Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1062: Meet Tiger Xiangdong


In this way, Tang Yi's strength was recognized by everyone. By this time, no one dared to question Tang Yi's strength.

Of course, who dares to question?

The beast Tianmen who questioned Tang Yi's strength was too elder, and he still chews the Mithril Staff.

That's Mithril, how can I swallow it!


In the ultimate airspace, after Tang Yi killed the Skywalker again, he began wandering again, constantly searching for prey. He was like a militant who wanted to be dissatisfied. Wherever he went, it was a killing.

In this way, under the continuous search of Tang Yi, there are more than a dozen celestial beasts in a dozen minutes. They are buried in Tang Yi's hands and become Tang Yi's experience value. Tang Yi can hit on average every minute. Killing a Celestial Beast, the frequency is so high, it makes people speechless.

In general, no one will have such a high efficiency. After all, in three hours, the people who participated in the selection can kill three. It is already extremely excellent, and it is already the top of the top.

Most people, within three hours, only kill two Skywalkers at most, or they all consume one Skywalker. It is even more difficult to kill three.

Of course, it is not to say that in less than three hours, everyone can't meet more than a dozen Celestial Beasts, and the encounter can be met, but it's just that no one walks like Tang Yi.

They met a Celestial Beast, and it took a lot of time to deal with it. How can they go to find the monsters again?

It is very difficult to deal with one Skywalker. Without killing the Skywalker, what is the point of finding another Skywalker?

If it were not Tang Yi, others thought that Skywalker was easy to kill. In fact, Skywalker is so good to kill, with fast speed and high defense. This monster is the most difficult to deal with.

Who, like Tang Yi, solves a Celestial Beast in an instant?

absolutely not.

Solving more than ten Skywalkers in ten minutes is a terrible record.

Therefore, even if others can meet, they can't beat Tang Yi's record. This kind of record can only be scored by Tang Yi, the devil.

For Tang Yi's record, everyone in the small square, or a group of disciples in the Tianxing Palace, were shocked at first, but as time went on, as Tang Yi showed him again and again The strength of the crowd slowly began to numb and began to take for granted.

Tang Yi's power has been deeply in their hearts.

By this time, neither the elders in the small square nor the disciples in the Tianxing Palace had shifted the perspective of the light curtain to other disciples.

Because after they saw Tang Yi's performance, they could no longer see the performance of others.

In their eyes, Tang Yi's expression of reality is too wonderful, and other people's performance compared to Tang Yi, as if it were a baby playing house, the gap is too far, too far, it is not interesting to look at, Still look at Tang Yi's wonderful, so the perspective has always been on Tang Yi's body, has not changed.

In fact, Tang Yi killed dozens of Celestial Beasts in ten minutes, which is still relatively slow. After all, Tang Yi met Celestial Beasts. That was a direct kill. It didn’t take much time at all. Most of them Time is spent on finding the Skywalker. If the Skywalker is denser, a little more, Tang Yi may kill more, it can be described as slaughter!

The existence of the beast **** level was slaughtered by a boy less than 17 years old. I am afraid that no one can believe it.

But the amazing thing is that Tang Yi has been in the ultimate airspace for almost thirty minutes. He walked around and flew thousands of miles. The Skywalker encountered a lot. However, he did not meet any of them. The selected disciples are really amazing.

Of course, in addition to the magic, Tang Yi also had to sigh the vastness of the extreme airspace. How far can he fly in 30 minutes. Tang Yi himself is very clear. However, he can't meet people after flying so far, except for luck. One can imagine how vast the ultimate airspace is.

But Tang Yi wondered how big the ultimate airspace was. Why didn't he meet the disciples who participated in the selection? He didn't expect Tang Yi to come whatever he wanted, and it really made him meet the disciples who participated in the selection.

Moreover, this disciple who participated in the selection is still an old acquaintance...

Of course, it is not the kind of acquaintance who has a good relationship with Tang Yi, but the kind who has been beaten twice by Tang Yi and has been beaten.

That's right, this person is not someone else, it is the person of Beast Heaven Gate, and he is also the leading master of the Beast Heaven Gate, the tiger is going east.

When Tang Yi saw Tiger Xiangdong, it seemed that Hu Xiangdong had just hacked a Celestial Beast. At this moment, he was breathing heavily, floating and resting in place, seemingly consuming a lot of energy.

When Tang Yi saw Tiger Xiangdong, Tiger Xiangdong also discovered Tang Yi.

After discovering Tang Yi, Tiger's eyes suddenly turned to Dong, and then he got up and moved towards Tang Yifei.

"Hey, isn't this Tang Yi's special envoy~lightnovelpub.net~ I didn't expect I could meet you in such a vast territory, it seems that we are really destined."

After Hu Xiangdong approached Tang Yi, he said with a smile.

Although Hu Xiangdong was smiling, he looked very friendly, but Tang Yi knew that Hu Xiangdong was hiding a knife in his smile, and was beaten twice in the face. He also called his grandpa in public. Did you expose it?

Of course not.

From Tang Yi's point of view, it is definitely not good intentions for Tiger Xiangdong to fly up like this.

Therefore, Tang Yi didn't need to be polite to the tiger to the east, and immediately replied: "Yeah, in such a vast territory, I can still meet you. It's really a narrow road."

"Ha ha."

Hu Xiangdong smiled a little. Although he was very upset when he heard Tang Yi's words, he did not show it on his face, but like a close friend, he said to Tang Yi: "How, Tang Yi , How many Skywalkers have been killed?"

"Normal, not a few killed."

Tang Yi perfunctory. He was afraid to speak out to scare the tiger to the east, so instead of telling the truth, he perfunctory.

However, that's right.

"How many did you kill?"

Hearing the words, the tiger froze for a moment, and thought, didn't kill a few words? In half an hour, how many Skywalker still want to kill? Nonsense.

After vomiting a little bit in his heart, Hu Xiangdong looked at Tang Yiyi and Er carefully again, suddenly came over suddenly, and then smiled.

The reason why he smiled was because Tiger Xiangdong saw Tang Yi's spotless body and no tired look on his face. He suddenly thought that Tang Yi hadn't met Skywalker and hadn't fought.

The reason why he didn't kill a few of these unclear words was because Tang Yi wanted to save face, so he didn't dare to tell the truth.

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