Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1066: End of Phase 2!


No matter whether Hu Xiangdong believes or not, Tang Yi does not need to explain to Hu Xiangdong.

What more explanation is needed?

Isn't the fact the best explanation?

Therefore, Tang Yi does not need to explain at all. He only needs to follow the tiger to the east, constantly looking for monsters and beating them, and killing them.

At this moment, Hu Xiangdong is extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, can it be uncomfortable?

You know, he is still doing tasks, and he will eventually kill three monsters within three hours and get three crystals.

However, now how to complete the mission, **** the three monsters!

Can't kill it at all!

He bet with Tang Yi that both sides would hunt the monsters together, and whoever killed them, Tianjing would be the one.


How can this be killed!

Hu Xiangdong and Tang Yi stayed together and couldn't even get out of their hands. The monster was instantly killed by Tang Yi.

At the beginning, Tang Yi also deliberately let go, let Tiger Xiangdong shot, and then shot second to kill the monster, deliberately angry tiger Xiangdong, but with the passage of time, Tang Yi seems to be troublesome, even let Not letting go, seeing the monster directly shoots at the arrow, and instantly kills the monster.

Tiger Xiangdong had just seen the shadow of the monster, and before he started, the monster was gone.

How does this compare?

Even, Tiger Xiangdong sometimes didn't even see Mao, Tang Yi had already shot an arrow, and then Meizizi picked up Tianjing. Hu Xiangdong didn't know what happened.

Hu Xiangdong’s bitterness in his heart, he now has the urge to escape, but he can’t run, the manly husband, who has a hard time chasing a horse, he has already said to Tang Yi that he wants to act together, who Who will kill the monsters, can this still go?

Let’s not talk about whether we can go, even if we can go, does it mean to counsel now?

How can I meet people in the future!

Hu Xiangdong knew that what was happening here could be seen by the outside world. In case the situation here happened to be seen, in case he saw him courageously escaped, how would he be a man in the future and how dare he enter the Tianxing Palace what.

Therefore, even if he could go, Tiger would not dare to go east.

In this way, the helpless Hu Xiangdong can only be forced to be tied to Tang Yi's chariot, watching Tang Yi killing the Quartet, he can only eat ash behind Tang Yi.

At the beginning, Tiger Xiangdong struggled a bit, but as time went by, Tiger Xiangdong also became numb and stopped struggling. When he saw the monster, he didn't move.

Because it's useless, it can't grab Tang Yi's.

Tiger Xiangdong fights against the monster, it takes a long time to kill the monster, but Tang Yi, one arrow is enough. So, how do you grab this?

There is no way to grab it.

When you are fighting with the monster and killing the monster, and you are about to kill the monster, Tang Yi kills with one arrow, and instantly kills you. Isn't this a waste of time, has Tang Yi ridiculed?

This also hits you paralyzed, it is better to watch it quietly in the back, saving wasted energy.

So, after Hu Xiangdong also learned the essence, he didn't do it anymore, so he watched quietly behind Tang Yi.

Now, he has given up completely, not only is it so simple to compare with Tang Yi, even the assessment of Tianxing Palace, Hu Xiangdong also gave up.

Of course, even if he didn't give up at this moment, he wouldn't pass the assessment at all. He can't run away from it, and then hunt to kill the monster?

You can’t do this at all. Even if the tiger doesn’t want to save face, the Beast Heaven Gate also needs to be face-saving. In doing so, the Beast Heaven Gate will fall into an unfavorable situation. One?

Blame it, blame the tiger to the east. Why don’t you provoke Tang Yi? Originally, with his strength, he killed one Skywalker in 30 minutes, and three hours to kill three Skywalkers. of.

He is very promising to enter the third stage through the assessment.

It's a pity that Tang Yi got into trouble, and he made a ridiculous bet with Tang Yi. Finally, he fell into such a miserable situation that he couldn't even kill the monster.

In this way, in the last two hours, Tiger Xiangdong didn't kill a Skywalker, and Tang Yi with him killed a total of at least 40 Skywalkers, plus the previous, a total of 60 Skywalker!

There are not many skywalkers in the extreme airspace, there are probably two hundred or so. They are all born in the special space of the extreme airspace. Through hundreds of years of continuous absorption and condensation of energy, Tang was born. Tang Yi instantly killed more than 60 animals at once, and the number of Celestial Beast instantly decreased by a quarter.

In other words, Tang Yi alone killed a quarter of the Skywalker in Extreme Airspace.

The elder Xuefu, the elder of the Tianxing Palace, saw in the light curtain that Tang Yi had killed so many Tianxing beasts.

After all, reducing so many days of beasts at once, want to add back, this is not a simple matter.

Of course, although sighing, Xuefu's eyes are more and more bright~lightnovelpub.net~After all, Tianxing Palace can get a disciple like Tang Yi. This is also the blessing of Tianxing Palace. A genius disciple, this transaction is actually not a loss.

Three hours passed and the portal opened, and everyone left the extreme airspace and returned to the small square.

The assessment of the second stage is over and settlement begins.

Tang Yi, without exception, passed the assessment of the second stage. The record of 65 Tianjing blinded everyone and stunned everyone.

When he heard that Tang Yi had obtained sixty-five crystals, all of them showed incredible expressions and were shocked.

In addition to Tang Yi, a total of five people passed the second stage, three of them from Chaotian Palace, killing five Skywalkers, four Skywalkers and four Skywalkers respectively, with very good results .

The other two, a warrior from the small forces of Xiaoxunmen and Xiaozongmen, and Su Hong, a member of the shadow guardian of Xifu.

Another member of the Shadow Guardian, Chen Bajie, killed at most only two Skywalkers. Other people in Xifu, and even some Skywalkers, failed to kill the second stage.

However, I didn't expect that Su Hong was weaker than Chen Bajie. Su Hong, who is similar to others, actually killed three Skywalkers and passed the second stage!

This is really surprising.

Su Hong could pass, even Tang Yi did not expect.

Of course, Tang Yi didn't think of helping the people in Xifu during the second stage, but although he was willing to help, he was weak.

Because, he simply can't meet other people in Xifu.

If he meets him, he will definitely help a group, beat the Skywalker into serious injuries, and then let other people kill it, but it’s a pity that he didn’t encounter any of them.

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