Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1018: The battle is over and the quota is anno

() "Boom!"

Duan Tianlan's martial arts slammed into Tang Yi's six knives, and bursts of strong rumbling sounds were extremely horrifying. . .

However, Tang Yi's six knives, after suffering from Duan Tianlan's three martial arts, were not completely offset, but only weakened a little. It still flew towards Duan Tianlan!

Seeing that Tang Yi's martial arts were so powerful, Duan Tianlan was also a little surprised. However, Duan Tianlan was an eight-star God of War after all, with great strength and extremely rich combat experience.

Seeing that Tang Yi's six knives were still coming strong, Duan Tianlan stepped back, and then another martial arts exploded!

"Kowloon is furious!"

Duan Tianlan stretched out his right hand and hit with a palm.

Suddenly, from his palm, nine angry dragon shadows screamed out and hurried toward Tang Yi's six knives.


Nine Dragon Shadows collided with Tang Yi's six knives. Suddenly, there was a burst of rumbling sound, a powerful impact of "wave"-"wave" and "wave".

I saw that at this time, Tang Yi's six knives waved'swing' for a while, and then'wow', his five knives disappeared, and the Soul Sealing Spirit Knife restored its original appearance, and then flew towards Tang Yi After going back, Tang Yi caught him in one hand.

Tang Yi saw that his martial arts were offset by Duan Tianlan's strong strength and rich experience, and there was no panic. After catching the Soul Sealing Spirit Knife, Tang Yi waved his right hand again, adding the Soul Sealing Spirit Knife. The skill'Evil Spirit Sealing Soul Kill' is activated, and a sword whizzes out again!

At this moment, Duan Tianlan had just performed four martial arts, his body was still in midair, and he had no time to respond to Tang Yi's martial arts in time, and he was too late to avoid it. When he saw Tang Yi's sword spirit roaring again, Duan Tianlan was shocked and hurried. Hastily responded.

"Wuya Biyan Sword!"

Duan Tianlan was standing upright in the sky, his long sword slanting downwards, and a flame appeared instantly in front of him.

Before Tang Yi used the evil spirits to seal the soul and fight with Duan Tianlan's Wuya Biyan Sword. Finally, it was Tang Yi's martial arts stronger, and Duan Tianlan was blown out.

At the same time, Tang Yi is still ready to attack, Duan Tianlan just responded hurriedly, the result can be imagined!


After another loud noise, as expected, Duan Tianlan's martial arts and Tang Yi's martial arts counteracted, but Duan Tianlan's body was blown out by a powerful force.

This time, Duan Tianlan wanted to stop her body a bit hard!

After all, when responding with all strength, Duan Tianlan's Wuya Biyan sword couldn't stop Tang Yi's "evil spirit sealing the soul and killing", and Tang Yi's sword spirit blew to the edge of the ring.

At this moment Duan Tianlan is just a hasty response, how can he still stabilize his body?

Of course not.

I saw Duan Tianlan's body, which flew tens of meters away, flew directly out of the ring, flew out of the enclave, landed on the ground, and then the'Zhe Zhe Zhe' stepped back dozens of steps, fell On the other side of the central square, this stopped.

After stopping, Duan Tianlan's eyes widened and he looked at Tang Yi. It seemed that he hadn't recovered yet. The old face was full of incredible expressions.

Falling off the ring proved to be a loss.

Duan Tianlan didn't expect that he actually lost to Tang Yi and lost to a junior!

Not only Duan Tianlan was surprised, but everyone present was also surprised.

Everyone looked at Duan Tianlan, who dropped the ring, and then Tang Yi, who stood straight in the ring. His mouth became O-shaped, almost speechless!

This is too exaggerated!

Everyone did not expect that the new envoy Tang Yi actually beat the too elders, who were even stronger!

The most important thing is that Tang Yi is not yet 17 years old this year!


Tang Yi arched his hand at Duan Tianlan, who dropped under the ring, and said.

After a series of fights, Tang Yi already probably knew his strength.

According to his strength estimate at the moment, he can be considered a strong player of the Nine Star God of War level, and he can also defeat it!

Eight-star God of War like Duan Tianlan, in fact, Tang Yi wants to win, it is very simple.

I just played for so long because Tang Yi did not show his true strength.

Because the "hands" with Duan Tianlan are only for discussion, so Tang Yi did not use more powerful martial arts, nor did he use the martial arts of the rank of order. If used, then Duan Tianlan failed early!

Even, it is not so simple to defeat, Tang Yi's martial arts attack power is so powerful, one shot is a hundred times, a few hundred times, who can bear it?

I am afraid that just rubbing a little bit is the end of the dust.

Therefore, Tang Yi did not use this level of martial arts, and only played so long with Duan Tianlan.

"Yes, I lost, Tang Yi, you are really strong."

It is said that Duan Tianlan nodded his head, and he did not have the kind of brutality of the strong, nor did he have any unwillingness and dissatisfaction. Instead, he was very modest, winning is winning, losing is losing, and frankly admitting failure to Tang Yi, being present The crowd admitted to failure.

"It's just good luck, I didn't expect my strength to have reached this point." Tang Yi said.

However, Tang Yi’s sentence is not a false statement. Before that, Tang Yi did not know what his strength reached. He only knew how strong he was, but how strong he was, he had never tried it, so he didn’t understand. .

After discussing with Duan Tianlan, he only tentatively came out and knew what his current strength was.

"Tang Yi, you are too humble. To tell the truth, it is indeed an honor for us in Xifu to give you such an evil character."

Duan Tianlan praised.

At this moment, Duan Tianlan looked at Tang Yi's gaze, also eager.

After all, Tang Yi can have such strength~lightnovelpub.net~ Then going to the Tianxing Palace will have a great chance to join the Tianxing Palace. As long as Tang Yi joins the Tianxing Palace, even if he can enter the top of the Tianxing Palace, then the status of Xifu will be Will upgrade another grade.

Xifu will gain more say in Tianxing Palace!

Therefore, Duan Tianlan saw that Tang Yi could have such strength. Not only did he not hate Tang Yi for losing to Tang Yi, but he appreciated Tang Yi very much!

In this way, under the praise of Duan Tianlan and the modesty of Tang Yi, the two men's peerless war ended, Tang Yi won the victory, and the battle for the robbery for the place continued.

Of course, the ring battle of others is still going on, but the ring battle of No. 1 and the ring battle of Tang Yi have been declared over.

It is believed that Tang Yi, after defeating Duan Tianlan, no longer dared to challenge him.

After the end of Sanyongxiang, the quota for Tianxing Palace was announced.

The number one ring is Tang Yi, so Tang Yi won the quota.

On the second ring, the shadow guardian ‘Red’ guarded and won the quota.