Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 1106: Angry Dragon Lion Beast


With a soft sound again, Tang Yi's thousands of incarnation giant swords collided with the claws of the dragon, lion and beast, splashing countless fire'flowers'. Pinshu

This time, Tang Yi was not repelled by more than 30 meters like before, but only by about 10 meters.

What about dragons and lions?

Before it retreated three meters, this time, it also retreated ten meters!

Evenly matched!

Tang Yi was in strength and finally recovered his disadvantages, and tied the dragon, lion and beast.

Tang Yi was very satisfied with the result of this time. Then, it was the turn of the Dragon, Lion and Beast.

The dragon, lion and beast didn't expect there was a human being, and it is such a young human being that can compete with it in strength!


The dragon, lion and beast are very arrogant. They are very confident in their own strength. They do not believe that a tiny human will have the power to compete with it. This simply does not exist!

So, just for a moment of shock, the dragon and lion beast recovered, and then, his body flickered and flew to Tang Yi again.

This time, it's faster, stronger, and more angled.

However, Tang Yi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Although the systematic evaluation of the dragon, lion and beast is extremely dangerous, it is only extremely dangerous, just saying that it can bring danger to Tang Yi, and it is not that Tang Yi can't beat the dragon and lion!

Tang Yi's strength at the moment is not under the dragon lion beast, he can be said to be a super powerful humanoid BOSS!

Therefore, even if the dragon, lion and beast speed becomes faster, even if the strength becomes stronger, even if its angle is very tricky, in the case of Tang Yi's preparation, it will not help at all!

Seeing the dragon and lion beckoning again quickly, Tang Yi did not intend to face it up this time. After all, it was just a "wave" and it took time. To end this battle as soon as possible, you must understand how to adapt to it. Instead of blindly using brute force.

Pretending to fight hard with the dragon, lion and beast, swaying a bit, using the extremely fast speed, Tang Yi's figure flickered, directly evading the dragon and lion's beating.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi jumped to the square of the dragon and lion beast, clenched the giant sword of thousands of incarnations, and suddenly fell on the head of the dragon and lion beast.


The dragon, lion and beast were smashed into the mud by Tang Yi's thousands of incarnate giant swords and hit a big pit.

However, due to the strong defense of the dragon, lion and beast, this time, in addition to letting the dragon, lion and beast a little embarrassed, there is no substantial ‘sex’ damage.

On the contrary, it also ignited the fierce ‘sex’ of the Dragon and Lion Beast, which made the Dragon and Lion Beast more angry and violent.

Suddenly jumped from the big pit, the dragon, lion and beast fired in both eyes, and was completely "irritated" by Tang Yi. I saw that its brown and yellow "fluff" hairs all stood up, looking like A big hedgehog.

"not good!"

Seeing the appearance of the dragon, lion, and beast, Tang Yixin had a bad hunch, and hurriedly “stuck” himself to avoid it.

And while Tang Yi was evading...


The dragon, lion and beast opened their mouths and gave a terrifying roar!

This roar carried an incomparable horror momentum, like a tornado, and rushed towards Tang Yi.

At the same time, in this terrifying tornado, there is a burst of yellow flames!


Everything on the road was slammed by this flaming tornado, whether it was'flower' grass, trees, or gravel, all of which were suddenly turned into powder, and the dust disappeared between heaven and earth, which can be said to be very Horror.

Where the roar had passed, a dark lacquer was formed, and the path of flames was still smoking, which looked terrible.

Faced with such a roar, Tang Yi also knew how powerful it was and hurried to hide aside, not daring to face its sharp edge.

Fortunately, Tang Yi opened the "door" of the Six Spirits, and felt a strong sense of crisis. He started to react when he felt something was wrong, so this roar did not cause Tang Yi's substantial "sex" harm, just from Tang Yi Swept past.

And if there is no life in one blow, how can the dragon, lion and beast stop here?

of course not.

The velvet'hair' of the body stood up again, his mouth opened again, and with the same roar, the same roar swept towards Tang Yi again.

Dragon Lion Beast does not intend to give Tang Yi a breathing chance!

It intends to attack Tang Yi continuously until it is destroyed!

After all, this is its territory. Since Tang Yi dared to break into his territory, then in his view, only the result of death!

Moreover, no creature ever dared to blaspheme its majesty, and now a tiny human being dare to dare, it is really ignorant of life and death!


The dragon, lion and beast roared like a horrible flame hurricane, swept again towards Tang Yi, and the hot temperature once again filled the entire venue.

And this time, Tang Yi did not choose to hard connect. After all, no matter how he looked, the roar of the dragon, lion, and beast was powerful, and hard to connect this trick may be very miserable in the end.

It wasn't shocked to death by roaring, but it was burnt to death by the flames carried by the roaring.

Therefore, faced with the roar of the dragon, lion and beast~lightnovelpub.net~ Tang Yi still chose to dodge.

Tang Yi's speed is not slow, and the response is fast enough. The roar of the dragon, lion and beast can naturally avoid the past.

However, it's not Tang Yi's style to just fight and not fight back.

After flashing the figure and avoiding the attack of the dragon, lion, and beast, Tang Yi clenched his thousands of incarnate giant swords and swept horizontally, and a holy-order sword skill "pull out the sword and seal the devil" was swept out.

Although drawing swords and sealing demons is not instantaneous, if it is not charged, it will still be displayed quickly, just like instantaneously.

So after avoiding a roar of the Dragon and Lion Beast, Tang Yi counterattacked, and a sword light swept toward the Dragon and Lion Beast in a thundering manner.

At this time, the dragon, lion and beast are still showing the dragon flame roar. There is no time to resist or evade Tang Yi's move to pull the sword and seal the devil, so the next moment, the white'color' swept by the sword and devil Jianguang suddenly slammed into the body of the dragon, lion and beast!

"Cong Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

It must be said that the defense of the dragon, lion and beast is too strong, it is like a metal fortress, and it is completely invulnerable.

The white'color' sword light drawn by the sword and sealed by the devil cuts across the body of the dragon, lion and beast, and it just splashes a burst of Mars, and just brings a trace of white'color' on the body of the dragon, lion and beast. The lion "hair" of the dragon, lion and beast cut a lot, and did not cause any substantial "sex" damage to the dragon, lion and beast.

Seeing such a result, Tang Yi had actually expected it earlier, and was not at all comfortable.

After all, where is a big boss, where is it so easy to kill?

Previously, the additional skill of "Shooting" Japanese Divine Bow, Bursting Fire Arrow, did not cause any substantial "sex" damage to the dragon, lion, and beast. What harm can this sword pull and devil cut?

Therefore, Tang Yixin was already prepared.

BOSS, still have to grind slowly to kill.