Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1071: Go to Tianxing Valley!


The third task is the task of the Budo Assembly, but this task started only three months later, so there is no need to prepare for now.

The fourth task is to go to the Alliance Conference in Honghuang City in the Northern Territory.

This task can be carried out, but the time to participate in the Union General Assembly, there is almost a month, and it will start after a month, so it is not in a hurry.

In other words, Tang Yi is fine now.

Of course, although there is no plan, Tang Yi cannot stay in Tianxing Palace alone.

Tang Yi did not need to practice at all, nor did he need any training resources, nor did he need to learn any martial arts, so it didn't make sense to stay in Tianxing Palace.

"I won't stay in Tianxing Palace, but I haven't figured out where to go and what to do." Tang Yi answered Su Hong.

"Then... Miao Yue and I are going to Tianxing Valley to find a blind herb. Do you want to go with us?" Su Hong invited.

"Tianxinggu? Looking for herbs?"

Tang Yi froze for a moment.

Su Hong explained: "This is the case, Miao Yue is about to break through, but she still has some strength to break through with her own strength, so she has to rely on the power of the elixir, but this elixir needs to be called "Tianxingcao" Medicinal herbs. This'Tianxing Grass' is said to be only available in Tianxing Valley."

After a pause, Su Hong continued: "Tianxing Valley is not far away from Tianxing Palace, about ten kilometers, and I have inquired some brothers and sisters, and learned that Tianxing Valley is extremely dangerous, and the monster inside It’s even more terrifying than Celestial Beast, so I want to say, one more person and one more protection, I want to invite Tang Yi to go with you, Tang Yi, are you willing to help Miao Yue?"

Aside, Miao Yue also looked at Tang Yi, revealing the look of expectation.

Miao Yue's voice is very nice, but she doesn't seem to talk much. She usually doesn't say much except what she should say. She seems very silent.

Of course, although she didn't speak, some of her eyes and some body movements could still tell what she wanted to express.

As at this moment, she kept staring at Tang Yi, her eyes full of expectation, and she seemed very hopeful that Tang Yi agreed.

Hearing Su Hong's words, Tang Yi saw Miao Yue's expression again, thought for a moment, nodded, and replied: "Yes, I will go with you."

"Really? That would be great!"

Su Hong said happily: "Miao Yue doesn't like talking very much, so I will thank you instead of her."

Because of the same relationship, Su Hong and Miao Yue went very close, and then after a few days of getting along, the relationship between Su Hong and Miao Yue went a step further, and the two became girlfriends, so Su Hong only Help Miao Yue so much.

When he heard Tang Yi agree, Miao Yue also gave Tang Yi a grateful look.

At this moment, I was very happy to hear that Tang Yi agreed, whether it was Su Hong or Miao Yue.

After all, the disciples in Tianxing Palace had invited Tang Yi before, but Tang Yi did not agree, and they both invited Tang Yi, and Tang Yi actually agreed. With such special treatment that no one else had, how could they unhappy?

Women like to be treated differently.

In this way, Tang Yi joined the team composed of Su Hong and Miao Yue. The three said to leave, and immediately set off for Tianxing Valley.

The distance of more than ten kilometers is very far for ordinary people, but for the three gods of war, it can be said to be close and close.

It took only a short time for Tang Yi's Western United Battleship to arrive at the Tianxing Valley.

Tianxing Valley, in the central area of ​​the four domains, is not far from Tianxing Palace.

However, Tianxing Palace is in the mustard world on the sky, while Tianxing Valley is on land.

The outer periphery of the Tianxing Valley is a grand canyon. The canyon is rugged and rugged. It is very rugged. There are countless paths around it. Inside, there is a huge forest. You can't see anything else.

As for the size of the Tianxing Valley, Tang Yiguang could not see it with his eyes.

Because of the eyes, there is a fog in front of me, and I can't see where it extends.

However, although it is impossible to see how big the Tianxing Valley is, Tang Yi knew that it must be incomparably huge, at least not smaller than the Barren Valley, nor smaller than Fengyue Forest.

"Tianxingcao is said to be deep in Tianxing Valley, so we need to go deep into Tianxing Valley."

After coming to Tianxing Valley, Su Hong said to Tang Yi.

"Well, then let's go in. Generally, many people can come out, so there will be nothing in the outer periphery. Although the depth is dangerous, but it has not been unearthed, the things are the most. Xing Cao' is indeed likely to be deep." Tang Yi nodded and said.

"Well, we went to the depths, but we were all careful. After all, according to those brothers and sisters in Tianxing Palace, even in the depths of Tianxing Valley, even they were afraid. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of life, so we Be extremely careful~lightnovelpub.net~Su Hong reminded.

Wen Yan, Miao Yue and Tang Yi nodded.

Although Tang Yi is extremely confident and feels able to cope with it, Su Hong's words, Tang Yi can not help but agree, even the self-confident people must always be vigilant, otherwise, there will be a danger of overturning the gutter.

Tang Yike didn't want to overturn the boat in the gutter.

In this way, after the three came to the Tianxing Valley, they went on all the way, entered the Tianxing Valley, and went all the way deep.

I have to say that Tianxinggu is worthy of a powerful monster and beast. Just entering from the entrance, Tang Yi and his party met monsters and not only one monster but also a group of monsters!

This group of monsters are all level 4 monsters!

Only the outer area is a group of monsters and monsters, and it is also a fourth-level monster, so it is conceivable how powerful the monster in the Tianxing Valley?

However, although Tang Yi and his entourage encountered countless monsters along the way, the three of them did not do anything, but directly regarded them as invisible, passing the monsters and ignoring them.

Su Hong and Miao Yue didn't come to kill, but to look for'Heavenly Grass', so they didn't mean to want to shoot.

And Tang Yi.

If it were before, with so many monsters, Tang Yi will definitely not let go, and will definitely go on with one skill and kill all in seconds.

However, as Tang Yi's level rises, the level one, level two, and level three monsters, and even level four and level five monsters, have no experience. Kill these monsters for half a day. Not much experience is a waste of time, so Tang Yi does not need to waste energy and time on these low-level monsters.

Now, for Tang Yi, the minimum and minimum requirements must be monsters above level 6, and only monsters above level 6 can bring Tang Yi a lot of experience.

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