Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1091: Demon Moon Beast to be the wife of Xiaoh

() "Conclude a contract?"

Hearing Demon Moon Beast, Tang Yi froze for a moment, then looked at Demon Moon Beast in surprise.

He did not expect that this is what the demon moon beast had to discuss.

Actually said you want to conclude a contract with yourself?

While surprised, Tang Yi was also vigilant.

After all, who knows if the demon moon beast is playing tricks, in case this is a trap, what should the demon moon beast attack him while he is not prepared?

So I have to guard.

"Yes, conclude a contract."

Demon Moon Beast looked at Tang Yi and said seriously.

"What are the benefits of concluding a contract?"

Tang Yi asked, pretending not to know.

Concluding a contract Tang Yi certainly knew what was going on. After all, Tang Yi had concluded a contract, and Tang Yi had already concluded a contract with Xiao Huzi.

Of course, he and Xiaohuzi concluded not a master-servant contract, but a partner contract.

This contract will not be as restrictive as the master-servant contract, and one party cannot order the other. It can be said that nothing works.

However, once a partnership contract is concluded, the lives of both parties are said to be connected. Once one party dies, the other party will also be buried with him.

Therefore, humans and monsters who have generally concluded a partner contract must help each other and protect each other's safety.

Only when the life of one party ends naturally can the other party be released from this contract.

This is the partnership contract.

Tang Yi certainly knew this contract.

However, Tang Yi pretended not to know at this moment, because he still couldn't figure out what the Demon Moon Beast wanted to do.


After hearing this, the demon moon beast thought for a while, and then said: "The advantage is that as long as a contract is concluded with me, then we will become a partner, and I can protect your safety. We can grow up together, fight together, against you , For me, there are countless benefits."

After a pause, the demon moon beast again said: "In addition, the conclusion of a contract with such a powerful existence as me is also decent on the face, isn't it? And, I am a terrific beast **** level existence, and I conclude a contract with you. Good thing?"

"It seems so."

Tang Yi makeup nodded pretendingly.

"So, what do you think? Do you want to conclude a contract with me?"

Hearing Tang Yi's words, the demon moon beast seemed to feel a play, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Do not."

Tang Yi immediately refused.

Nonsense, there is no benefit in concluding a contract. Why did Tang Yi do such a thankless job?

Moreover, the demon moon beast itself is a BOSS, killing the BOSS, but will gain huge experience points.

If Tang Yi concludes a contract with the Demon Moon Beast, then it is equivalent to saying what experience value and rewards have nothing to do with Tang Yi.

It means that you have lost everything in vain. After so long, you have done completely useless work. How can Tang Yi be willing?

Of course not.


Hearing Tang Yi's answer, the demon moon beast was slightly stunned, and then asked in a puzzled way.

"Because there is no benefit. What is the benefit of entering into a contract with you?"

Tang Yi asked reluctantly.

After a period of temptation, Tang Yi also saw that Demon Moon Beast really seemed to want to conclude a contract with him.

It seems that he is in love with his talent?

Ha ha.

Monsters are also very secular. Seeing that others have potential, they want to stammer ahead of time, and they really think long-term.

However, how can Tang Yi let the Demon Moon Beast succeed?

Even if it succeeds, it is necessary to exploit the Demon Moon Beast fiercely, not to let it succeed so easily.


Wen Yan, the demon moon beast is stunned again.

Xindao, the reason why this kid didn't want it was because it was not good!

It really is a greedy human!

However, looking at the amazing talent of this kid, this palace has endured!

Thinking, the demon moon beast asked: "Well, there are, of course, but what kind of benefits do you want?"

Seeing the demon moon beast hooked, Tang Yi smiled and did not say what he wanted, but asked: "Your demon beasts also have sex? I will ask you first, what kind of demon you are? "


The Demon Moon Beast was slightly surprised, wondering why Tang Yi asked so.

But the demon moon beast did not think much, and replied casually: "I claim to be this palace, what gender do you say I am?"

"That means you are female?"

Tang Yiwei smiled.

The demon moon beast did not deny it.

Since there was no denial, Tang Yi knew he was right.

Knowing that the demon moon beast is a female, Tang Yi laughed even more, and there was a feeling of scheming in his heart.

I saw him saying to the demon moon beast: "Since you are a female, then I know what benefits I want."

"Oh? What's the benefit?"

The demon moon beast's green eyes brightened again.

Tang Yi looked at the Demon Moon Beast, still did not say what he wanted, but said: "Don’t you say you want to conclude a contract with me? In fact, it’s not impossible to conclude a contract, but I want to tell you that I have already There is a monster companion."

"Do you have a companion monster?"

Wen Yan said, the Monster Moon Beast was slightly surprised, but it was just a surprise. After all, it is not unusual for humans to have Monster Beast partners. So, after being surprised, the Monster Moon Beast recovered and said, " It’s actually okay to have a demon beast partner, and there is no provision for a demon beast partner. You can’t ask for a second demon beast partner. I’ll just conclude a second demon beast partner contract with you."

"It is true, though."

Tang Yi nodded and said, "However, I have a request. This is the benefit I want."

"Oh? Demand? Is this the benefit you want? Then you say, what is it."

The Demon Moon Beast was surprised, and then said.

"It’s like this~lightnovelpub.net~ My original monster partner is called Xiaohuzi, and it is also a monster like you. It has been with me for a long time, and my relationship with me is particularly good. I am also very concerned about it. However, because it has been with me all the year round and has not been in contact with any monsters, so a beast is very lonely. I am very distressed when I see it alone."

"And you said just now that you are a female, my little tiger, it's male, I think, you are very fit. If you can make my little tiger a daughter-in-law, then I promise to follow you Conclude a contract. After all, if you become the daughter-in-law of my little Huzi, can you conclude a contract with me and still be able to get a kiss?

Tang Yi said with a grin. After laying down for so long, he finally told his conspiracy.


"What are you talking about? What little tiger will you marry in your house to be your wife?"

The demon moon beast widened his eyes, as if he heard something incredible.

(End of this chapter)