been uprooted by it. Although the Moon City is against the suction of the black hole, it is also faintly dragged.

Some unlucky people were sucked into the sky without any precautions, and they were terribly brutal.

However, the 20 million chaos were left in the air, and they were not affected at all. They knew that the Messiah's means were true, and it seemed that they had reached an agreement with the black hole, and they turned a blind eye to these chaos.

When a black hole appears, it is a sad reminder of the super plane. So, will Daewoo also be tragedy?

Death has swept his sickle.

Death is turning the sickle, looking at the air, then flashing to the sky, and then a stroke.

Mi Xiuya smiled, and Bardoff smiled. Göss smiled and all the chaos laughed.

What kind of jokes do you want to save the world by swiping the sickle? It’s just crazy to say a dream, jump to the sky, is you looking for death?

The place where the **** of death crossed, like the ripples of the lake, swayed shallowly, and then the cockroach was already boiling, and a circle of black ripples unfolded from it, with black lightning, connecting with the ripples of the sky, throughout Daewoo's paintings form the most unpredictable pattern. Inside the pattern, the thrilling black energy comes out of nowhere, drawing a huge black sickle, depending on the trajectory of the march of death, facing the black hole of the sky, a sharp stroke!

Everyone can't help but grow up and look at this incredible, incomprehensible scene!

Can anyone in the world break through a black hole, no one knows, but the answer will come soon.

The black hole that was swallowing in the sky trembled, then it was like a piece of paper, and it was torn into two pieces. The power of the violent force in the black hole slammed into it, but it was the energy and matter that was swallowed up in each plane.

The death of the backhand with a sickle, the black lightning-like power will once again be violent, and the violent violent amount of the constant impact will be out of Daewoo!

"Amount..." Everyone was stunned and could only make such a simple syllable in the throat as if it had been picked up.

This **** of death has long surpassed people's perception of metamorphosis!

Mishus's smile solidified on his face. He was countless, and he did not count on Lu Yiqian's team. There is actually the existence of death!

This power has already surpassed him far and reached a completely different level.

But he is not willing to fail, give him the opportunity, he can also achieve such a level, he is even more bound to the fire of creation in Lu Yiqian.

Only this time, his plan failed.

But this failure does not mean that it will fail next time. He decides to count thirty-two and walks on.

But when he wanted to take his troops this time, White did not allow it.

White said lightly: "Since it is coming, don't leave anything, do you want to go?"

As he said, he split his hands and gently said: "There is a great extinction."

On the city of Mochizuki, countless formations began to converge, countless lights began to gleam, and infinite streamers began to shine.

Everyone on the city of Mochizuki felt that there was a thrust from the crowd, and they were sent to the city of Wangyue, and the empty city shone with horror and rushed toward the chaos of the sky.

Before Mi Xiuya secretly borrowed the potential, there may not be no white squats. When Mi Xiuya used black holes to deal with Lu Yi, the white may not change the formation in the city of Wangyue, forming a mass extinction and dealing with chaos.

The thrilling glory of the self-expected Moon City was uploaded, and thousands of fascinating eyes, when it was shining, 20 million chaos could not escape, all inhaled into the city, the city is both a protective array, but it is shattered and killed.

After inhaling thousands of chaos, the sky is one of the clear, and the Moon City completed these things, actually swaying and becoming smaller, becoming a small pocket, flying into the hands of white.

This scene can't help but see everyone's heart pounding.

Mi Xiawan didn’t think that he would fail this time. Not only did he not destroy Wang Yuecheng, but even lost 20 million troops, but he was very human. He simply did not lose the two million troops. How can he not win Lu Yuqian, his choice is to leave immediately.

Nothing to say, he flashed a strange circle of law under his feet and left the spirit.

White stopped the sub-season and shackles that will be pursued. His eyes are far away, he will look far away, and he will look at Lu Qianqian deeply. This explains: "I only had a fight with him. He has not yet put out all his strength and forced him. Too eager, I am afraid that there will be no means, little fool, I am not afraid of him, but I am afraid that he will use whatever means, it is you who are hurt."